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Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness

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1Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness Empty Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:03 pm



Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness

Sunday, November 4th, 2012.Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness Quantumstars

by Montauk

The Law of Attraction says that you synchronistically
attract from the outside what you resonate with on the inside, that you
can also bring into your life what you momentarily strongly focus upon.

So by having an
optimistic attitude and focusing on success, one attracts these, while
having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.

At the same time,
however, experience shows that negative possibilities manifest when we
least expect them, and that anticipating them is what actually keeps
them from happening.

So how can
focusing on negative possibilities attract them in one case, and prevent
them in another? That is the paradox to address in this article. All we
have to do is look at some typical cases and find the one rule that
accounts for them all.

Consider the following:

  • You think in a
    matter-of-fact way about everything that could go wrong, and find that
    by doing so things actually turn out surprisingly well.

  • You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty soon positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.

  • You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and receive it.

  • You experience the one accident or problem that you did not expect.

  • You have a
    gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore this feeling and
    avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things do go wrong.

  • You have a
    deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly preoccupied with all the ways
    this fear can come true, and soon the very thing you feared does indeed

  • You have an
    optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about negative possibilities,
    and eventually something bad happens that you are not prepared to

I have experienced all of these myself, and know plenty of others who have as well.

So these can be
taken as factual data points. Each represents one expression of a single
unified reality principle. By pondering what they all have in common
and how they all differ, it is possible to piece together this

To me it all boils down to this:

1) Awareness, anticipation, and conscious attention select or block possibilities.

2) Emotional resonance, root assumptions, and subconscious beliefs attract them.
When you expect various negative possibilities, are you merely aware of them, or do you really believe deep down that they are inevitable and therefore dread them in some way?

The difference is
between prudence and paranoia, between mental anticipation and
emotional investment. You can be aware of a negative possibility while
having zero emotional investment in it.

Like casually
crossing the street after having looked both ways to avoid getting hit,
yet without a single pang of fear as a young child might have when
crossing alone for the first time. And you can be in emotional resonance
with something while not even thinking about it consciously.

Like having deeply suppressed issues gnawing away at your subconscious despite denying them on the surface.

  • You
    think in a matter-of-fact way about everything that could go wrong, and
    find that by doing so things usually turn out surprisingly well.

anticipating these negative possibilities, you become aware of them.
Since awareness blocks, these fail to manifest. Being matter-of-fact
keeps you nonchalant and prudent (instead of fearful and paranoid) and
without emotional investment in those negative possibilities you do not
attract them either.

And after
consistently noticing this technique leads to good results, despite your
conscious expectation of problems each time, your underlying confidence
in the technique ensures that your emotions/subconscious/soul-energy
resonate with and attract a positive outcome.

  • You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty soon positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.

emotions and an optimistic attitude attract outcomes that reinforce
those very feelings, and so these manifest in synchronistic ways. But
because negative outcomes are not acknowledged here, while you are not attracting them, you are not necessarily blocking them either. So they can still happen.

  • You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and receive it.

you are mentally focusing on the idea of being protected from harm, and
emotionally resonating with same. Awareness plays the role of selecting
that outcome to the exclusion of all others, while emotion attracts and
somewhat anchors it into place.

So although you are not blocking negative possibilities by thinking specifically of all the ways things could go wrong, and instead are merely selecting one positive outcome where all goes well, the fact that the positive outcome is also attracted
through resonance gives it superior priority for manifestation over
those negative outcomes that would otherwise manifest as a matter of

  • You experience the one accident or problem that you did not expect.

being aware of that possibility, you neither blocked its manifestation
nor selected an exclusively better alternative to anchor into place
through resonance.

So it was free to
manifest, and anything from resonance to random chance to malicious
intent by others could nudge it onto your path.

  • You have
    a gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore this feeling and
    avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things do go wrong.

The perfect recipe for disaster.

Not only do you
resonate with and attract the negative possibility through ego
insecurity, self-destructive beliefs, paranoia, or fear, but by refusing
to even think about them in a strategically preventive manner you give
them wide berth to manifest.

  • You have
    a deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly preoccupied with all the
    ways this fear can come true, and soon the very thing you feared does
    indeed manifest.

Even worse, here you do think about the negative possibilities but in a way that actually selects
them for reinforcement by a negative attitude that resonates and
attracts them. This combination virtually guarantees that they happen.

[This is the primary way that negative aliens and other non-3D hostiles can gain a foothold in your reality. If you focus on them and
fear them obsessively, things will gradually get very weird and very
dangerous because you’ve lowered the drawbridge and waved them in.

However if you become aware of them while staying free of emotional preoccupation and obsession, then you are more protected from their meddling than someone who never became aware of them at all.]

  • You have
    an optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about negative
    possibilities, and eventually something bad happens that you are not
    prepared to handle.

resonating with positive ensures that perhaps up to 90% of your
experiences end up being positive. However, the only way to prevent the
negative 10% is to be aware of them. Without that awareness, they can
and will eventually happen.

