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The KESHE Foundation's Space Technology to go PUBLIC . . .

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The KESHE Foundation's Space Technology to go PUBLIC . . . .

Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Dec-2012 00:57:59

One of the 13 Responses so far, to FYI: From MT Keshe on his Forum – Formation of Study Groups
Ilex says:
December 3, 2012 at 11:56 pm
He obviously sees that each individual country is not progressing forward fast enough, so he’s going to let normal folks do it.
This is just too damn cool and he’s going to get all his plasma technology to the people no matter what avenue he has to take.
How can you not love this man? I think this is probably considered pissing off the 'Illuminati' more than anyone or anything.
He is making sure the shackles will be pried off. Such a gift of love.
FYI: From MT Keshe on his Forum** – Formation of Study Groups
Posted on December 3, 2012
I (M.T. Keshe) would like to make a point at this stage.
A number of questions raised on this forum have been discussed and been addressed with multinational space equipment manufacturing organizations over several months.
To cut time short for development, in the upcoming meetings and on this forum, we will start releasing the findings of these organizations.
Thus soon we start opening the field of our discussions and investigations done by leading space organizations on the 'Magravs' system.
This means that for once and for all we will let you know what scientists who worked closely with us over months, and have gone through every point of the patents, have decided as to what decision they have made about the manufacture of the Magravs systems - having full knowledge about the technology.
These reports are done with full assessment of the technology with the intention to industrialize and commercialize the technology.
With this move we will show, that leading space manufacturing companies, after studying the technology in full, have independently decided that the technology is valid.
We have kept reports from these organizations confidential for long enough, and now that a number of governments have the technology, we will let the world have a look at the operation of the technology too.
Time of government decision-making as we promised is limited, and if we see the same process as before, with slander to blocking, then the Foundation will release all details, so that it saves others the time to evaluate and assess the technology, and hence we can go for the full development of systems for the public by the public.
Please read patent one in detail and understand it according to the definition of the books, and I am sure you will develop the reactors in group like this, in weeks.
It is time to play the universal game, and as the inventor I am prepared to start the game, if the forum is ready to take the technology into public to the next step, and this is what you have been asking for.
We have made a decision, and that is, to work with scientists and the public as we promised; the governments have had their time and our time for the public is about to start.
Let us move to the next step, but please work with your government, as their scientists make decisions according to their old understanding, and now it is time to play the new game of openness with science, and for you to show to your governments, your working prototype with the help of others around the world.
You are all welcome to participate, but with knowledge, so as not to run mayhem.
We give access to a limited number knowledgeable and scientists to this process of, and teaching and deployment first, and then through this study group, and their decision as members of the public, to what is to be released and when, to release their findings, at each stage of development.
Choose your team and once you have done this within the next 14 days, then we set out the procedure and form work for this study group.
The Foundations development thought group will not be exclusive and limited to initial members, and we leave the door open to all, but close the doors of control and suppression.
I have a good idea about a few who I think will be good to be part of this study group of the forum, but my decision counts for nothing,
It is you who have to check each other's knowledge and capabilities and then provide the forum with the list and then we will give you access to very secure position that we can discuss, point by point, all aspects of design, control and motion in the first place.
Completion time for assessment of the technology should be within 30 days from the set of this group.
The first prototypes developed and made by the group will be within 3 month.
So by the end of March 2013, the forum thought study group should be able to show the first system from their point of designer.
We will provide all facilities and cost for development of your prototype.
At the end of the testing, each participant of each nation will get a copy of the working unit to show, to their part of the world and not to their own nation alone.
Thus teaching for space technology with the world starts from today and now, it is your time to assess each other’s capabilities and understanding of the universe according to your comprehension of this new technology.
When you have chosen the team, we are here to serve the technology out to you all.
I think this should bring the space technology in one leap into the public hand, and it will grow among people, by the people, for the people,
Rather than us giving you a show, and then all asking, so how is it done? -- now you get to know and teach yourselves and others the full universal process.
You become the peer reviewers of your own technology for mankind.
I am ready to be your student in this study group if you see it fit to be part of this group, as there is still a lot to learn.
We will provide the facility for all your works on the new server as of the 15-12-2012, on the Foundation's own server, which has been bought for these purposes of use in mind.
M T Keshe

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