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Why Theresa May Really Resigned

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1Why Theresa May Really Resigned Empty Why Theresa May Really Resigned Mon May 27, 2019 11:40 am



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Why Theresa May Really Resigned

For a very low-budget, simple video, this piece by The Vincent Vendetta Channel is very affecting.
We’ve touched on the topic of our Very British Coup d’État in the past but not often enough.
As the DECLAS unfolds, we’ll be hearing more about how the American Nightmare we’ve been living is actually the product of fevered British imaginations consumed with the Great Game.
Before the dodgy work-product commissioned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign became known as the “Pee-Pee Dossier” or as the “Steel Dossier”, it was referred to within the FBI as the “Crown material”. Why, one might ask?
Vincent Vendetta tells us, “Maybe it’s because Operation Crossfire hurricane, which is what they named the operation to take down a duly elected American president mostly occurred on UK soil…I think it’s important to understand that Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a UK state project, a cross-party project, meaning they were all involved [and] Theresa May is guilty of committing an Act of War against the United States, by order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her Privy Council…The declassification of these documents will show how the UK Corporation risked all our lives in order to cover up their crimes.
“Would you like to know why [Theresa May] really resigned? You didn’t think it was about Brexit, did you? They never expected [Hillary] to lose and since the day she did, they’ve been pushing for a nuclear World War III with Russia!
“Expand your thinking. The Skripal Case, the Russian Dossier, all of it was lies. They risked a nuclear war on all of us, in order to cover up their crimes.
“What they were blaming Russia for, they were guilty of themselves. It was her majesty’s government that meddled with the US elections. It was the UK government that did their very best to overthrow a duly elected president. It was the UK government that wanted to overrule the American people. Now, ask yourselves, why on Earth would they do that? Their actions are, to put it mildly an Act of War.
“This is a message to the people of the United Kingdom as a nation. We need to start preparing for what’s about to come. The storm is here and this is a storm so big, it has the potential to devastate our political landscape and demolish the throne of this Kingdom.”


Thanks to: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net

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