Study Reveals How to Stop Mass Shootings
by Garret John LoPortoThis is what we all need right now. A massive scientific study has revealed how to stop the mass shootings, overdose and suicide epidemics.
This can heal our country. See my first video in years:
Let there be Light,
Garret John LoPorto
Creator of "The Wayseer Manifesto"
Let's connect on my new Instagram or Twitter
P.S. This is thanks in part to Dr. Edward Hallowell pointing out to me the results of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which found that connectedness to school and home were the two most important protective factors in preventing violence. The National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health is a massive study mandated by Congress to identify risk and protective factors at the family, school and individual levels as they relate to emotional health, violence, and substance abuse in adolescents. Family connectedness and school connectedness were identified as the most protective agents against almost every risk to well-being, especially violence and self-harm.
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What did scientists discover when they data-mined a national study of millions of people over many years to find early predictors of violence, suicide, self-arm and overdose risk? This is a discovery so powerful and unexpected that it can change the face of our nation - and heal the shooting, suicide and overdose epidemic our country is faced with. This will shed new light gun control debate (though gun control is not what scientists discovered can help the most here) - This can end mass shootings, school shootings, suicides, and opiate overdoses - drop suicide rates and stop potential shooters in their tracks. The National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health is a massive study mandated by Congress to identify risk and protective factors at the family, school and individual levels as they relate to emotional health, violence, and substance abuse in adolescents. Family connectedness and school connectedness were identified as the single most protective agents against almost every kind of risk to well-being, especially violence and self-harm. See the study cited by 5,931 other papers:
Thanks to Garret John LoPorto for the forward!
Great job on this :)