The End of Days Files: Masks | Max Igan Banned, Occult Ritual of Facemasks and Socialist Distancing | The CV19 Mask Ritual – A Mass Mind Control Operation Examined
Date: September 6, 2020Author: Jerry Derecha @adrenogate
To all the sheeple #Covidiots out there who demanded I show them my evidence to backup what they had deemed as a ridiculous claim about the occult ritualistic nature of the mask mandates, is this enough? This is one of at least a dozen posts I’ve made thus far outlining all the reasons why these mask mandates are in fact part of an occult ritual. But “you do you”. If you wanna cut off your oxygen supply, re-breathe all that CO2 that we’ve heard you all cry about while shilling for the Global Warming narrative, and nievely continue with your participation in a Satanic ritual, go for it. YOU DO YOU. But when the shit hits the fan and the FEMA trucks come to round us all up, you put your head down and obediently get in the fucking truck. I don’t wanna see you so much as even glance in my general vicinity for help.
I seriously wanted to cry when I passed an elementary school the other day and saw numerous kids outside, balling their eyes out with their masks in their hands as their liberal cow of a teacher hovered over them in distain for daring to disobey what it is a cruel and unnecessary mandate to cover the smother the faces of our children with a rag.
These mask mandates are far from constitutional and we need more people from the legal community to step up and help out here.
I’m not playing anymore. But I don’t expect much help. Most are cowardly conformists and I’ll have to continue doing this on my own. Whatever. I will have a stroke if I keep getting as made as the situation warrants.
Thanks to:
Date: September 6, 2020Author: Jerry Derecha @adrenogate
To all the sheeple #Covidiots out there who demanded I show them my evidence to backup what they had deemed as a ridiculous claim about the occult ritualistic nature of the mask mandates, is this enough? This is one of at least a dozen posts I’ve made thus far outlining all the reasons why these mask mandates are in fact part of an occult ritual. But “you do you”. If you wanna cut off your oxygen supply, re-breathe all that CO2 that we’ve heard you all cry about while shilling for the Global Warming narrative, and nievely continue with your participation in a Satanic ritual, go for it. YOU DO YOU. But when the shit hits the fan and the FEMA trucks come to round us all up, you put your head down and obediently get in the fucking truck. I don’t wanna see you so much as even glance in my general vicinity for help.
I seriously wanted to cry when I passed an elementary school the other day and saw numerous kids outside, balling their eyes out with their masks in their hands as their liberal cow of a teacher hovered over them in distain for daring to disobey what it is a cruel and unnecessary mandate to cover the smother the faces of our children with a rag.
These mask mandates are far from constitutional and we need more people from the legal community to step up and help out here.
I’m not playing anymore. But I don’t expect much help. Most are cowardly conformists and I’ll have to continue doing this on my own. Whatever. I will have a stroke if I keep getting as made as the situation warrants.
Thanks to: