“The Great Reset Has Arrived!”
Bare shelves at your local supermarket, or a shortage of wood at your DY store, turned away from a petrol station after waiting hours. Add to this a global energy crisis! (Will you heat or eat for Christmas?) It’s all part of the plan
Date: October 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report
Source: TBW
A run on the American Union Bank, New York City. April 26, 1932. Credit Wikipedia.
You may very well have noticed recently bare shelves at your local supermarket, or a shortage of wood at you DY store, worse still you may well have been turned away from a petrol station after waiting for hours only to be told there is no more petrol. Add to this a global energy crisis crippling the UK, Europe and China which is spreading to emerging market economies around the world. (Will you heat or eat for Christmas?)
Inflation has reared its ugly head once more and promises to drag western countries back to a recession not seen since the ’70s or worse. Domestically, the US is preparing for a mass shutdown of farms and agriculture businesses as climate chaos and government sanctions have hit farmers particularly hard this year. The latest setback is the rising cost of chemical fertiliser hitting farmers already struggling to produce food during rising costs. US meat prices are rocketing.
But are all the above problems part of the “Great Reset Plan” touted by the UN, our governments, billionaires and the elite?
At the beginning of this month, “global transport heads” called on world leaders to secure global supply chains, (see the open letter below). Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the maritime, road and aviation industries have called loudly and clearly on governments to ensure the free movement of transport workers and to end travel bans and other restrictions that have had an enormously detrimental impact on their wellbeing and safety.
Transport workers keep the world running and are vital for the free movement of products, including vaccines and PPE, but have been continually failed by governments and taken for granted by their officials.
This is why IRU, the world road transport organisation, IATA, the International Air Transport Association, ICS, the International Chamber of Shipping, and ITF, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, have come together to make an urgent plea to the world’s heads of government and the United Nations Agencies to remove restrictions hampering the free movement of transport workers, and guarantee and facilitate their free and safe movement.
Their collective industries account for more than $20 trillion of world trade annually, and represent 65 million global transport workers, and over 3.5 million road freight and airline companies, as well as more than 80% of the world merchant shipping fleet.
Welcome to “industrial revolution number 4!” The Great Reset is here!
We are about to be introduced to a new industrial revolution, “industrial revolution number 4 in fact.” Mankind is about to be fused together with machines, artificial intelligence, or AI. And it is the mega-rich techies, the 1% who are touting this fusion. Elon Musk and his “neuro link” for instance, Bill Gates and his obsession with vaccinations, (we can change someone’s DNA now with just an injection) and Bill has already invented a vaccine which kills religious thoughts in religious fundamentalists, there is a YouTube video of him on the web briefing the CIA on the 14th of April 2005.
Bill Bezos and his robot operated Amazon Empire and the most anticipated advance in global recognition so far, 5G. You and I are not prepared for what is coming, just how advanced this new industrial revolution will be, the tech giants have become more powerful than the governments themselves and they will sweep us aside as they introduce their “new world order.” However, they need a crisis to set the wheels into motion, The Covid Virus.
A useless, generation is being formulated from the Covid disaster, moulded by our governments, low skilled workers will be that useless generation, the next group of social parasites, who will no longer be needed, however, they will play into the governments hands and accept anything to be able to travel to Spain for their annual vacation, keep up the house payments and drink a few cold-ones in the evening.
You see, robots inevitably will replace humans in the workplace and unemployment is unavoidable eventually for just about everyone. Covid-19 is a big help here for the establishment, with millions of hard-working unsuspecting people who are being led like lemmings to jump off the unemployment cliff, losing their jobs because of closure from a novel virus.
According to Historian and Author, Yuval Harari, speaking at the 2020 Economic Forum in Switzerland all jobs will rapidly disappear introducing “a global useless class,” which will be separated from an ever-growing gap of the ever more powerful elitist class. However, this new “useless-class”, post-Orwellian, Proletariat, will be rewarded with a state-owned universal basic income which will be just enough to get by, BUT, will only be eligible for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and have received an RFID chip allowing that person to provide and receive every kind of data to and from the powers that be.
A self-driving car system may use a neural network to determine which parts of the picture seem to match previous training images of pedestrians, and then model those areas as slow-moving but somewhat unpredictable rectangular prisms that must be avoided. Wikipedia.
“Build Back Better” is the new slogan used by western leaders and the Economic Forum. Prince Charles has made a video called, “RE: SET.” The Economic Forum goes on to predict how our world will be in 10 years time: By 2030 we will all own nothing and we’ll be very happy. Whatever we want we’ll rent and will be delivered by drones and our Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.
