Report dismisses Havana Syndrome theories
Posted on Saturday, 2 October, 2021
Is Havana Syndrome really the result of directed-energy attacks ? Image Credit: US Navy / Tucker M. Yates
A declassified report seems to dismiss the idea that Havana Syndrome is caused by microwave weapons.
The State Department report, which was written by the US government's JASON advisory group, was completed back in 2018 - more than a year after the original spate of 'attacks' that left US diplomats suffering from a range of mysterious symptoms in Cuba.
Oddly enough, the report seems to completely dismiss the idea that the unexplained buzzing noises and neurological injuries sustained by the victims was caused by some form of ultrasound or microwave weapon being operated by a foreign power.
Instead, while not entirely ruling out the possibility, the report's authors suggested that the most likely explanation was that the symptoms were psychological in nature and that the buzzing noises heard at the time of the 'attacks' was in fact the call of an insect native to the region.
"No plausible single source of energy (neither radio/microwaves nor sonic) can produce both the recorded audio/video signals and the reported medical effects," the report concluded.
"We believe the recorded sounds are mechanical or biological in origin, rather than electronic. The most likely source is the Indies short-tailed cricket."
The declassified document was obtained by Buzzfeed following a Freedom of Information Act request.
While the conclusions reached are certainly interesting, what the authors of the report didn't know back in 2018 was that the symptoms - now known as Havana Syndrome - would continue to be reported by US personnel in multiple countries.
This makes crickets an extremely unlikely explanation for the buzzing sounds described.
Source: Buzzfeed News
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Posted on Saturday, 2 October, 2021
Is Havana Syndrome really the result of directed-energy attacks ? Image Credit: US Navy / Tucker M. Yates
A declassified report seems to dismiss the idea that Havana Syndrome is caused by microwave weapons.
The State Department report, which was written by the US government's JASON advisory group, was completed back in 2018 - more than a year after the original spate of 'attacks' that left US diplomats suffering from a range of mysterious symptoms in Cuba.
Oddly enough, the report seems to completely dismiss the idea that the unexplained buzzing noises and neurological injuries sustained by the victims was caused by some form of ultrasound or microwave weapon being operated by a foreign power.
Instead, while not entirely ruling out the possibility, the report's authors suggested that the most likely explanation was that the symptoms were psychological in nature and that the buzzing noises heard at the time of the 'attacks' was in fact the call of an insect native to the region.
"No plausible single source of energy (neither radio/microwaves nor sonic) can produce both the recorded audio/video signals and the reported medical effects," the report concluded.
"We believe the recorded sounds are mechanical or biological in origin, rather than electronic. The most likely source is the Indies short-tailed cricket."
The declassified document was obtained by Buzzfeed following a Freedom of Information Act request.
While the conclusions reached are certainly interesting, what the authors of the report didn't know back in 2018 was that the symptoms - now known as Havana Syndrome - would continue to be reported by US personnel in multiple countries.
This makes crickets an extremely unlikely explanation for the buzzing sounds described.
Source: Buzzfeed News
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