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Voting machines used in PA and other states were “built to be manipulated,” witness testifies

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Voting machines used in PA and other states were “built to be manipulated,” witness testifies
12/07/2020 / By Cassie B.

Voting machines used in PA and other states were “built to be manipulated,” witness testifies Dominion-voting-systems-michigan-600x381

A lot of people don’t believe that massive vote fraud took place in the presidential election, and it’s hard to blame them. No one wants to think it’s possible that our elections could be unfair and that manipulating voting systems could really be that easy.
But it really is quite easy to pull off when the voting machines were built to be manipulated in the first place, and that’s exactly what retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron has alleged. In fact, he said that as many as 1.2 million votes could have been altered in the state of Pennsylvania alone.
Waldron is a cybersecurity expert who has 30 years of experience in intelligence and information warfare, so he definitely knows what he’s talking about. He said at a Pennsylvania hearing that he had personally debriefed the son of an intelligence officer in Cuba who said that members of Hugo Chavez’s family said not to worry about the election because “it was guaranteed, their father invested the money to build the SGO voting machine system.”
Attorney Sidney Powell said on Fox News that she had a sworn affidavit from a high-ranking Venezuelan official testifying the SGO system is a tool for manipulation, and Waldron said Dominion’s system has a similar code and function.
He added that while they believe that as many as 1.2 million votes could have been altered, a detailed forensic analysis is needed to reach a more precise figure. He said that other teams like his have been investigating voting system manipulation and many have identified serious issues.
In a November press conference, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said: “The company counting our vote, with control over our vote, is owned by two Venezuelans who were allies of Chávez, are present allies of Maduro, with a company whose chairman is a close associate and business partner of George Soros, the biggest donor to the Democratic Party, the biggest donor to Antifa and the biggest donor to Black Lives Matter.”
In an interview with Fox Business, attorney Sidney Powell reiterated the fact that Dominion Voting Systems was founded specifically to steal votes in countries across the world, which she points out is a federal felony.
She told host Lou Dobbs: “People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion Voting Systems because that’s what it was created to do. It was its sole original purpose; it has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.”
She added that it’s not just Venezuela who funded their system; China also played a role. Both countries have plenty of reasons not to want to see Trump take another term.
Powell said there is evidence that hundreds of thousands of votes were fraudulent and vowed to expose everyone who played a role in this fraud.

Voting machines aren’t the only problem

There is no question that these machines should not be used in future elections, but unfortunately, there are plenty of other ways to carry out vote fraud, as this election reminded us.
Monitors weren’t given the access they were due, postal workers were collecting and distributing unclaimed ballots to Biden supporters and backdating ballots, dead people and a suspicious number of individuals born in 1900 somehow managed to cast ballots, countless ballots for Trump “disappeared” while ballots for Biden magically appeared, poll workers intimidated and lied to people, and the list goes on.
After this year, it’s hard to imagine anyone having faith in America’s election system.


Thanks to: https://glitch.news

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