Alien Spirit -- the new spoken-word poetry album from Sean Ali Stone and Michel Huygen comes out January 29th on Spotify, I-Tunes and Google Play. CDs are also available for purchase, featuring poetry from Sean's poetry book The Ephemeral Shades of Time.
Ours is a light that will never dim,
Neither recede nor retreat from the mineral dust
To the sycamore tree, an eternal vibration
Staked to a husk of maize, called home,
For ours is the power of planets, Stars erupting in light waves,
Giving form to space,
While empty particles burn out, In pursuit of congealing,
An invisible mass,
Proof that we, the light,
Ever spread a flicker of conscience,
A day for a life, In praise of the mission,
That we brought a star show To play in time,
Even for a second, Knowing that all things,
In forming, create;
And that is the ode to joy,
The secret of destiny,
Bowing to eternity,
Passing, but enduring So we may each of us,
Enjoy a moment to shed our light.