Registration is Open for the Group Cruise to The Bahamas, out of Miami on Nov. 1st - 4th |
Dear Friends,
Registration is open for the group cruise on Nov. 1st - 4th out of Miami to The Bahamas.
Please pay attention to the details for registration.
| Group Cruise, Nov 1st-4th to the Bahamas | [size]
Click here for the cruise info web page with Carnival Cruises.
Note: the dates are Nov. 1-4, not as stated on the web page.
The ship leaves Miami at 4pm on Friday, Nov. 1st and returns at 8am on Monday Nov. 4th.
Schedule is leaving Miami on Friday, Saturday at sea, Sunday, 81m to 5pm in Nassau, The Bahamas, returning to sea in the evening and arriving in Miami at 8am on Monday.
Click here for the ship info, The Carnival Victoria
Total costs is around $370 per person depending on the type of room you select. You must reserve a cabin at the price of two people. A single occupant in a cabin by themselves must pay for the full cabin price of two people.
Note: If you are coming by yourself as a single and are willing to share a cabin with someone from the group, send Dave an email first and he will attempt to partner you with someone as they are available.
Give them the Group Booking # 9MCS65
Group rates are good through Sept. 2nd. Cost is about $340 per person, depending on room type. Full cruise rate must be paid at the time of reservation. After that date reservations can still be made up until the date of the cruise, but rates are subject to change based on supply-demand availability.
The Sedona Connection is charging a separate $30 per person fee to cover special guest and administrative costs. This fee is to be paid directly to The Sedona Connection using the donate tab on the home page of this website using a debit-credit card or paying cash or check to Dave while on the cruise.
Note: The first 16 people to contact Dave via email and pay him directly instead of using the cruise registration will have a discount of not paying the $30 admin fee. We will schedule two meeting sessions together of a couple of hours each. Our guests will be Michael Lee Hill and Robert Dunlap.
We look forward to a wonderful time together.
Upcoming workshops: Sept. 21st Brisbane, Australia Sept. 28th, Honolulu, HI Oct. 12th Orlando, FL Nov. 1st-4th, 4 day cruise out of the Miami area Nov. 16th Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX Dec. 7th Sedona, AZ
Click here for the workshop registration and information page.
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Connections and General Information All of my newsletters and announcements can be found on my blog site: Each week I expound on these issues with my weekly r adio program. You are always welcome to call in with your comments and questions. I am committed to serving you and willing to answer any of your questions. You may contact me at:
Thanks to Tom Strong from Wisconsin for the photo/logo!!!
Thank You, Dave Schmidt The Sedona Connection |
The Sedona Connection | | | |