This footage was captured by lord-mofear on December 11, 2019 and in the footage we can see at first two main objects hurtling through the sky. If you look at the first object it looks to be breaking the sound barrier or sonic barrier with a second object trailing close to it but seconds into the footage we can see this object deploying two more crafts, in total four objects in the sky all keeping pace. In the video we hear one of the witnesses saying " It looks like it dropping things in to the ocean " This is just my opinion: I had to wait till i could confirm the date that this was captured as i wanted to rule out a rocket launch and guys there was a launch on this date, it was the New Shepard Rocket Launch" but this was in Texas so i feel that this is not it and i have never seen a launch that looked like this. As i used to live in West Palm Beach in know how close this was to the famous "Bermuda Triangle" where there are tons of strange reports so when the witness states it seem to be dropping thing into the sea i immediately thought of the " Triangle "