But its the unvaccinated who will take the wrath of the “New World Order!”
Already around the world, we are seeing healthcare workers, the military, and other key workers losing their jobs because of their stance against the vaccine. These people were seen as heroes a few months ago, but now are seen as social pariahs. Just this week, Australia announced a “no jab, no pay” rule for all their health workers, a move that can only isolate and inflame tensions with none-vaxxers.
Earlier last month, Joe Biden sharply criticised millions of Americans who have chosen not to be vaccinated against Covid. Back in December 2020 he famously stated he didn’t think vaccinations should be mandatory and in July 2021, he sensationally declared “America’s independence from the Covid-19,” that claim has come back to bite Joe on the butt as a rise of 300% new infections per day are at the moment are crippling health care workers, and is happening despite millions of Americans have had at least one vaccination.
As summer 2021 slowly morphs into autumn, a large “useless society,” a new proletariat is emerging, a group of pariahs, outcasts, parasites who will become despised and rejected. This group will become discriminated against, bullied, and coerced into receiving the Covid vaccine, something we were told would not happen when the first vaccines rolled off the shelf late last year.
Vaccines have been manufactured in record time while many millions of honest unprepared people are wondering how on earth these vaccines could have been proven safe in such a short time? (short answer, they haven’t).
The fight has begun before most of us even realised it. In July this year, President Biden announced to the world that: “There is a pandemic of unvaccinated people in the US!” He is only one of the government leaders world-wide using unvaccinated people as a tool for propaganda and the hate will increase the longer we refuse to be “coerced” into receiving the vaccine.
The unvaccinated people will become “locked down.” We will be intimidated, discriminated against and controlled with fear, which is illegal in the West but, against the unvaccinated it will be allowed. How many of you, “anti-vaxxers,” which is what we are being called, are prepared for what is coming, I wonder?
“Global transport heads” called on world leaders to secure global supply chains… But we know now that isn’t in the planning.
Thanks to: https://nworeport.me
Bare shelves at your local supermarket, or a shortage of wood at your DY store, turned away from a petrol station after waiting hours. Add to this a global energy crisis! (Will you heat or eat for Christmas?) It’s all part of the plan
Date: October 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report
Source: TBW
A run on the American Union Bank, New York City. April 26, 1932. Credit Wikipedia.
You may very well have noticed recently bare shelves at your local supermarket, or a shortage of wood at you DY store, worse still you may well have been turned away from a petrol station after waiting for hours only to be told there is no more petrol. Add to this a global energy crisis crippling the UK, Europe and China which is spreading to emerging market economies around the world. (Will you heat or eat for Christmas?)
Inflation has reared its ugly head once more and promises to drag western countries back to a recession not seen since the ’70s or worse. Domestically, the US is preparing for a mass shutdown of farms and agriculture businesses as climate chaos and government sanctions have hit farmers particularly hard this year. The latest setback is the rising cost of chemical fertiliser hitting farmers already struggling to produce food during rising costs. US meat prices are rocketing.
But are all the above problems part of the “Great Reset Plan” touted by the UN, our governments, billionaires and the elite?
At the beginning of this month, “global transport heads” called on world leaders to secure global supply chains, (see the open letter below). Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the maritime, road and aviation industries have called loudly and clearly on governments to ensure the free movement of transport workers and to end travel bans and other restrictions that have had an enormously detrimental impact on their wellbeing and safety.
Transport workers keep the world running and are vital for the free movement of products, including vaccines and PPE, but have been continually failed by governments and taken for granted by their officials.
This is why IRU, the world road transport organisation, IATA, the International Air Transport Association, ICS, the International Chamber of Shipping, and ITF, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, have come together to make an urgent plea to the world’s heads of government and the United Nations Agencies to remove restrictions hampering the free movement of transport workers, and guarantee and facilitate their free and safe movement.
Their collective industries account for more than $20 trillion of world trade annually, and represent 65 million global transport workers, and over 3.5 million road freight and airline companies, as well as more than 80% of the world merchant shipping fleet.
Welcome to “industrial revolution number 4!” The Great Reset is here!
