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5G Technician Reveals The Damage He Believes 5G Will Cause

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5G Technician Reveals The Damage He Believes 5G Will Cause

5G Technician Reveals The Damage He Believes 5G Will Cause 5Ginstaller-1024x652

By Arjun Walia

  • The Facts: A cell tower climber recently shared a video about his concerns with 5G wireless technology and explains what he’s found through his research and experience. He uploaded the video to his YouTube and Facebook page and it’s going fairly viral.
  • Reflect On: How are these technologies able to roll out after thousands of studies show clear harmful effects? How can they get approved without any proper safety testing from our federal health regulatory agencies?

The rollout of 5G is another great example of how our federal health regulatory agencies have been completely compromised by big powerful corporations. You would think with more than 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing clear danger with regards to electromagnetic radiation overdose, something our planet is experiencing, that these technologies would be required to go through some safety testing. The truth is, if they went through any type of safety testing there is no way they would be approved. The studies that have already been published show clear links to neuropsychiatric disorders, reduced sperm count, brain damage and cancer among other serious ailments. The science is quite clear.

Now that those being trained to install these new technologies are starting to see the dangers quite clearly, one man has decided to speak out on the topic.
His name is Ian Furgeson, and he’s put up this video that went viral on Facebook, bringing many more people into the conversation who might have previously been unaware of this issue. He also put it up on his YouTube channel, where you can watch what he says below.
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He explains how he is a tower climber that installs the equipment that allows telecommunications to function. He is currently in 5G training, explaining how he is already concerned about the technology, even before he learned about the science about it. He explains how the radio frequency is very different from the radiation that is currently being beamed out by cell towers, which has still proven to be harmful. 5G is incomparably more harmful and more intense. He explains how 5G is going to broadcast in gigahertz, not megahertz, which is 15000 times stronger than what we are receiving now.

Science Already Shows Clear Signs of Danger

With the science being so clear on this, people like Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University outlined in a new report the many health risks associated with 5G technology and wireless radiation in general. In it, he stated that 5G is the “stupidest idea in the history of the world.”  You can read more about that specific story here.
Health professionals are gathering more and more to create awareness about this, which is very encouraging. For example, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician & professor recently gave her testimony regarding the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. She says: “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period.” You can watch that testimony here.
Doctors treating patients from over-exposure to wireless radiation joined scientists at Queen’s Park (Toronto) gathered to recommend the Ontario Government take steps to protect public health before the roll-out of 5G cell phone technology. In this public hearing, Dr. Anthony Miller, Professor Emeritus with the University of Toronto, and adviser to the International Agency for Research on Cancer said: “Many scientists worldwide now believe that radiofrequency radiation should be elevated to a Class One human carcinogen, on the same list as Cigarettes, X-Rays, and Asbestos.”
There are similar statements from other academicians,  Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University makes the point quite clear: “Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely” (source)
If you want to go through the science and access a lot of the research in this field, a great place to start is with the Environmental Health Trust.
Progress, however, is being made. A Belgian government minister, for example, has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects.
We here at Collective Evolution are also doing our part, we are planning to do a deep investigation into the telecom industry, it’s ties to politics, and expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and without proper safety testing. But with all of the censorship and demonetization we are experiencing, we can’t do it without your support.
You can join this campaign to help stop 5G here.

Since we’ve seen the since, and heard from a number of health professionals, scientists and journalists on this topic, I thought it would be a good idea to present a video of someone who works directly with this type of technology. Remember, there are workers out there installing this technology, and have been working on cell phone towers, for example, for a number of years.

The Takeaway. You Don’t Have To Be Afraid

Our investigative campaign into stopping the 5G infrastructure is one way to start getting involved in this subject.
You can join this campaign to help stop 5G here.
Further, a lot of this information can spark a fearful reaction, and that’s normal. It could elicit the same fearful reaction you may have to other humanitarian issues including the massive amounts of pesticides being sprayed in our environment and on our food, the rising deforestation rates, and several other aspects of the human experience that need to be changed. As important as it is to not react with fear and panic, it’s even more important not to completely ignore these things and think everything will magically be okay.
Earth has become engulfed with this mess as a result of our ignorance, as a result of us ignoring important scientific findings such as these. If we continue along this path, disease rates will continue to rise. Awareness is key, and simply being informed about this issue is a huge step in the right direction.
So, what can you do? You could purchase some EMF protective clothing and bedding, or you could even paint your home with EMF protective paint. You can unplug your computer when not in use, turn off your cell phone, and unplug all your electronic devices before you go to sleep. You could have a wired internet connection, which is actually much faster than any wireless connection. You can live a healthy lifestyle, and you can use mind-body healing techniques to help you.

I write a lot about parapsychology, and it’s quite clear that our minds can have a significant impact on our biology. I know it sounds a little ‘new agey,’ but the truth is, if you don’t believe you are being harmed, odds are that the impact on your biology will be significantly different than someone who is fearful and stressed out about health concerns. Consciousness is huge, and it is one of the biggest factors in regards to preventative measures.
You can learn more about this balance through our CE Protocol.
You can Help Stop The 5G Infrastructure
We plan to investigate the telecom industry, it’s ties to politics, and expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and without proper safety testing, but we can’t do it without your support.
We’ve launched a funding campaign to fuel our efforts on this matter as we are confident we can make a difference and have a strong plan to get it done.
Check out our plan and join our campaign here.

Arjun Walia — I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since There are many things happening on the planet that don’t resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It’s been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned  arjun@collective-evolution.com
This article was sourced from Collective Evolution.

Thanks to: https://www.naturalblaze.com

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