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RH Negative Blood Type - Are we a different species?

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RH Negative Blood Type - Are we a different species? Hqdefault

Are we a different species?

  • Rh Negative Facts

 Mike Dammann
June 3, 20201

RH Negative Blood Type - Are we a different species? Ler2389_main

Let’s see some evidence!
This is yet another question coming in via several keyword searches. Many of us tend to believe we might be a different or from a different species as our differences are too hard to explain.
I do admit that there are more and more placeholders in our studies as the known unknown grows the more research is done.

Speculations as to our origin is something I stay away from. I prefer knowing what I know and leaving the placeholders until evidence comes in.
Many prefer to jump to conclusions.
Just because names like “hybrids” keep being thrown around, doesn’t make us such. What can, however, not be ignored, is the fact that we are not the same. By far.
Interestingly, it is usually Rh positives who have issues with posts like these. It goes to show that we are seen from the outside and not from the outside in. Observations are superficial. Most Rh negatives I have spoken with have confirmed that most of what I’ve written rings a bell.
The overall desire to compare and feel threatened by apparent confidence is also something not in Rh negative nature. Neither is it for Rh negative men to feel threatened by strong women. I can go on forever and might just do so as I sense a need to continue letting others know they are not alone.

If you are Rh negative and feel discomfort in society, you are far from alone. Society isn’t about comfort. It is about settling. Most people settle in life, we have a harder time doing so. We take chances to break free. To an extent.
If we are descendants of a different species, it would be nice to get some evidence. There isn’t any. There are stories, videos, talks. For 10 years I have now been observing more and more Rh negatives being lured into the never-ending web of growing theories. Entertaining? On the lowest level maybe. Informative? Quite the opposite.
Of course, this is not just about the absence of the D antigen, but everything else that seems to come with it. My challenge to all of you is to do your own research. Don’t just consume. Real information won’t land at your doorstep. Someone has to find it. And if I won’t be the one bringing new things to light, at least one of you will have to.


Thanks to Mike at: https://www.rhesusnegative.net

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