We are about to be introduced to a new industrial revolution, “industrial revolution number 4 in fact.” Mankind is about to be fused together with machines, artificial intelligence, or AI. And it is the mega-rich techies, the 1% who are touting this fusion. Elon Musk and his “neuro link” for instance, Bill Gates and his obsession with vaccinations, (we can change someone’s DNA now with just an injection) and Bill has already invented a vaccine which kills religious thoughts in religious fundamentalists, there is a YouTube video of him on the web briefing the CIA on the 14th of April 2005.
Bill Bezos and his robot operated Amazon Empire and the most anticipated advance in global recognition so far, 5G. You and I are not prepared for what is coming, just how advanced this new industrial revolution will be, the tech giants have become more powerful than the governments themselves and they will sweep us aside as they introduce their “new world order.” However, they need a crisis to set the wheels into motion, The Covid Virus.
They also need to kill our existing economy and banking system and destroy local businesses and entrepreneurs by locking them down and driving them into debt-did you walk down down your high-street lately?The truth was extremely loud and unbelievably close by, but we missed it by a mile: We took our eye off the ball, just for a second, and all the horrors, all the Bible Prophecies, and conspiracy theories which have been written about ad nausea for the last twenty years happened while we looked away
A useless, generation is being formulated from the Covid disaster, moulded by our governments, low skilled workers will be that useless generation, the next group of social parasites, who will no longer be needed, however, they will play into the governments hands and accept anything to be able to travel to Spain for their annual vacation, keep up the house payments and drink a few cold-ones in the evening.
You see, robots inevitably will replace humans in the workplace and unemployment is unavoidable eventually for just about everyone. Covid-19 is a big help here for the establishment, with millions of hard-working unsuspecting people who are being led like lemmings to jump off the unemployment cliff, losing their jobs because of closure from a novel virus.
Asia Today have predicted driverless vehicles are becoming so reliable that in just a couple of years, humans will be banned from driving all over the world because we will be far too dangerous compared to our AI counterparts. So truck drivers, packet deliveries, taxi drivers, bus drivers, factory workers, office workers and others, yes, millions of others will lose their jobs in a blink of an eye.Letter by letter, we read of a society that seems to move from one dystopic nightmare to another! Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career! Choose the vaccine, pay the bills…No vaccine, no work, no work, no money-you gotta pay the bills-you gotta work-you gotta make them house payments.
According to Historian and Author, Yuval Harari, speaking at the 2020 Economic Forum in Switzerland all jobs will rapidly disappear introducing “a global useless class,” which will be separated from an ever-growing gap of the ever more powerful elitist class. However, this new “useless-class”, post-Orwellian, Proletariat, will be rewarded with a state-owned universal basic income which will be just enough to get by, BUT, will only be eligible for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and have received an RFID chip allowing that person to provide and receive every kind of data to and from the powers that be.
A self-driving car system may use a neural network to determine which parts of the picture seem to match previous training images of pedestrians, and then model those areas as slow-moving but somewhat unpredictable rectangular prisms that must be avoided. Wikipedia.
“Build Back Better” is the new slogan used by western leaders and the Economic Forum. Prince Charles has made a video called, “RE: SET.” The Economic Forum goes on to predict how our world will be in 10 years time: By 2030 we will all own nothing and we’ll be very happy. Whatever we want we’ll rent and will be delivered by drones and our Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.
Choose the vaccine, pay the bills…There Is Nothing New Under The Sun: A Revelation To John 16:20 Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. A book classified and removed by the CIA and two secret military experiments have found the secrets to God’s last great earthquake!
But its the unvaccinated who will take the wrath of the “New World Order!”
Already around the world, we are seeing healthcare workers, the military, and other key workers losing their jobs because of their stance against the vaccine. These people were seen as heroes a few months ago, but now are seen as social pariahs. Just this week, Australia announced a “no jab, no pay” rule for all their health workers, a move that can only isolate and inflame tensions with none-vaxxers.
Earlier last month, Joe Biden sharply criticised millions of Americans who have chosen not to be vaccinated against Covid. Back in December 2020 he famously stated he didn’t think vaccinations should be mandatory and in July 2021, he sensationally declared “America’s independence from the Covid-19,” that claim has come back to bite Joe on the butt as a rise of 300% new infections per day are at the moment are crippling health care workers, and is happening despite millions of Americans have had at least one vaccination.
As summer 2021 slowly morphs into autumn, a large “useless society,” a new proletariat is emerging, a group of pariahs, outcasts, parasites who will become despised and rejected. This group will become discriminated against, bullied, and coerced into receiving the Covid vaccine, something we were told would not happen when the first vaccines rolled off the shelf late last year.
