I was in the spirit of music garden in grant park, between south michigan avenue and south lake shore drive with two friends. we were sitting when one of my friends looked up and asked why a plane was flying so low. my other friend and i looked up and at first we thought it was a plane too. it was very cloudy so all we could see was seven bright lights peeking through. i've seen low-flying lanes below so thats the assumption i made, despite not hearing the usual sounds you would hear when a plane passes that close. we ignored it for a while when my friend pointed out again that it seemed to be stationary. at this point we were all lying down looking at it. she was right, it wasn't moving at all. i would like to clarify that all of us were completely sober in every form and i myself have never not been sober, so this was not drug or alcohol induced. we then noticed something even strnager. it wasn't actuallty stationary, but appeared to be moving horizontally of the direction a plane would normally move. while a plane moves along the nose and tail, this was moving from what appeared to be a wing. but it was very jarring as it ws quiet that night due to the spreading of covid-19. i personally dont believe this was extra-terrestrial, but government based. i havent been able to find other reports on it and i think there is a reason for that. because of the outbreak no one wants to be outside right now, especially not in the parks in chicago.