David Wilcock & Corey Goode BUSTED! | BREAKING NEWS
Former GAIA.com TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18! – NewsInsideOut
I know Christina has a big smile on her face right about now. Indisputable verification that her intuition about Corey Goode & David Wilcock was more than correct.
It’s best for everyone involved to be honest. Both the general public and the dufus-duo of David & Corey. They won’t have to keep living their lives as ridiculous professional con-artists, propagating fictional New Age crap.
I can’t wait to hear David’s official response. He and GAIA have surely initiated full out damage control protocol by now, and I can’t wait to hear this shit. Corey, I could care less about hearing whatever his inarticulate ass has to say about all this. But David on the other hand, I am all ears. I wanna hear Wilcock try to cleverly slime his way outta this one.
Maybe he is the reincarnation of Edgar Casey, but that just means he’s a reincarnated fraud. He’s a disinformation ass-clown, and now it’s official.
Sadly his YouTube subscriber count will not take the hit that it deserves to after this recent revelation. But it’s still a humiliation that they more than deserve.
It really pisses me off that I temporarily gave Wilcock even a little bit of credit for seemingly standing up to the Luciferian-toned agenda of the producers at GAIA, who he was under contact with at the time. Though I can thank Christina for snapping me out of that early-on, and steering me away from making the mistake of looking upon Wilcock as a credible source. Seriously, thank you.
Will keep tabs on this entertaining sich for sure.
BREAKING NEWS Former GAIA.com TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18! – NewsInsideOut
Alfred Lambremont Webre
BREAKING NEWS Former GAIA.com TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH NewsEvolution Special Video Editorial with Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Victoria Day Weekend 2019 – Former GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner – on an alleged video repentance and apology tour for consciously and intentionally producing and approving for broadcast a series of GAIA.com TV programs containing materials that were reportedly self-admittedly hoaxed by GAIA.com TV contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock – appears to be panicking after exposing such GAIA.com TV federal and state broadcast and subscription regulatory violations, and in a newly released Video Repentance #5 attacks NewsEvolution’s exposé of Bioweapons & DEW deaths, injuries and UFO conferences 2016-18!
GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner’s repentance and apology video #5
This reporter’s summary and evaluation of what is going on in former GAIATV.com Producer Jay Weidner’s repentance and apology video #5 is as follows [starting at 8:00]:
Reality Check Episode Five: GEM FILES: William Thompkins
SUB-TEXT SUMMARY & EVALUATION: Jay Weidner was a Producer of a company – GAIA.com TV that sued a NewsEvolution CoHost for $1 million in frivolous and vexatious lawsuit [that was already once dismissed as such by a Colorado court]. As a diversion strategy, GAIA.com TV sued competitor NewsEvolution CoHost at the same time that GAIA.com TV itself was broadcasting for profit and subscriptions a series of programs programs based on, and containing material knowingly hoaxed by GAIA TV contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock. Such acts constitute a violation of applicable lfederal, Colorado state, and Boulder municipal laws by multiple parties, including and not limited to GAIA.com TV, its Directors and officers, then Producer Jay Weidner, and then GAIA.com TV contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock.
Former GAIA TV Producer Jay Weidner is now panicking & attacking NewsEvolution CoHosts in this repentance and apology video #5 to attempt to preemptively deflect from his own possibly criminal racketeering programming fraud at GAIA TV with contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock IMHO.
Indeed, former GAIA TV Producer Jay Weidner almost appears to be “crisis acting” in this video in an effort to avoid criminal and civil liability toward the irreparable harm and injury NewsEvolution has suffered as a result of a frivolous and vexatious $1 million lawsuit that former GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner’s then employer GAIA.com TV brought against its new competitor NewsEvolution in 2018 when NewsEvolution exposed the hoaxed programming that former GAIA TV Producer how is repenting of in his evidentiary statements on the air in May 2019 with Groovy Bean!
In this repentance and apology video #5, “crisis actor” and Former GAIA TV Producer Jay Weidner is still covering up corporate malfeasance by his former employer GAIA TV for broadcasting a series of known hoaxed programming by contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock that he – GAIA TV Producer Jay Weidner is responsible for producing. That is why former GAIA TV Producer Jay Weidner attacks NewsEvolution’s reporting. In 2018, GAIA TV sued News Evolution’s CoHost for $1 million in a deliberate harassment lawsuit, and a Colorado Court has dismissed as frivolous & vexatious once already!
IMHO former GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner Producer in his “repentance and apology tour video #5” is Crisis Acting!
IMHO Weidner here is “crisis acting”, having overseen as a Producer at GAIA.con TV a series of knowingly hoaxed programs with contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock, intentional acts that constitute corporate fraud & Racketeering under Terms of Service in Colorado law to subscribers
It appears in the video that then GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner’s duality consciousness Reptilian mind is falsely striking out at our NewsInsideOut.com reporting of 3 deaths, multiple cases of reported bioweapons and DEW symptoms attacks at major UFO conferences in 2016-2018, some of which were GAIA.com TV – Sponsored, in order to facilitate his former employer, GAIA.com TV avoid potential liability for the irreparable harm and injuries caused to attendees at UFO conferences in 2016-18.
Alfred Lambremont Webre on GAIA.com TV $1millon vendetta vs. NewsEvolution
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/jlhPFY-oBOw
BREAKING NEWS Former GAIA.com TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18!
You can read these statistics here https://newsinsideout.com/2019/05/jay-weidner-turns-states-evidence-with-groovie-bean-about-gaia-com-tvs-1-million-vendetta-vs-patty-greer-newsevolution/
PART II – Jay Weidner turns State’s Evidence with Groovie Bean about GAIA.com TV’s $1 million vendetta vs NewsEvolution
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, BC – In a series of three quietly released video interviews, former GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner – if he is in fact telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – turns States Evidence and publicly confesses to journalist Groovie Bean to having aided and abetted corporate criminal fraud and abuse by corporate “UFO & Spiritual” media giant Gaia.com of its Federal and Colorado regulated broadcasting and business permits and Colorado-regulated corporate Member subscription Rules of Service over the course of 2016, 2017, 2018 and into 2019.
#1 VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH JAY WEIDNER & GROOVIE BEAN: Reality Check; Episode One The Corey Goode Story Begins: Jay Weidner & Groovie Bean
#2 VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH JAY WEIDNER & GROOVIE BEAN: Reality Check Episode Two: Slander and Lies: Jay Weidner Was Not Fired
#3 VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH JAY WEIDNER & GROOVIE BEAN: Reality Check Episode Three: Death Threat Groovie Spills the Beans
GAIA.com Producer Jay Weidner issues Apology: “NewsEvolution is innocent of any wrongdoing”
At the end of #2 Interview with Jay Weidner, Mr. Weidner, as former GAIA.com Producer, issues a functional unconditional apology to NewsEvolution [at 127.07]
Jay Weidner’s functional Apology is for wrongful acts committed against NewsEvolution by GAIA.com officers, employees, and contractors in the corporate malfeasance and gross negligence at GAIA.com caused by Jay Weidner and GAIA.com TV production of multiple episodes of Media programs starring GAIA.com contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock that allegedly contain intentionally hoaxed, False, fraudulent, and maliciously misleading content materials, broadcast by GAIA.com TV and its Directors, officers, and employees.
GAIA.com TV’s broadcasts of criminally intentionally hoaxed programs are in direct violation of applicable integrity in broadcasting federal and state statues and regulations.
In order to cover GAIA.com TV’s intentional hoax media crime, Jay Weidner in these three States Evidence videos – which provide probable cause for Grand Jury Felony Fraud Indictment of Directors, officers, Producers and Contractees of GAIA.com TV – turns States evidence to Groovie Bean and provides evidentiary testimony as to the rationale why Directors, officers, and contractors of GAIA.com made the intentional criminally motivated decision to attempt to divert public and prosecutorial attention from its producing and broadcasting hoaxed UFO & Spiritual Broadcasting by Jay Weidner, Corey Goode, and David Wilcock by bringing a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit for the unheard of sum of $1 MILLION ($1,000,000.00) against the newly-launched weekly news Program – NewsEvolution CoHost.
On information and belief, GAIA.com TV and Directors, officers, employees, and contractees of GAIA.com attempted to cover up the knowing corporate hoax programming crime by Jay Weidner, Corey Goode, and David Wilcock, GAIA.com TV by specifically and intentionally targeting NewsEvolution for a Frivolous and Vexatious lawsuit and legal defense expenses to date in excess of $50,000.00USD. It should be noted that such lawsuit was dismissed as vexatious once by the Colorado courts, reintroduced, and as of this writing is in the process of settlement after causing irreparable damage to News Evolution and to the public at large of NewsEvolution.
At the time of such frivolous and vexatious lawsuit by GAIA.com TV against NewsEvolution CoHost, NewsEvolution was documenting, exposing, and reporting on the very same criminal hoax media programming by GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner and GAIA.com Contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock that now repentant criminal corporate Whistleblower Jay Weidner is turning State’s Evidence on in the above 3 interviews.
A key MOTIVE of GAIA.com in vexatious $1 MILLION lawsuit vs NewsEvolution CoHost
Therefore, the MOTIVE of GAIA.com, and related Directors, officers, employees, and contractees in bringing a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against NewsEvolution staff that was exposing the RICO Criminal Racketeering of Hoax Programming by GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weidner and GAIA.com TV contractees Corey Goode, and David Wilcock via the medium of NewsEvolution, a weekly news show at:
appears by the prima facie evidence and logic to have been:
(1) to facilitate the Economic Destruction of NewsEvolution and staff through litigation expenses and creativity and Career displacement that such litigation – prosecuted ominously by 3 top corporate media litigators from New York representing Gaia; and
(2) to intentionally take out and eliminate a NewsEvolution , a weekly news program that was barely a month old, thereby unlawfully and with criminal and harmful intent causing NewsEvolution to collapse as fresh weekly news show, because of the vindictive and abusive legal harassment of NewsEvolution, and TrueTube.co by NewsInsideOut.com and the collective public at large wanting to seek and know the Truth to suffer immediate and irreparable harm.
The Puzzle Pieces Come Together…
This reporter, Alfred Lambremont Webre, in a social media post “recalls trying on May 16, 2019 to decipher why GAIA.com TV sued a cohost at NewsEvolution for $1milliion and shut down the show 2 months after it startedNewsEvolution was my last project before Omniversity & GaiaTV blew it out of the water with a $1 million lawsuit!
“I make Luciferians very worried for some reason???
“Here is my metaphysical theory:
“WBAI-FM volunteer co-Hosts Mary Houston & Alfred Lambremont Webre do the Harmonic Convergence Radio Show in October 1987 in the Boulder CO NPR Station that was carried on the NPR Satellite, landing a Vibration of Divine Light broadcasting in Boulder.
“As a counter in 1968, the Dark Side recruits Czechoslovakian Olympian athlete Jirka Rysavy in Prague and establishes Rysavy in Boulder as CEO of Corporate Express – a blue chip office supply company- as well as CEO of GAIA.com with 38% ownership, eventually Gaia Board Members of Hollywood producers, and even eventually a rumored $30 million cash injection from CIA-cutout Jeff Bezos at Amazon to infiltrate Exopolitics & Spiritual mediaLong story short of course!” ???
QUERY: Are GAIA.com TV and its Directors, officers, Producers, employees, and/or contractorsat times acting as conscious, covert, or unwitting agents of clandestine COINTELPRO intelligence agencies of federal, state, and local US and other governments?
The latest public sharing of priviledged evidentiary testimony by GAIA.com TV Producer Jay Weisner in the above 3 videos suggest the respose may be: “Yes”. Please refer to the evidence of corporate COINTELPRO below.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
PEACE PORTAL ARCH, Blaine, WA – January 8, 2018 – Medically documented reports are now publicly emerging of DEW directed energy weapons attacks upon targeted multidimensionally-interested journalists, filmmakers, authors, researchers, and even a Federal Election Commission [FEC]-registered US Presidential candidate in the 2016 election, in addition to attendees at ET/UFO Conferences.
These DEW directed energy weapons attacks, which may number up to a dozen or more in the US and Canada have been exclusively directed against a group of highly talented and developed individuals, many of whom publish, speak, write, make films, appear on TV and radio, and attend international Conferences exploring the Interdimensional & Extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Some even claim to have been “abducted” by Extraterrestrials or Interdimensional intelligent civilizations.
4th Geneva Convention War Crimes
The medical consequences of these DEW directed energy weapons attacks have been devastating to many of the targeted individuals, making the DEW attacks classifiable as “war crimes” against civilians under the 4th Geneva Convention.
The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols “are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war).
“The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They specifically protect people who are not taking part in the hostilities (civilians, health workers and aid workers) and those who are no longer participating in the hostilities, such as wounded, sick and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war. The Conventions and their Protocols call for measures to be taken to prevent or put an end to all breaches. They contain stringent rules to deal with what are known as “grave breaches”. Those responsible for grave breaches must be sought, tried or extradited, whatever nationality they may hold.”[1]
At least one victim – a 2016 US Presidential candidate – speaks of physical evidence witnessed by others including tell-tale colored laser-like flashes that has led him to conclude his eyesight was targeted by a US Army or other organization’s DEW directed energy weapon during 2016 at the height of the US Presidential campaign.
The targeted 2016 candidate, who before the DEW attack had 20/40 vision, is now in danger of becoming legally blind.
The 2016 US Presidential candidate is a whistleblower about the secret CIA quantum access and Extraterrestrial liaison programs. His 2016 Presidential campaign, which had an objective possibility of being ultimately successful in later elections, was derailed as a result of the 2016 military grade DEW directed energy weapon attack upon the candidate’s eyesight.
The 2016 US Presidential candidate also places partial blame on computer Blue Screen technology and for profit operation-oriented allopathic ophthalmologists for worsening the initial damage on his eyesight wrought by the DEW attack.
Eyewitness & Targeted Creator Statements
Some of the targeted creative individuals who have had their health shattered and careers and businesses severely affected by these military-style DEW directed energy weapons attacks still chose to remain anonymous out of strategic concern of further retaliation by the sinister clandestine forces behind these DEW attacks.
One such DEW targeted individual states, “Eight other people contacted me who were also hit [by DEW directed energy weapons] with the same symptoms. So I know this is happening! I am the only one who did not go to the hospital, due to my lack of faith in the medical fraud industry today. Tens of thousands of dollars were spent [by the eight DEW-targeted individuals] with doctors, and they could not find anything [allopathically medically] ‘wrong’ with any of these people.
“The reports [of targeting by DEW] are from attendees at the following [UFO-ET Conferences/Events in 2016-2017]:
- Contact in the Desert[2];
- ECETI Ranch in Washington State[3];
- 5D event in Los Angeles, CA[4];
- Conscious Life Expo in LA[5];
“Most of the [DEW attack victims] were unable to walk, just like me.
“A male volunteer [targeted by DEW directed energy weapons] at Contact in the Desert couldn’t walk two days after the event in 2017. He spent four days in the hospital and tens of thousands of dollars on testing. They couldn’t tell him anything at the Palm Springs hospital as ‘the cause.’ Two other ladies and a well-known speaker to us all spent time and tons of cash in a hospital due to getting hit at a UFO event last year,” a DEW-targeted individual revealed.
DEW Attack blinds Journalist
In a DEW targeting case relating to the 2016 US Presidential campaign, a July 30, 2016 remote DEW directed energy weapons attack left a prominent journalist and author functionally blinded, losing central vision in his right eye.
Immediately after the DEW attack, in order to continue functioning in his daily life, the journalist had to enrol in a six-week course designed to teach legally blind people basic living skills, and was issued a white cane to use for public activities such as riding on public transportation.
The DEW directed energy weapons attack that blinded the journalist, who has actively covered Extraterrestrial and Interdimensional disclosure for several decades, occurred as he was exposing key developments in CIA secret quantum access intervention in the 2016 Presidential campaign. The journalist whose eyesight was targeted by DEW states that shortly after the attacks he was publicly gangstalked by US CIA Shadow Government plainclothes agents who taunted him verbally about the DEW attack on his eyesight.
Cui Bono? Who Dunnit & Who Benefits?
Those targeted by DEW attacks and observers can agree that these DEW directed energy weapons attacks have disrupted the life mission of each targeted individual in deep and destructive ways. The DEW attacks, when seen as deliberate COINTELPRO or social disruption campaigns, may also collectively be an attempt to negatively impact the process of a larger human Awakening that is happening at this time.
In this context, the DEW attacks crippling a selected targeted multidimensionally aware individual may be intended to ensure: (1) that specific positive Presidential policies are eliminated from our collective timeline; (2) that certain films about the how crop circle technology can greatly accelerate agricultural abundance never reach wide public awareness; (3) that new cosmological insights about our Omniverse are buried for more centuries as a potentially brutal interventionist Extraterrestrial occupation of Earth threatens to begin.
The Rule of Law
The factual, moral, and legal task now becomes that establishing probable cause as to the identity of the proximate, intermediate, and ultimate, sinister intelligent forces behind these DEW directed energy weapons attacks, that have been intervening covertly through different avenues to attempt to shut down a leading edge of human observation and knowledge – its multidimensional scholars, researchers, reporters, and leaders.
The odds are slim that random individuals would possess the motives, means, and opportunity to target, deploy, and attack at least a dozen leading multi-Dimensional researchers, journalists, authors and whistleblowers recently. More likely these War Crimes are caused by a network of entities and individuals organized around the “deep web Internet” informed by a singular clandestine military-like organized intelligent plan rolled out through various modalities to “take out” leading targeted minds, eyes, and ears of the multi-dimensional community using what are termed DEW “non-lethal” weapons.
The intervention of a “clandestine military-like organized intelligent plan carried out through various modalities” and “take out” an echelon of higher frequency human multidimensional disclosure activists is what the probable cause evidence points to.
In an analogous field – alternative heath care – a parallel clandestine organized targeting appears to be happening to alternative health care providers.[6]
Factors underlying the prosecution of DEW Perps as War Criminals
Among the preliminary conclusions of NewsInsideOut.com’s months-long investigation of this pattern of unattributed remote DEW directed energy weapons attacks on multi-dimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, a US Presidential candidate, and Conference attendees are that:
- A variety of DEW directed energy weapons are used to severely injure the targeted multi-dimensionally interested individuals;
- The DEW targeting takes place at different venues and using varied modus operandi. DEW targeting at public ET/UFO conferences is akin to public terrorism designed not to be traceable back to a single source.
- DEW victims’ eyesight and visual eye-brain connection networks, or other specialist-skill body parts such as skilled hands appear to be special targets of DEW-targeted journalists, authors, and a US Presidential as this is disabling of their future capacity to produce written and research work in their fields.
- State & Corporate Terror – An international, space-based, satellite-based, nation-state and corporate infrastructure appears to be behind the DEW directed energy strikes, designed to intimidate the targeted individuals from taking action to identify or legally report the perpetrators who often appear (a) in plain sight of their DEW targets (b) to be “above the law” even as they carry out their COINTELPRO DEW directed energy weapons attacks. Only DEW attackers who are part of a clandestine state and/or corporate infrastructure can carry out such openly “in your face” DEW attacks without any fear of legal prosecution.
Are GAIA TV & CEO Jirka Rysavy providing Cover for DEW Corporate State Terror?
One corporation and its corporate CEO fitting perfectly into the above definition of providing cover for “State & Corporate Terror” are:
- Gaia.com; and
- Jirka Rysavy, Founder & Chairman and CEO of Gaia.com “since its inception” in 1988 in Boulder, CO[7], the year after this reporter produced & hosted the August 16-17, 1987 Harmonic Convergence NPR radio program at Boulder, CO’s NPR National Public Radio station with guest Jose Arguelles.
For those who are not aware of the profound impact of the Harmonic Convergence, in the August 11th, 1987 edition of The New York Times, in the article: “New Era Dawns—or Just a New Day?” José Arguelles was quoted:
“…The vibratory infrastructure holding the Earth together is in a condition of intense fever called resonant dissonance. Influences such as the arms race and insults to the environment could cause the breakup of the Earth into smaller bodies not unlike the Asteroid Belt…This can be averted, by harmonic convergence achieved in a synchronized collective of human beings, through which the possibility of a New Heaven and a New Earth is fully present.”[8]
Gaia.com Corporate Front & Spotting Agency for CIA Shadow Government – Probable-cause evidence suggests that Gaia.com, of which Jirka Rysavy is CEO, is acting as a corporate front & spotting agency for a malevolent corporate or nation state actor by selling a pseudo-spiritual product that claims it will provide “beneficial” health and consciousness effects. In fact, witness statements now indicate that subsequent to the Gaia.com and Jirka Rysavy-approved sale of such pseudo-product, a corporate and/or nation state actor possessing or operating satellite-based DEW directed energy weapons targets the consumers purchasing such Gaia.com pseudo-products with satellite-based or land-based DEW directed energy weapons, causing them severe trauma and health damage.
Gaia.com/CEO Jirka Rysavy War Crimes – Gaia.com’s and Jirka Rysavy’s DEW targeting actions appear to give rise to War Crimes committed by persons, corporations, and state action in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention, subjecting Gaia.com CEO Jirka Rysavy and any and all Gaia.com employees, contractors, agents, and other persons aiding and abetting the targeting of multidimensionally-interested individuals with DEW directed energy weapons [such as Gaia.com contractor Regina Meredith], to arrest and legal prosecution under the Statutes of the International Criminal Court inter alia, as well as under the criminal statutes of the United States of America, of the State of Colorado and the states within which such actions occurred, as well as the laws of other nation states and jurisdictions.[9]
US Government Entity – War Crimes against civilians under the 4th Geneva Convention most certainly have occurred and must be prosecuted without fear or favor, most especially if entities of a nation state such as the US Army personnel, weapons or contractees were involved in the targeting of multidimensionally interested individuals with DEW directed energy weapons, as probable cause evidence suggests in the case of a US 2016 Presidential candidate.
NewsInsideOut.com has already published expert forensic evidence demonstrating that US Army sharpshooters were a key component of the shooter squad that carried out the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. under the color of unlawful black ops national security orders.[10]
Foreign Nation State – Moreover, one must consider the possibility that the DEW targeting strikes are carried out under the authority of or using the property of a nation state foreign to the United States of America, making the DEW directed energy weapons attacks upon civilians, especially against a US Presidential candidate who was in fact a guest at Gaia.com studios in Boulder, CO, an Act of War against the Republic of the United States.
False flag acts such as the DEW directed energy weapons targeting of civilians by a nation state have in fact been carried out against the Republic of the United States of America, most notably in the case of 9/11, when the State of Israel committed the War Crime of aggressive war under international law by aiding and abetting an armed attack upon the Republic of the United States of America carried out by the a conspiracy within the Executive branch in violation of Article III of the US Constitution, causing over 3000 civilian, first responder, and military deaths, and launching the Republic of the United States on an unlawful international proxy war on behalf of the Greater Israel Project of the Sanhedrin and allied political, financial, colonial, and settler interests.[11]
Corporations or Organizations – If the DEW directed energy weapons attacks associated with any Gaia.com programs are carried out in concert with or using the infrastructure of another corporation, network of interlocking corporations, or organization, syndicate, shadow government, fraternity, secret society, religion, then such participating entity would be liable for War Crimes against these DEW-targeted civilians as outlined above.
ICC – International Criminal Court – Under the Rome Statute of the International Court, national courts in each signing nation are in fact expected to take the lead in prosecuting war crimes under the ICC Statute, the Geneva Conventions, and international humanitarian law in general.[12]
“The seven countries that voted against the ICC treaty were China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, the United States, and Yemen. Following 60 ratifications, the Rome Statute entered into force on 1 July 2002 and the International Criminal Court was formally established. Around 139 States have signed the Rome Statute, while only 118 have ratified the document; meaning that they are willing to use the ICC in their States.
“Why have some countries refused to sign and ratify the Rome Statute?
“States – [such as the United States of America Corporation, the State of Israel, the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation] – do not want to be held accountable for the actions of their people because they know that they will be found guilty.”
Under the Rome Statute, war crimes can be prosecuted in the national courts of any of the 118 nation states that have ratified the Rome Statute and are willing to use the ICC in their states. Among the legal remedies specific DEW targeted multidimensionally interested individuals can pursue is prosecution for war crimes against Gaia.com, its CEO Jirka Rysavy and other organizations and persons. A full list of the 118 nation states is available at this footnote.[13]
Interdimensional, Extraterrestrial, and AI Artificial Intelligence Perpetrators – This reporter has uncovered probable cause evidence that legal culpability for the criminal enterprise behind the DEW directed energy weapons attacks against some if not all of the multidimensionally interested targeted individuals may also include specific Exophenotypes of Interdimensional, Extraterrestrial, and AI Artificial Intelligence Perpetrators. For example, many key contractors of Gaia.com are listed as manipulative Grey ET mind control disinformation operatives in this report.
“Anya Briggs: Leading UFO/ET researchers mind controlled by manipulative “Dow” Grey ETs at Johnsville Centrifuge, now spreading Grey ET disinformation
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0383iob7Xp0
MORE HERE: https://adrenogate.wordpress.com/2020/08/06/david-wilcock-corey-goode-busted-breaking-news%e2%80%bc-former-gaia-com-tv-producer-jay-weidner-panics-after-exposing-gaia-tv-broadcasting-hoaxed-program-content-attacks-newsevolution/
Thanks to: https://adrenogate.wordpress.com