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An Act of War

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1An Act of War Empty An Act of War Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:21 am



An Act of War LrDB82NECI

An Act of War

Thomas Wictor assures us that despite the fact that we are in a full-blown information war and contrary to attempts by the Mainstream Media to brainwash us, everything is actually going great.
Wictor says Trump won in a landslide, with over 400 Electoral Votes – somewhere between 410 and 420. Trump not only slaughtered Biden, he slaughtered the Mainstream Media, which he says is now dead, regardless of whether you or they can grasp this, yet.
He says, “Trump has enough legal evidence in the form of sworn affidavits to get the mail-in ballots and the absentee ballots disqualified by the Supreme Court but he knows that that’s not enough [to overcome the propaganda and the brainwashing], so he’s going to present the evidence of what I’m sure was a military operation that he ordered by the Defense Intelligence Agency and almost certainly, the National Security Agency.”
Wictor believes this would have been a totally classified counter-insurgency mission, involving not just the NSA, DIA and Cyber Command but also involving Special Operations on the ground. This means that, not only were the election operations against Donald Trump completely surveilled upon but that the election operations against Donald Trump were physically infiltrated by undercover agents.
As an interesting aside, de-platformed podcaster, George Webb announced yesterday that his latest book, ‘At Dawn They Strzok’ explains how dual CIA-FBI agent, Peter Strzok, a longtime agent of the Islamic Republic of Iran was the leader of the Dominion Voting Systems operation against Trump.
It’s been widely-reported that dozens of these Dominion employees in Serbia have recently deleted their LinkedIn profiles.
George Webb says, “Most Americans will be surprised to learn that the faulty voting machines in the key counties in the key swing states that swung the election for Joe Biden were programmed by a hacker group in Belgrade, Serbia, recruited by none other than FBI agent, Peter Strzok in the year 1999. Yes, the same Peter Strzok who ran election operations against Donald Trump in 2016 is the same man behind running election operations against Trump in 2020.”
Thomas Wictor continues, “So, tons of this was surveilled. We don’t know how many people in these states were actually double agents working for the Trump administration but you can bet that a Hell of a lot of them were professionals – I mean, people who aren’t going to need to go into the Witness Protection Program…
“Stealing a national election is – people could say it’s Treason. No. It’s an Act of War. It’s an Act of War, alright, especially since we don’t know how many foreign powers were involved in this.”
Wictor encourages us to be of good cheer. From his point of view, any comments that you would make aligning with Mainstream Media propaganda makes you a de facto enemy agent.
So, don’t do that!
“Donald Trump, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, he has the real vote count and the reason I say that is because we do know that Dominion had the real vote count, because Dominion needed to know how many votes to switch. The way the software works is that they can’t manufacture votes from thin air, they have to switch votes, and so that’s why there was this frenzy of bringing in blank ballots that people simply filled out for Biden and [no votes down the ticket] and, as Giuliani said, they ran real Trump votes through the machine three or four or five times and once they had all those those actual ballots in the machine, then they switched them to Biden.
“And what we’re hearing now is that they’re destroying the paper trail. All of this is completely illegal.
“From what I can tell, the strategy is to try and pressure Trump into leaving office before January 20th, which, of course, he doesn’t have to do.
“The legal case that Giuliani and and Sidney Powell have is enough to get things done but it’s not enough to completely destroy the press and all of Trump’s enemies, so the only way to do that is to have the real vote count and to be able to prove that that’s the real vote count – so you can bet that Trump did.
“He knows that when the Supreme Court nullifies the mail-in ballots and absentee ballots in these states, it’s not going to be enough. They’re going to say it was a ‘Right-Wing supreme court’ and the deck was stacked in favor of Trump.
“What Sidney Powell and Giuliani have are sworn affidavits, so that’s evidence. And the people arguing against Powell and Giuliani would have to prove that the people swearing to the affidavit are lying. They can’t simply say, ‘We don’t believe those,’ or ‘It isn’t proof,’ or whatever. They have to prove if somebody swears an affidavit under penalty of perjury, that that person’s lying or is wrong – and they’re not going to be able to do that.
“You can bet that Trump has actual evidence because he’s got the Defense Intelligence Agency and he’s got Cyber Command working for him and this would have been a totally classified mission and this wouldn’t have been just the NSA, DIA and Cyber Command, this would have been Special Operations, on the ground…
“So, tons of this was surveilled. We don’t know how many people in these states were actually double agents working for the Trump administration but you can bet that a Hell of a lot of them were professionals – I mean people who aren’t going to need to go into the Witness Protection Program.
“And one of the reasons that we can be sure that this happened is that this was an Act of War…Our Armed Forces, for the first time since 1812 get to fight enemy forces on American soil and this is an opportunity they would not have passed up.
“Trump is basically the the Spook President. He does everything under the radar…He’s a clandestine operator, himself and let me tell you the one thing that clandestine operators admire the most about somebody is their ability to keep their mouths shut. And Trump can keep his mouth shut so can Pence and so can Grenell.
“Remember, Mike Pompeo went to North Korea when he was head of the CIA and it didn’t leak. So again, if you think that Trump couldn’t have pulled off a clandestine military operation to get the goods on the people who tried to steal the election, then…nothing’s penetrated in the first four years of the Trump Administration.
“Trump pulled off tons of clandestine operations. The USS Jimmy Carter came back from the Pacific in 2017 flying the Jolly Roger twice. The Jolly Roger signifies a successful combat mission what they did has never been leaked. So, we have the capabilities, we have the President and we have people who are keeping their mouth shut. When Pence finished up his press conference as head of the Coronavirus Task Force and walked out with a serene smile on his face, the press was hysterical.
“Now, why is the press and why are the Democrats and why are the Democrat supporters all hysterical and Trump’s people are calm and serene and cheerful? Trump was playing golf earlier today. You got to ask yourself that.
“And just to reiterate one last time, Trump got his landslide election – over 400 Electoral Votes, somewhere between 410 and 420 – so he slaughtered Biden and Biden had the entire global press behind [him].  So the press is already dead.
“Stealing a national election is – people could say it’s Treason. No. It’s an Act of War It’s an Act of War, alright, especially since we don’t know how many foreign powers were involved in this.
“So, the people who volunteer to ‘Defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ they were like, ‘Let me at ’em, let me at ’em! Where is he? Where is he? Turn me loose!’
“So, Trump did and they did their thing.
“All good things to those who wait.”



Thanks to: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net

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