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Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’

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Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’ 408223de28b50de2e83de947216e440ef3dfddf7

Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’

 j   November 16, 2020

Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’ Screenshot_2020-11-16-justin-trudeau-spills-the-beans-about-pandemic-tells-un-its-an-opportunity-for-great-reset

Close your eyes. Think about every conspiracy theory you’ve heard about the pandemic. Think about every question you’ve raised about the pandemic that you were told was a conspiracy theory. Think about my poor editor Courtney, who was trying to tell us this stuff from the beginning. Because ever since the media started calling Joe Biden the president-elect, little by little by little the left has stopped pretending (see BIDEN’S COVID ADVISOR THINKS A 4 TO 6 WEEK NATIONAL LOCKDOWN IS AN AWESOME IDEA and FAUCI LETS HIS MASK SLIP, FLAT OUT TELLS AMERICANS “DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD”).
Now we have Canadian Prime Minister Justin “I Feel Pretty” Trudeau, that walking pile of soy and hair goop, basically confirming everything you have been told was a conspiracy theory. If that doesn’t make you feel stabby enough, he confirmed it all while addressing a UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE. Here’s the full video for reference.

Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’ GViTDANL_bigger

Ezra Levant

I thought this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory. But here it is, straight from Trudeau’s mouth. The pandemic is the excuse for a “Great Reset” of the world, led by the UN.

Justin Trudeau: Pandemic Is an Opportunity for ‘Great Reset’ KC4Djf90_T0_Kjll
11:03 AM · Nov 15, 2020

Absolutely not. Hard pass. Hell to the no. Take your “chance for a reset,” shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and have the secretary-general of the United Nations shove that junk straight up your @$. In other words, I strongly disagree with your assessment of the situation.
I’m almost at a loss. Because if you took a transcript of what Trudeau said, posted it under r/globalism conspiracy or tweeted it out under the handle @UNfearsQanon, you’d be de-platformed from the internet. Not just social media, but all of the internet. Yet here we have a world leader almost saying verbatim everything the people said the pandemic was really about, but were called crazy for saying it was what the pandemic was really about.
We got hosed. It’s okay to admit that we were wrong for going along with this. But we need to admit we were wrong and proceed to act accordingly.

This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.




Thanks to: https://jonsnewplace.wordpress.com

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