Fascinating, in-depth, generous conversation with Sacha Stone, known for his recent documentary Apocalypse on 5g, his interview with Bibi Bacchus, his founding and running of various humanitarian, anti-corruption and justice-centric projects, on issues of self versus world, individuality and sovereignty versus subjectivized existence under a government, the place of authenticity and pursuing the inner flame of truth and spirit, anchored in God's “I am” in the midst of a world run by mercenary, crazed, and transhumanist Luciferian agendas of greed and deception. Sacha also reports on the work of the ITNJ and its recent recognition by power players seeking public evidence of crime and corruption, offering a reassuring note that the ITNJ's work of collecting testimonials is indeed producing results, and talks more about his work earlier with the UN which has given him an understanding of many at the UN who sincerely work to make the world a better place, while policy and focus comes from elsewhere. There is much else to look forward to, he offers, as he recounts his collaboration with a physicist who is developing plasma shield technology to shield from 5G and other deleterious EMFS, at level of large installations and for personal use, and new ventures in creativity, art, and poetry. “Ascension” he suggests is a stepping into a hyper-dimensional space by first stepping fearlessly into the truth of one's own being. “Our true nature is absolutely fearless.” Beyond the propagandizing and external drumbeat of fear surrounding the China Coronavirus, he suggests, lies the simple truth of finding the intrinsic power of self and natural bodily healing and regeneration. A powerful and inspiring speaker, Sacha's insights and vision point to a world that Can be brought back from the brink of destruction, a humanity that Can be revived by tapping on inner truths and ancient wisdom. Please visit Sacha Stone's website for more: www.sachastone.com/about