Global warming is a lie from the Bankers. Instead, what we have is climate cycles -- periods of cooling that disrupt our ability to feed ourselves. The global elites have known this for more than ten thousand years, to be exact. There are families from Venice who have used these cycles to try and disrupt civilization in the exact same way during these climate cycles. The teleprompter gives you examples: Between 467 AD and the 1200s, these powerful maritime elites were known as the Venetian Black Nobility. Any significant global cooling period brings on famine, disease and death. Force mass migration of barbarians from the northern climate southward occurs during these cooling periods. This elite group does the opposite...they move northward. The second sacking of Rome occurred from one of these cooling period forced migrations in 467 AD. After the second sacking and fall of Rome, wealthy maritime banking elites escaped to northern marshes of Italy to begin the great city Venice. With their wealth and power these future Venetians would create another great maritime power in a very short period of time. This Venetian global power structure would then flourish for over a five hundred years throughout the Mediterranean Sea and along the European coasts on the Atlantic Ocean Teleprompter: