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1Revisited: the Loring AFB UFO incursions Empty Revisited: the Loring AFB UFO incursions Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:21 pm



Revisited: the Loring AFB UFO incursions

Posted on Saturday, 29 August, 2020

Revisited: the Loring AFB UFO incursions News-loring-afb

An aerial view of Loring Air Force Base. Image Credit: US Air Force
Back in 1975, a sensitive military base on US soil was visited by a number of objects on consecutive nights.
On October 27th of that year, security personnel at the base - which is situated in northeastern Maine - picked up an 'unidentified helicopter' towards the facility's northern perimeter.

At the time, which was at the height of the Cold War, the base was storing nuclear weapons, bombers and delivery systems, meaning that any potential incursion was taken extremely seriously.

The mysterious aircraft, which was flying at an altitude of around 150ft, appeared to be investigating the nuclear weapons storage area, prompting officials to send Army National Guard helicopters to intercept and to place the entire base on high alert.

A short time later, another unidentified aircraft appeared on radar and started circling around 13 miles northeast of the facility. Neither aircraft would respond to communication attempts.

The 'helicopter' eventually turned and disappeared towards the north, while the second aircraft mysteriously vanished from radar, leaving base officials scratching their heads.
"It is our opinion that the unknown helicopter has demonstrated a clear intent in the weapons storage area, is smart and a most capable aviator," officials wrote.

Then the very next day - October 28th - yet another unknown aircraft appeared near the base. When helicopters were scrambled to intercept, the pilots were unable to make visual contact.

Similar such incidents would continue to occur for several days.

According to a New York Times article from the time, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had received multiple briefings regarding the unexplained incursions.

"Subsequent investigations by the Air Force into the sightings at Loring Air Force Base, Maine, where the remarkable series of events began, did not reveal a cause for the sightings," the authors wrote.

Even today - almost 45 years later - no explanation for these events has been found.

Source: The Drive


Thanks to: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com

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