As seen from Earth, only transits of the inner planets Mercury and Venus are possible. Planetary transits are far more rare than eclipses of the Sun by the Moon. Our solar system's innermost planet, Mercury passes directly in front of the Sun on November 11, 2019. Mark your calendar! The rare transit begins at 12:35 UT ((7:35 a.m. EST) and lasts for almost six hours. People in every continent except Australia can see at least a portion of the crossing. In the USA, the best place to be is on the Atlantic coast, where the entire transit is visible. On the Pasific coast the transit will already be in progress at sunrise. Warning! Mercury covers only a tiny fraction of the Sun's surface, so staring at the Sun remains just as painful and dangerous as ever. But with a proper filter, the Transit of Mercury can be a marvelous experience. Experts recommend using a telescope with a magnification of 50 to 100 times for witnessing the event. This is an unusual event, not to be missed! Enjoy the Show!