AMERIKA: Don’t Fool Yourself, the Elites Have Been Planning This Power Grab For Years
The Smoking Man
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– “…Indeed, if history has taught us anything it’s that once the government/ elites use a crisis to make a massive power grab, rarely if ever is that power given back to the people. We saw this with the Patriot Act in 2001, the policy response to the 2008 crisis. And it’s happening again today with the economic shutdown”
Don’t Fool Yourself, the Elites Have Been Planning This Power Grab For Years
And here comes the next round of stimulus.
As long as large portions of the economy remain on lockdown, the government will be forced to perform massive stimulus programs/ social spending. As I write this Friday morning, the House is preparing to vote on a $3 trillion stimulus bill later today.
While the particular bill in question is chock full of Democrats’ legislation (more abortion funding, banning voter IDs, etc.), and likely won’t make it through the Senate in this particular form, the White House and the GOP are both in favor of providing additional stimulus checks to Americans in the near future.
Put simply, regardless of specific political affiliations, the political class is currently in favor of spending vast amounts of money right now.
All of this money has to come from somewhere. Currently, it’s the debt markets (the Treasury will borrow $3 trillion between April and June alone). But at some point, the Powers That Be will begin looking for new sources of capital.
Indeed, if history has taught us anything it’s that once the government/ elites use a crisis to make a massive power grab, rarely if ever is that power given back to the people.
We saw this with the Patriot Act in 2001, the policy response to the 2008 crisis. And it’s happening again today with the economic shutdown. While individual states will all eventually reopen, the fact is that the US just took a massive jump towards outright socialism/ central planning. And the political class LOVES it.
This will result in a collapsing economy, which in turn will mean lower tax revenues, which in turn will mean a greater need for capital to finance social spending programs/ unemployment/ stimulus checks.
The debt markets will pick up much of the slack here, but at some point the political class will start looking for new sources of capital.
That source will be you, me and everyone else.
The plan behind this has been in place since 2011. Elites knew well in advance that another crisis was coming, and they put in place legislation that would allow them to:
1) Freeze bank accounts and use them to “bail-in” financial institutions/ banks.
2) Close the “gates” on investment funds/ money market funds to stop you from getting your money out.
3) Impose wealth taxes and seize unused assets.
Did you know the IMF has already called for nations around the world to introduce a wealth tax of 10% on NET WEALTH as soon as possible?
If you think that’s bad, consider that the Fed plans to both seize and STEAL savings during the next crisis/ recession.
If you think this sounds like a “conspiracy theory” we’ve actually uncovered a secret document outlining exactly how the elites plan to do this. It was written by a man who has served as an advisor to THREE separate central banks.
We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement right now to protect your capital from the Fed’s sinister plan in our Special Report The Great Global Wealth Grab.
If you think this sounds like a “conspiracy theory” we’ve actually uncovered a secret document outlining exactly how the elites plan to do this. It was written by a man who has served as an advisor to THREE separate central banks.
We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement right now to protect your capital from the Fed’s sinister plan in our Special Report The Great Global Wealth Grab.
Thanks to:
The Smoking Man
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– “…Indeed, if history has taught us anything it’s that once the government/ elites use a crisis to make a massive power grab, rarely if ever is that power given back to the people. We saw this with the Patriot Act in 2001, the policy response to the 2008 crisis. And it’s happening again today with the economic shutdown”
Don’t Fool Yourself, the Elites Have Been Planning This Power Grab For Years
And here comes the next round of stimulus.
As long as large portions of the economy remain on lockdown, the government will be forced to perform massive stimulus programs/ social spending. As I write this Friday morning, the House is preparing to vote on a $3 trillion stimulus bill later today.
While the particular bill in question is chock full of Democrats’ legislation (more abortion funding, banning voter IDs, etc.), and likely won’t make it through the Senate in this particular form, the White House and the GOP are both in favor of providing additional stimulus checks to Americans in the near future.
Put simply, regardless of specific political affiliations, the political class is currently in favor of spending vast amounts of money right now.
All of this money has to come from somewhere. Currently, it’s the debt markets (the Treasury will borrow $3 trillion between April and June alone). But at some point, the Powers That Be will begin looking for new sources of capital.
Indeed, if history has taught us anything it’s that once the government/ elites use a crisis to make a massive power grab, rarely if ever is that power given back to the people.
We saw this with the Patriot Act in 2001, the policy response to the 2008 crisis. And it’s happening again today with the economic shutdown. While individual states will all eventually reopen, the fact is that the US just took a massive jump towards outright socialism/ central planning. And the political class LOVES it.
This will result in a collapsing economy, which in turn will mean lower tax revenues, which in turn will mean a greater need for capital to finance social spending programs/ unemployment/ stimulus checks.
The debt markets will pick up much of the slack here, but at some point the political class will start looking for new sources of capital.
That source will be you, me and everyone else.
The plan behind this has been in place since 2011. Elites knew well in advance that another crisis was coming, and they put in place legislation that would allow them to:
1) Freeze bank accounts and use them to “bail-in” financial institutions/ banks.
2) Close the “gates” on investment funds/ money market funds to stop you from getting your money out.
3) Impose wealth taxes and seize unused assets.
Did you know the IMF has already called for nations around the world to introduce a wealth tax of 10% on NET WEALTH as soon as possible?
If you think that’s bad, consider that the Fed plans to both seize and STEAL savings during the next crisis/ recession.
If you think this sounds like a “conspiracy theory” we’ve actually uncovered a secret document outlining exactly how the elites plan to do this. It was written by a man who has served as an advisor to THREE separate central banks.
We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement right now to protect your capital from the Fed’s sinister plan in our Special Report The Great Global Wealth Grab.
If you think this sounds like a “conspiracy theory” we’ve actually uncovered a secret document outlining exactly how the elites plan to do this. It was written by a man who has served as an advisor to THREE separate central banks.
We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement right now to protect your capital from the Fed’s sinister plan in our Special Report The Great Global Wealth Grab.
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