I find it odd that Cliff thinks he can accurately describe the Ranch and everything going on here without ever having personally been here. It is like the woman on Coast to Coast who said we were all drugged, helicopters came, men in black suits repelled down herded all the kids and women into the basement, raped them, blew up the buildings followed by the ground opening and swallowing everyone else resulting in the buildings totally being destroyed and massive holes left over. Anyone with critical thinking would say, “wait wouldn’t there be an investigation if 300 people were killed and went missing? How come the buildings are still there? How can this all go on for 33 years, who was harmed, where are the massive craters?” Seriously, don’t radio show hosts have a responsibility to ask the basic obvious questions, rather than spewing lies based on never-investigated and totally bogus hearsay? Suggesting that people should not come to our events due to some future catastrophic event is malicious tortious interference with our business. That said, it is true that we are regularly visited by black helicopters. If there were “nothing to see” here, then I wonder what they’re looking for?
Cliff’s show title suggests he is “Applying critical thinking.” Sounds more like someone with an obvious agenda and wholly-lacking in reason or critical thinking, and suffering from cognitive dissonance. The vast mountain of evidence is there for anyone to see who actually does non-bias research.
My energies do get depleted from dealing with people such as Cliff. Taking truth and light right into the heart of the beast necessitates constant clearing on a mass scale. I always bounce back due to divine intervention. Cliff claims he talked to the Sheriffs in the area, yet the local Sheriff is a friend of the family, comes to ECETI events, and even drives my 90+ year old mother to our events. If it were not for ECETI Trout Lake would be a ghost town, businesses thrive where many were once on the edge of bankruptcy.
Many people within the agencies have a strong interest in UFOs and bring their families. We have had the FBI come investigate and question all 6 people in our crew (you know, the “massive cult” we have here) possibly thanks to Cliff’s efforts to harass us. The FBI found that all 6 people reported that they were treated very well, could leave any time, and there was no pressure whatsoever to stay. This totally dispels Cliff’s malicious accusations and assumptions. He has tried everything he can to shut down ECETI - in his own words “to no avail” - knowing nothing of who we are and what we do here. Again, I have to ask the question, who does Cliff High really work for? And why don’t they want any of you to come to ECETI?
Yes, we do have “volunteers” à because we pay for everything here - room, utilities, food and other expenses through my book sales, counseling, and workshops - which doesn’t leave much left over. They also have access to counseling, the events and workshops, and extensive training in Self Mastery. I built two centers, a Yoga studio, and assisted with building a “TIC” center (Teachings of the Inner Christ). I also dedicated 7 years as a volunteer to help get super-oxygenated healing water out to the public. It would take a book to write about all the things I have done and given freely to assist in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. I actually planted 7,000 trees on this property alone. Yes, Cliff, some people get behind things they believe in.
We are not sponsored by big corporations, Luciferians, backed by illuminati puppets or pedophiles - as some others in ufology. In fact, we have nothing to do with any of them and never will. People reading this may want to look into the Rockefeller Initiative list, John Podesta, and a few others, as well as who is funding them and what they do in their private time.
I have my suspicions about why Cliff and company are so obsessed with ECETI, Jordan Sather, Edge of Wonder Boys, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and a host of others – including anyone who has come to the Ranch and had their own experience. Trust me - if you are famous or well known, come to ECETI and have your own experience, and then go public (as many have), people like Cliff and his crew will come after you. Again - WHY? It is a multilevel answer all of which is not in alignment with the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
Forget about all the gossip and rumors. As yourself - why are people who are authentic, dedicated to Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love/ Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All, those ushering in free energy, functional and energetic medicine, alternative natural cures such a threat? Who would be threatened by this? Therein “lies” the answer.
There are seen and unseen forces doing their best to suppress the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. There are those who are willing (and some in ignorance) doing their bidding. There are ulterior motives as well, those who want to keep everyone entertained, keep the questions unanswered, control the narrative and capitalize on continuing with the recycled ignorance. Ever wonder why disclosure has stalled, not gone past trying to prove the ships are real? Who are on the ships, could they be nonphysical, could there be worlds within worlds existing right beside us? According to self-admitted schizophrenic Cliff High, and quite a few other “experts,” anyone who can provide evidence or who has knowledge beyond the physical must have serious mental issues or are fakes and charlatans.
People like Cliff don’t like the reflection of those who live in integrity and are aligned with freeing the minds of the masses and just might have more knowledge of the multidimensional world we live in. Sometimes it is just a matter of jealousy and competition - both of which are unbecoming to self-mastery and real science. Even amateur physicists agree there are at least 11 dimensions. Poor Cliff says I proclaim to be a master - yet I say continuously I am nobody - my work speaks for itself. Where have I ever claimed to be a master? Nowhere, nada, zip never said, never happened. I also ponder why an enlightened martial art master (as Cliff professes to be) would constantly brag about his abilities, threaten physical violence, and challenge everyone he disagrees with to a fight? Fists fly when reason fails. Every master I know or have trained with never brags, never attacks, especially concerning matters such as these. They have mastered their ego and dismiss any need to prove themselves.
Cliff’s armchair “research” is so inaccurate it can all be easily dismissed. Witnesses of the highest caliber, authenticated pictures, and videos supported by multiple eye witnesses all obliterate Cliff’s claims that they’re all fake.
Some of our photos were even taken by Taoist Monks in the presence of serious investigators who checked the camera and the time stamp. Most of the photos were taken by guests and researchers - something Cliff fails to mention - and have been authenticated by Royal Airforce scientists and people like Jason Gleaves - experts in debunking fakes. They are not even my photos, the Mary photo is one such photo taken in the presence of 60 witnesses by a Taoist Monk during a Self-Mastery class where I said the divine feminine just entered the room, women were crying, it was a powerful healing experience. Yet Cliff wants to take that away from them and dismiss their experience.
Second Jimmy Church did not film what he calls the falcon video. Ryan Weiner filmed it - another inaccuracy of Cliff’s - and Jimmy even had Weiner on his show. Under the video it even says “filmed by Ryan Weiner.” I also said there was no way of telling how large the ship was and it was most likely an unmanned drone due to its size, I never said it was massive as Cliff proclaims. Now to set the record straight the ship was filmed in slow motion. Let me repeat that for Cliff, Sloooooooow Motiooon. When you measure the distance it traveled, the time frame of Sloooooow Moooootion, the scientist at the Ranch at the time (who also took incredible drone footage of ships, light spheres etc.) estimated the ship was traveling at a minimum of 18,030 to 18,040 miles per hour. Now if Cliff can show me a falcon that can travel at even 300 miles an hour in a steep dive, I will be extremely impressed. He can’t. Cliff should just let this one go to avoid further embarrassment. Also, if you watch the entire video, the object in the sky never flaps its wings for over 3 miles then returns on the left side of the video – still no flapping and no wings. It is a frictionless bird, super bird, according to Cliff with antigravity abilities, wait more like counter gravity. We can further explain the difference to Cliff, if necessary. |