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New Cage Hollyweirdo JZ Knight - From Gaia to QAnon (Ramtha, Corey Goode, Jordan Sather)

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New Cage Hollyweirdo JZ Knight - From Gaia to QAnon (Ramtha, Corey Goode, Jordan Sather) Hqdefault


Roosevelt Media News
Published on May 27, 2019

#DarkJournalist #CoreyGoode #DavidWilcock #JordanSather #InTheMatrixxx This is a three part video that explains who JZ Knight is, her connection to Gaia and her infiltration into the QAnon movement. About JZ Knight starts at .16 JZ Knight and Gaia starts at 11.53 JZ Knight and QAnon starts at 23.25 ________________________________________________________________________________ JZ Knight was the pioneer of the new age movement when in 1977, she began channeling a 35,000 year-old warrior turned prophet, Ramtha. Lured by all things occult, JZ Knight grew popular with Hollywood stars, Shirley Maclaine and Linda Evans to name a few. True to her Hollywood celebrity, JZ Knight appeared on shows like Merv Griffin and Larry King. In line with her Hollywood fan base, JZ Knight has been an avid supporter of democrats and assisted in the campaigns of Barack Obama. JZ Knight allegedly fell out of good graces with the Democratic party for channeling racist, antichristian, antisemitic and homophobic remarks through the voice Ramtha. She was ridiculed by the press, which no doubt had an adverse impact on her revenue stream. Seeking a new marketing base, JZ Knight began marketing her videos through Gaia where she is prominently displayed on the Gaia website and her videos for rent on YouTube through Gaia TV. During this time, JZ Knight shifted her focus from channeling Ramtha to discussing her encounters with alien beings and UFOs. She won an interview with Dark Journalist in 2015, appeared as a VIP guest at Contact in the Desert in 2017 and in February 2019 was a guest on the Jimmy Church Fade to Black Radio show. Of interest, Jordan Sather was also anointed into the UFO community during this same period, and Sather admits to speaking in Yelm, Washington, where the Ramtha School of Enlightenment is headquartered. Perhaps no coincidence, JZ Knight’s pivot to the UFO community also brought about an abrupt change in her political views and in December 2016 she announced her support of Donald Trump for President. And like her Gaia colleagues Corey Goode, David Wilcock and Jordan Sather, she began promoting and monetizing QAnon, selling Q merchandise on websites where her books, videos, and Ramtha School of Enlightenment are sold. JZ Knight has now taken her joint marketing efforts to new heights, inviting prominent QAnon promoters to speak at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. In a May 2019 blog, Neon Revolt ridiculed InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrove for their affiliation with JZ Knight causing the controversial alliance between JZ Knight and QAnon to come to the attention of the Will Sommer with The Daily Beast. The revelations of Neon Revolt and The Daily Beast has created an unprecedented divide in the Q movement. There are some who theorize that JZ Knight may actually be the primary force behind the creation of QAnon, either as an agent of the Democratic party to discredit Trump and his supporters, or as an agent of a CIA mind control operation. Regardless of her motives, her infiltration of the Q movement is certain to increase the flock of Ramtha new age devotees. Ramtha School of Enlightenment on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/RSEWebTeam Dark Journalist on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqOd... Jordan Sather on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVT... Douglas Stewart on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/douglasm... The Deacon (War Drummer) on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/spboutfd Jimmy Church Fade to Black Radio on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/KJCRFade... RedPill78 on YouTube


If you buy into the crap this man is selling, I have a bridge to sell you...



and by man do you mean JZ Knight? lol
I am just so happy to see so many finally coming out against the new age bullshitters like Wilcock etc.
Been waiting a long time for others to get on board and call it out for the stupidity that it is.

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