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Someway out of here, from the jokers and the thieves.

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Someway out of here, from the jokers and the thieves.

For those of you who can remember, I said some years ago that the PTB had a plan and that I was told which way things were going to go. So I am going to give a brief update on that information.

They told me that the plan was to collapse the EU first and then come after the US. We know what the deal is in Europe. Portugal Spain France Germany etc are all bankrupt, cant pay their bills, are reducing benefits to those who are owed them, are welcoming in mass amounts of immigrants, those who have no interest in assimilating and would rather create their own society. This undercuts the structure of all of these countries. And now England has its man, Boris Johnson, who I get the feeling has ties, or can be bought by the PTB. So in other words, the whole mess of countries is a gigantic mess, primed for some ''tragic” occurrence to happen so that they can make the collapse of the Union look as if its its
fault of the countries.

Think about the great depression of the 20's and early 30's. The bankers pulled the available cash out and when people went to get money there was none. POOF...COLLAPSE…
Its not rocket science. Welcome to the world of fiction...The strawman was born, fiat “currency” arrives and the wealth it created is unimaginable. Think about it, ummmmmmmmmmmm, lets print 100 billion dollars this week, ok boss….I mean come on. Even the most ardent believers must think something is wrong here. (Think digital currency and the control that would have)

50% of Americans receive a gov check, SS, welfare, etc. In other words, this country is falling apart at the seams. The fiat system is done, cooked, poof, its run its course. So where do we go. Hmmmm, well they cant build up the US because our system has run its course and I can assure you they are not going to tell us the truth. Our remedy in this system is our ability to bankrupt. But wait, all of these student loans are “supposed” to be bankrupt resistant. Oh wait, they have violated their own rules of the strawman, the UCC, you know that derivative of the Roman Curia. So where does that leave all of our kids who CANT pay these costs because they have been raised so high it out of the realm of possibility
to do so. So what are they? Most are in fear. Ahhhh, BINGO, the bad guys love fear.

I was told that all was moving east, far east. China is king and they are doing so with the permission of the PTB. That's right, this whole China thing was planned. The BRICS alliance was a plan of the PTB. Asset backed currency's will bring things back to a controllable place as the fiat/US has expired. Now the all powerful Trump has said that we have equal tariffs etc..I dont know about all of that stuff. Our stores are filled with Chinese, Indonesian Vietnamese etc etc etc. and it seems to me that the US dollar buys less and less. Didn't Trump just say that we don't need world oil we are now self sufficient, but when the Middle East oil prices go up so do ours...Its so confusing...I learned long ago that if I believe nothing they say I am closer to the truth than if I believe everything. Our leaders have lied since day 1. To think they are now telling the truth is a bit naive.

So here is what I say. Trump is a tool of the PTB. The rats who are now being nailed for various crimes are nothing more than bottom dwellers in the hierarchy. They are the show while the plan continues. Look in the eyes of people. They look like a deer in headlights. They are mind controlled goyem. They are the chattel….The useless eaters as they call us. Humanity does not stand a chance. So we wait for something tangible to happen so we can hang our hats on something. But I am afraid that when it occurs we will be unable to do anything.

On Iran and South Korea.
Both of these countries appear to be hold outs. The last two major countries trying to buck the all powerful Zionists. So I wake up this morning and POOF, Iraq has sent missiles towards our troops.
Says who? US intelligence? Have people not been watching the US happenings. The 3 letter agencies are in on the scam. Think about our generational stuff:

Vietnam….They lied...Gulf of Tonkin never happened...Men and women are walking around today with cancer because of the corporate greed. America paid a terrible price for its involvement in the Vietnam War - nearly 60,000 killed-in-action, over 150,000 wounded, and some 1,600 missing.

9/11...Anyone with time to read the facts know that they lied. The level of lies is up for debate. 3000 lives lost in New York…

Iraq...They lied...No weapons of mass destruction...Approx 5000 killed, and thousands injured.
All to the profit of the corporate greed machine..

Syria/Libya is a whole horse of a different color...Huge oil resources in Libya...The corporate greed machine is well oiled.

The common denominator is lies and greed all for the purpose of gaining control over the masses. What do you think it will take for the masses to understand that there is an agenda by these beasts, and that they really dont care if there are mass casualties during the process.

The globalization of all activities is underway. The United States was built brick by brick as an investment for the Zionists. The return is unworldly. The US military machine is at the disposal of the elites. They use them as they need to promote and expand their holdings. I fully expect that Iran and South Korea will be pulled into the fold at all costs. The American people are sheeples and will not question US aggression. History has proven that. The information(pedophilia, crimes, theft by our leaders) coming forward is the beginning of the collapse of the infrastructure of US society. Its so bad at every level, so many lies, so much deceit.
It has been a masterful plan, enslave humanity without them knowing, steal of the planets assets, then give them few option to live..They give the appearance of choice when in reality both of our choices are their choices. Its a fictional world of perceived choices.

From what I have learned from my experience on this planet is that this place is not the tell all of our existence. We are spiritual beings that are here to learn what our place is in this universe. Man this is a confusing place, so many lies, so much deceit and so much we just don't know. The bad guys have tried to turn our existence into one of things. When the bad guys stole my car some years ago, my friend said hey, its just a thing, go get another one...And I did and took the time to learn the system...As Bob Dylan said, “ there must be someway out of here from the jokers and the thieves”. So I say to all, sit back and watch because hindsight is going to rip apart many souls. Many people are going to feel very foolish when they realize the truth..

But I suppose at this point it doesn't really matter...

Last edited by topspin2 on Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total



Someway out of here, from the jokers and the thieves. 1292150244thanks tops


LoL....Something told me you would post that....nice!!!!!!!


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