The Dinar Latest Update Found At
11-1-2012 Intel Guru Blaino We continue to dig for facts and pieces to this massive puzzle. There were several meetings, Names and events this past days that appear to have had an impact on the RV! Let's all watch TONIGHT with interest!
11-1-2012 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I like this part...[quote from article] "the process of deletion of zeros and the dinar will be early next year after the end of the project procedures. " ...this event is two parts. First raise the rate, then second, delete the zeros by issuing new currency. This sentence implies the raise in value must be soon in order for the delete the zeros to occur "early next year."
11-1-12 Newshound Guru Phoenix3333 G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors' meeting this Sunday and Monday. The group of twenty finance ministers and central bank governors, representing the world's 19 major economies plus the European Union, meet in Mexico City for two days.
11-1-2012 Intel Guru Footforward There is not a lot of news. The rate is going be really good, double digits. There is no reason this has to go another week, 6 months, just a few loose ends that can be taken care of quickly.
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11-1-2012 Intel Guru Blaino We continue to dig for facts and pieces to this massive puzzle. There were several meetings, Names and events this past days that appear to have had an impact on the RV! Let's all watch TONIGHT with interest!
11-1-2012 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I like this part...[quote from article] "the process of deletion of zeros and the dinar will be early next year after the end of the project procedures. " ...this event is two parts. First raise the rate, then second, delete the zeros by issuing new currency. This sentence implies the raise in value must be soon in order for the delete the zeros to occur "early next year."
11-1-12 Newshound Guru Phoenix3333 G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors' meeting this Sunday and Monday. The group of twenty finance ministers and central bank governors, representing the world's 19 major economies plus the European Union, meet in Mexico City for two days.
11-1-2012 Intel Guru Footforward There is not a lot of news. The rate is going be really good, double digits. There is no reason this has to go another week, 6 months, just a few loose ends that can be taken care of quickly.
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