Why your compliance is the problem
Posted on April 12, 2021
Here is a post from a friend.
Here’s my additions to this:
#1 You actually gave up your medical freedom to businesses and your employers in 2020 when you complied by believing that the government or anyone else had the right to tell you to cover up your only two sources of oxygen and rebreathe your own exhaust. Governor saying there is a mandate to wear a mask is meaningless. A mask is a medical device. All these employees in stores telling you to wear a mask are practicing medicine without a license. You were born with rights and you must stand up and fight for them.
#2 If you have received your first shot you should have known that their were 4 shots and not 2. Your temporary paper passport has 4 lines on it not 2. I think the boosters will be here before December. The digital passports already exist. The corporations will be the ones requiring it and it’s already starting. It’s just a matter of time before they roll out everywhere.
#3 Surveillance is just one part of it and you should be concerned that China is asking to handle all the vaccine passports. Have you heard of the social credit score system in China?
#4 These injections have only two outcomes (sick and/or die) and many doctors have been warning about this but because you only listen to msm you don’t see them. The injuries and deaths are already at shocking numbers. Any other product in the world would have been recalled and banned already but not this. They just keep lying and say the injections are safe and effective. Attorneys are already preparing for Nuremberg trials #2.
It’s really sad to me after spending years of my life in bed sick that healthy people would willingly line up to make themselves sick and possibly die.
MORE HERE: https://amigraineurslife.wordpress.com/2021/04/12/why-your-compliance-is-the-problem/
Thanks to: https://amigraineurslife.wordpress.com
Posted on April 12, 2021
Here is a post from a friend.
“Let me tell you how this is going to go, normies. Maybe you were happy to get your first dose of the covid vaccine, maybe not so happy after the second dose. But you did it and you think you’re covered for life, or at least for a few decades. You’ve got your paper card that you dutifully posted to social media.
But the FBI is now on the case of “fake” vaccine cards so they’re going to need you to download a blockchain “vaccine passport” on your phone now, and get the pharmacy or health department to digitally enter your private health records.
Will you do that much? Great! Once that is done, you’ll find out around Christmas that you’re no longer considered vaccinated and they need you to get a “booster.” Boosters are just more vaccines, nothing special about them. They aren’t any different or less powerful than the first two you already suffered through. They are exactly the same thing as “starting over from the beginning” but given the cute name of “booster.”
Maybe you don’t mind getting a 3rd and 4th shot as long as it’s called a booster, who am I to know? So you roll up your sleeve and get your Christmas shots right around the same time that the corporations who require your vaccine passport in order to do business with you announce that they’re upping the game and adding an annual flu shot to their requirements. Why not? You’re already at the pharmacy, already have your arm exposed, just add one more vaccine– every year with your covid boosters.
Then, in 2022, when covid exhaustion hits the media so they regress back to reporting on DEADLY PERTUSSIS IN INFANTS and CRAZY ANTIVAX JEWS BRINGING MEASLES TO THE US, guess what? Suddenly your childhood vaccination record will be called into question.
And if you’re my age, as many of you are, surprise! You are under vaccinated for measles! A second dose was added in 1995 while you were in college and 99.9% of you didn’t receive it.
So now it’s going to take another MMR in order for that green light to function on your digital passport. But not just another MMR because, sad news, it turns out the pertussis vaccine America has used since 1995 is only good for one year, so you’ll need to start getting a Tdap on the regular, too.
Whew! Does that about cover it? Not hardly. Unfortunately, Merck has had a heckuva time selling Gardasil in the US and the best way to move that inventory is to add it to the vax passport requirements. But that’s an STD vaccine! It feels a little too “private” to require in order to transact business and take part in everyday life, doesn’t it?
It’s too late. You already gave up your privacy back in the spring of 2021. You don’t get those things back.
In summary, you are the problem, stop complying, you are literally ruining the country for the rest of us. This was never about health, it was always about big tech mass surveillance. If it was about protecting you they would have given you a vaccine that actually provides immunity. Think of the world you are creating for your children and grandchildren by not standing up. Warm regards!”
Here’s my additions to this:
#1 You actually gave up your medical freedom to businesses and your employers in 2020 when you complied by believing that the government or anyone else had the right to tell you to cover up your only two sources of oxygen and rebreathe your own exhaust. Governor saying there is a mandate to wear a mask is meaningless. A mask is a medical device. All these employees in stores telling you to wear a mask are practicing medicine without a license. You were born with rights and you must stand up and fight for them.
#2 If you have received your first shot you should have known that their were 4 shots and not 2. Your temporary paper passport has 4 lines on it not 2. I think the boosters will be here before December. The digital passports already exist. The corporations will be the ones requiring it and it’s already starting. It’s just a matter of time before they roll out everywhere.
#3 Surveillance is just one part of it and you should be concerned that China is asking to handle all the vaccine passports. Have you heard of the social credit score system in China?
#4 These injections have only two outcomes (sick and/or die) and many doctors have been warning about this but because you only listen to msm you don’t see them. The injuries and deaths are already at shocking numbers. Any other product in the world would have been recalled and banned already but not this. They just keep lying and say the injections are safe and effective. Attorneys are already preparing for Nuremberg trials #2.
It’s really sad to me after spending years of my life in bed sick that healthy people would willingly line up to make themselves sick and possibly die.
MORE HERE: https://amigraineurslife.wordpress.com/2021/04/12/why-your-compliance-is-the-problem/
Thanks to: https://amigraineurslife.wordpress.com