Vaccines have been manufactured in record time while many millions of honest unprepared people are wondering how on earth these vaccines could have been proven safe in such a short time? (short answer, they haven’t).
The fight has begun before most of us even realised it. In July this year, President Biden announced to the world that: “There is a pandemic of unvaccinated people in the US!” He is only one of the government leaders world-wide using unvaccinated people as a tool for propaganda and the hate will increase the longer we refuse to be “coerced” into receiving the vaccine.
The unvaccinated people will become “locked down.” We will be intimidated, discriminated against and controlled with fear, which is illegal in the West but, against the unvaccinated it will be allowed. How many of you, “anti-vaxxers,” which is what we are being called, are prepared for what is coming, I wonder?
“Global transport heads” called on world leaders to secure global supply chains… But we know now that isn’t in the planning.
Joint open letter – Transport heads call on world leaders to secure global supply chains 29 September 2021.
Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the maritime, road and aviation industries have called loudly and clearly on governments to ensure the free movement of transport workers and to end travel bans and other restrictions that have had an enormously detrimental impact on their wellbeing and safety.
Transport workers keep the world running and are vital for the free movement of products, including vaccines and PPE, but have been continually failed by governments and taken for granted by their officials.
Our calls have been consistent and clear: freedom of movement for transport workers, for governments to use protocols that have been endorsed by international bodies for each sector and to prioritise transport workers for vaccinations as called for in the World Health Organization’s SAGE Roadmap for Prioritizing Uses of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Context of Limited Supply.
Heads of government have failed to listen, to end the blame-shifting within and between governments and take the decisive and coordinated action needed to resolve this crisis. This is why IRU, the world road transport organisation, IATA, the International Air Transport Association, ICS, the International Chamber of Shipping, and ITF, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, have come together to make an urgent plea to the world’s heads of government and the United Nations Agencies to remove restrictions hampering the free movement of transport workers, and guarantee and facilitate their free and safe movement.
Our collective industries account for more than $20 trillion of world trade annually, and represent 65 million global transport workers, and over 3.5 million road freight and airline companies, as well as more than 80% of the world merchant shipping fleet. Seafarers, air crew and drivers must be able to continue to do their jobs, and cross borders, to keep supply chains moving.
We ask heads of government to urgently take the leadership that is required to bring an end to the fragmented travel rules and restrictions that have severely impacted the global supply chain and put at risk the health and wellbeing of our international transport workforce. We also need the same urgent leadership to increase global vaccine supply by all means at our disposal, in order to expedite the recovery of our industries.
We ask that our transport workers are given priority to receive WHO recognised vaccines and heads of government work together to create globally harmonised, digital, mutually recognised vaccination certificate and processes for demonstrating health credentials (including vaccination status and COVID-19 test results), which are paramount to ensure transport workers can cross international borders.
We also call on the WHO to take our message to health ministries. Despite early engagement at the outset of the pandemic and issuance of guidance, health and transport ministries have not utilised it, resulting in the situation we face today. We need the WHO and governments to work together to ensure this guidance is accepted and followed.
The impact of nearly two years’ worth of strain, placed particularly upon maritime and road transport workers, but also impacting air crews, is now being seen. Their continued mistreatment is adding pressure on an already crumbling global supply chain. We are witnessing unprecedented disruptions and global delays and shortages on essential goods including electronics, food, fuel and medical supplies.
Consumer demand is rising and the delays look set to worsen ahead of Christmas and continue into 2022. We have all continued to keep global trade flowing throughout the pandemic, but it has taken a human toll. At the peak of the crew change crisis 400,000 seafarers were unable to leave their ships, with some seafarers working for as long as 18 months over their initial contracts.
Flights have been restricted and aviation workers have faced the inconsistency of border, travel, restrictions, and vaccine restrictions/requirements. Additional and systemic stopping at road borders has meant truck drivers have been forced to wait, sometimes weeks, before being able to complete their journeys and return home.
It is of great concern that we are also seeing shortages of workers and expect more to leave our industries as a result of the poor treatment they have faced during the pandemic, putting the supply chain under greater threat. In view of the vital role that transport workers have played during the pandemic and continue to play during the ongoing supply chain crisis, we request, as a matter of urgency, a meeting with WHO and the ILO at the highest level to identify solutions before global transport systems collapse. We also ask that WHO and the ILO raise this at the UN General Assembly and call on heads of government to take meaningful and swift action to resolve this crisis now.
Thanks to: https://nworeport.me