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How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity

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How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity The-great-reset-plan-revealed-how-covid-ushers-in-the-new-world-order-X6pzXrEBqR0

How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity

 j   August 5, 2020 

Spiro Skouras Jul 12, 2020
How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity Screenshot_2020-08-05-a-disturbing-glimpse-into-the-future-bill-gates-elon-musk-the-4th-industrial-revolution3 As we find ourselves in this new normal, we have seen long standing agendas, which have remained behind the scenes, hidden away from the public, now being offered as solutions justified by this crisis.
The World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ and the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ are perfect examples of prepackaged ‘solutions’ being rolled out to save us from ourselves. Today we will dive deeper into this agenda and also focus on how it may reshape our lives if the technocrats have their way.
In this episode, Spiro is joined by John Klyczek, an Adjunct Professor, researcher, contributor to Activist Post as well as several other alternative news sites and the author of the book ‘School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education’
For generations the social engineers have used the strategy of indoctrination to target societies most impressionable minds, our children, through many avenues but primarily through our education systems. In this interview, Spiro and John Klyczek break down the how this longstanding and effective tactic is being ‘reimagined’ by the usual suspects, to reshape the future of humanity.
John Klyczek’s Website https://www.schoolworldorder.info
John Klyczek’s Twitter https://twitter.com/ProfessorTaoist
Counter Markets Newsletter https://countermarkets.com
Distance Education and Innovation https://www.federalregister.gov/docum…
via How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity – YouTube



Thanks to: https://jonsnewplace.wordpress.com









The Great Reset – Brought To You By Bill & Melinda Gates

How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity Bill-gates-influence-funding

Now that Bill Gates and his network have ravaged the livelihoods of the global population (aside from the crippling health consequences of the toxic vaccines he sponsors and profits from) and caused, in the form of the “problem”, a meltdown of the global economy by unleashing his planned Fake Pandemic, he and his like-minded group of future-makers are ready to offer the “solution”.

To those of us researching the cabal, these plans are not anything new and their moves are easy to anticipate as they hide everything in plain sight.
The New World Order is intended to rise out of the ashes of the Old World Order and the Old World Order has been long planned to be destroyed by a purposefully engineered global economic meltdown. This is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution.

How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity The-great-reset-brought-to-you-by-bill-melinda-gates-e1596294496984_orig

Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS) (Latin: Ordo ab Chao – Order out of Chaos) is a mass mind control system. It is also called the “Hegelian Dialectic” from the German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
PRS is used to enforce changes on a citizenry that they would otherwise reject. This is accomplished by first creating a problem such as a fake pandemic or a terrorist attack, followed by the manufacturing of a reaction by leveraging control of mainstream narratives (broadcast networks or social media) by only focusing on the side of the problem that you want to control, and then finally offering a solution such as a global economic reset and the implementation of tyrannical control coupled with perpetual surveillance.

What, you may ask, is the solution to the economic meltdown as caused by the fake pandemic? This is certainly what the future-makers intend to discuss at the twin summit known as The Great Reset that is to be convened by the World Economic Forum!


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