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Clif High – Vindication Woo!

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1Clif High – Vindication Woo! Empty Clif High – Vindication Woo! Mon May 31, 2021 10:38 am



Clif High – Vindication Woo! DhgPGQo3GW

Vindication Woo!

Clif High explains that The Piscean Age is ending and coincident with this are what his predictive linguistics have long been calling the “strange energies from space” and the collapse of our current world political and economic order.
Whereas the Piscean Age has been characterized by group behavior, as in “schooling fish” and where we were herded like sheep by the Globalists, the Aquarian Age is about knowledge, which is an individual process. He says, “We are individuating but in our individuation, we are finding collective pathways with our other individual citizens in forming new power blocs. These new power blocs are threatening the Globalists.
“They decided to unleash the biowar now to try and dampen us down, to crush enough of the population, to kill enough of us that the mind virus of freedom can’t spread. Thus, we’re in this biowar, which is a real war with the Globalists and which may spread into kinetic war – likely will, to some degree these next few years, as the Globalists, who are fighting an existential battle, they are fighting for their very existence, for their very lives, for the lives of their families; for the millions of dollars, the power base they’ve stolen for generations. They are fighting for it all.
“It is at this moment, over this period of time, that they will lose that, with an awakened global population, because, WTF, they are waking up…!
“As the political system comes undone, the Globalists had infiltrated the political system and the institutions with Wokianism and rampaging Communism but all that succeeded in doing was cracking open the rigid overlay that they had put on everything and allowing the rest of the population to come up through freedom.
“The Communists and the Wokianists are a very small percentage of the population and will be overwhelmed, as we all stand up and say, ‘WTF? We’re waking up!…This year, we will see the United States Federal Government start breaking down, as they have an inability to pay for stuff [due to hyperinflation]…
Clif High has yet another way to look at the impending UFO disclosure; that it is to a large degree the source of the dollar implosion and that the effects of the disclosure will be epochal.
“A lot of the Patriot community is saying that the UFO thing is a distraction from the [election] audits and so on…and I say, ‘No!’ It is a key ingredient that was placed in there to cause problems for Dementia Joe and the Usurpers, for the Coup. It’s there to cause problems for Joe and his handlers, because the UFOs and the secrecy will break open – you can’t dribble that sh*t out. Once you admit any aspect of it, once you acknowledge officially that there are UFOs, then from that point on, it will break open in chunks like a glacier falling off of Antarctica. It will not be dribbled out in little tiny snowflakes. It’s just impossible to do that. This is just the way the human mind works…
“And so the secrecy is going to break open and flood out and the Government is going to have a shoe shoved up its a** so far, they’re going to feel it. Because the secrecy was propelled by bad money. They’re thinking they’re going to cut their losses on the bad money, which will, indeed happen.
“But once they do that, all those people that used to be bribed won’t be bribed anymore and the sh*t’s going to come out, much more than the Government wanted, because it will be leaking out around the edges, not simply coming through the officialdom of the Congress and their official leaks. It’s going to ooze out everywhere. It’s the Overwoo…
“This is just the beginning of it. It’s going to be a global cultural revolution, in a way that the Globalists are unable to control. It’s already slipped out of their hands. They think they’ve got some approaches to it but it’s falling by the wayside, by the day.”
He says this global pan-humanity movement has already begun but it is going to kick off like mad starting in June, which he’s labeled the month of “Danger” for the Globalists, whereas July will be month of “Panic” and August will be the month of “Change.”
He says, “All of the people in the upper echelons of government, in the upper echelons of finance, of law enforcement; the entire criminal Cabal…secret organizations like the CIA, all of their torture chambers, all of this kind of sh*t is in the “Panic” mode in July, they’re going to be dumping all kinds of crap and they’re going to be freaking like mad to cover their tracks and get their a** to some level of safety somewhere, as humanity boils over in summer, no matter what the weather is…the Globalists are going to panic this year…
“And then, we’re going to change sh*t in August. How we do it, not up to me to say. I just know it’s going to happen…It’s all coming out, once that little bit of it comes out, all the dots will be made visible, all the lines will be made between them, people will start connecting all of those little dots and they’ll see what the secrecy has done for the UFOs and how it destroyed the money and how it was a tool of the Globalists in keeping the global population pushed down, while they tried to steal all the technology, etc., etc…
“It’s Vindication Woo for all of the Woo people, it’s Vindication Woo for all of the conspiracy nuts, because we were not nuts!…and hey, biowar, even Fauci has to admit it, now! And Vaxx as a delivery vehicle for the spike protein. That’s f***ing obvious! The spike protein is the bioweapon…!”
He says the change that we will see coming in August will be necessarily traumatic and painful and we would do best to keep calm, as we assess what has happened and quickly move to create a new government. The constitutional government structure is sound, we simply cannot allow for it to be captured, due to our inattention. Reasonable voices will emerge, solutions will start being presented.
The Globalists have lost.

LISTEN HERE: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/vindication-woo/

Thanks to: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net

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