Therefore, naive
positivity that comes with total ignorance of anything negative or
unpleasant is not smart at all. Better to be aware of the negative while
keeping a positive attitude.

In summary, while the Law of Attraction explains how you attract resonant experiences, its counterpart the Law of Awareness explains how you constrict the possible range of experiences.

Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness Quantum1

The Technical Stuff

You might be wondering why precisely awareness selects while emotional resonance attracts.

My intuitive
impression is that quantum mechanics plays a role. When a quantum system
is not observed, it stays in a fluid wave state spread across a
spectrum of probabilities. But when one observes or tries to measure it,
the wave collapses into a single tangible state. Conscious observation
turns a fluid probability wave into a definite tangible particle.

Well on the
macroscopic scale, where we are the observers and a quantum system is
our entire bubble of personal reality, the rules are fuzzier and more

When you become
aware of a probable future, you are observing it, but only partially
because it is not a certainty. But whereas observing a quantum wave in
the present collapses it into a definite state, observing a wave still
in the future merely constricts it a little, reducing its fluidity and therefore interfering with its ability to manifest synchronistically in the present.

Synchronicity is how the future becomes the present through an entirely quantum process.

The more certain
you are that a particular future will happen, the more that future is
frozen and kept from manifesting through quantum/synchronistic means.
This simply implies that instead of coming to you synchronistically, you would have to go toward it causally.

For instance,
synchronicity could unexpectedly bring you a hundred dollars if given
freedom to flow toward you, or you could work for several hours to earn
it as expected. It’s like waiting at the end of a river to intercept a
raft versus freezing the river and walking towards the raft. So this is
why awareness blocks, selects, and filters – because it freezes the

That is good if you want to freeze out negative futures, but not good if eager anticipation shuts out positive futures.

There is also a bit of Timeline Dynamics
involved here. If a certain future involves you getting sideswiped by
negative forces, then that future has a good probability of happening.

That makes it a
stronger future, whose feedback effects travel back into the present and
attract you toward it. For instance, you might feel a mental tug to do
something, to forget something, commit an error, etc… that results in
getting unexpectedly ambushed.

But if you become aware of the attack ahead of time, then that prepares you to successfully handle it and utterly demolishes the future where you were hit out of the blue.

This cuts off the
feedback loop from that future, which then frees you mentally and
emotionally from its pressure in the present. That is why if you are
under hyper-dimensional attack, very often the moment you become aware
of the real reason for what is happening, and especially if you
realize what the negative forces have planned, suddenly all the
negative psychic pressure lifts and the threat evaporates.

Through awareness, you literally “head off” the negative future. It’s like the saying,

“To never have to use a weapon, have one handy.”
As for how your internal resonance attracts corresponding probable futures, that is more a phenomenon of Realm Dynamics. It is entirely a quantum thing, because the attracted experiences always manifest synchronistically.

Whereas conscious
awareness decreases quantum fluidity, subconscious resonance increases
the pressure behind any quantum fluidity that does exist, thereby
heightening synchronistic manifestation. It is no surprise then that
consciousness constricts while the subconscious attracts; the conscious
mind to the subconscious is what the particle is to its wave.

In fact, certain shamanic techniques
employing “second attention” appear to be methods for intentionally
delocalizing the conscious focal point so that one perceives more the
fluid/quantum nature of things than the single tangible slice we know as
physical reality.

When your mind is delocalized,
such as when you are coming out of sleep and thoughts are still highly
nonlinear (and before you feel yourself “compressed” back into your
body), that is when using the Law of Attraction works really well.

Also, you may
have noticed how when you have a passing thought about something you
need, a thought that you quickly forget about, very often those tend to
materialize most quickly and magically. Because not only were you
entirely absorbed in the thought, but you were also in a slight trance
state (mental delocalization), and afterwards forgot about it, so that
anticipation did not block its outcome.

And from a higher
perspective, it is a pure and unselfish act when you ask for something
from the depths of your heart this way without being self-conscious or

The Cassiopaeans advised people to,

  • always expect attack
  • that knowledge protects and ignorance endangers
  • that having a happy-go-lucky attitude and practicing non-anticipation of positive things opens the flow for their manifestation

I did not grok
this stuff until realizing it myself years later after much observation
and pondering, afterwards understanding in retrospect why what the
Cassiopaeans said was good and self-consistent advice.

There is the
issue of whether simply being aware, being non-anticipatory, and having a
higher soul vibration through spiritual devotion is enough to make
everything fall into place – whether intentionally engaging in reality
creation by visualizing and energizing desired futures is even

The latter gets into the sticky territory of black magic
if done too often, too selfishly, and too intensely, whereby the higher
flow of things is forcefully twisted to serve egotistical ends.

I think that a humble approach that does not trivialize one’s own spiritual sovereignty
is a balanced approach, one that recognizes that active reality
creation (through visualization and so on) is a supplementary tool to be
used only when necessary, and that it is the consistent fundamental
modes of awareness, attitude, and action that count most.

–More from Montauk

[Hat tip: MarkV.]



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