La Palma eruption update: Enormous pressure is building up under the volcano as ground inflates 17cm in 24 hours – Possible violent explosion in the next few days
Date: October 27, 2021Author: Nwo Report
Source: Nworeport
Yesterday evening, the north-western flank of the cone collapsed after the volcano had its strongest daytime activity since the beginning of the eruption (Sept. 19th). Large amounts of lava flowed out.
The Cumbre Vieja volcano continues to wreak havoc at La Palma, where lava streams like these ones pour from the fissures. The eruption has continued for more than a month and is yet to show any sign of easing [read more:]
8:53 AM · Oct 25, 2021
Apparently, the upper vents have been clogged during the collapse, meaning that the material could no longer be ejected.
Pedro Suárez
[25/10/2021 08:14] Secuencia completa del crecimiento de la colada de lava, con datos de @CopernicusEMS #EMSR546, hasta hoy día 25 de Octubre a las 08:14. #erupcionlapalma #VolcandeLaPalma #LaPalmavolcan
Copernicus EMS
New map: [#EMSR546] La Palma: Grading Product, Monitoring 32, version 1, release 1, RTP Map #01 [v1, 1:22000] — #volcanicactivity #grading in #Spain #Copernicus #CEMS #RapidMapping #EUCivPro
11:06 AM · Oct 25, 2021
This resulted in a floor elevation of at least 17 centimeters within 24 hours as shown in the GPS data below:
This new ground inflation shows that an enormous pressure is building up under the volcano. Consequently Pevolca issued a warning of possible explosions over the next few days.
The latest GPS data are very worrying. If this is not a measurement error, we could see a sharp increase in activity in the next few hours or days.
Residents have also reported an increasing, whistling noise since Sunday. This could be related to a Glissando effect, which normally occurs before or during a volcanic climax.
Sometimes these small earthquakes are spasmodic and episodic, but sometimes they appear to take a more harmonic and almost musical tenor, as was reported recently in a study of the Redoubt volcano, Alaska.
Date: October 27, 2021Author: Nwo Report 0 Comments
Source: Nworeport
Yesterday evening, the north-western flank of the cone collapsed after the volcano had its strongest daytime activity since the beginning of the eruption (Sept. 19th). Large amounts of lava flowed out.
Apparently, the upper vents have been clogged during the collapse, meaning that the material could no longer be ejected.
This resulted in a floor elevation of at least 17 centimeters within 24 hours as shown in the GPS data below:
Ground elevation of 17cm measured at eruption site of La Palma volcano. IGN
This new ground inflation shows that an enormous pressure is building up under the volcano. Consequently Pevolca issued a warning of possible explosions over the next few days.
The latest GPS data are very worrying. If this is not a measurement error, we could see a sharp increase in activity in the next few hours or days.
Residents have also reported an increasing, whistling noise since Sunday. This could be related to a Glissando effect, which normally occurs before or during a volcanic climax.
Sometimes these small earthquakes are spasmodic and episodic, but sometimes they appear to take a more harmonic and almost musical tenor, as was reported recently in a study of the Redoubt volcano, Alaska.
Ksenia Dmitrieva, from Stanford University, and colleagues measured seismicity leading up to an eruption of Redoubt in 2009. Small earthquakes occurred in rapid succession, blurring to a continuous high-frequency tremor, and ceased abruptly to immediate silence for about half a minute before the eruption.
The magma plumbing system appears to act like a giant organ pipe or flute, playing the music of the depths in response to the flowing magma as it judders through the system in a frictional tremor.
Ground elevation of 17cm measured at eruption site of La Palma volcano. IGN
It is rather akin to the ringing of a wine glass made with a wet finger, but with the frequency ever increasing in a rising glissando – a musical glide from one pitch to another.
If these data are really correct, we could be at a terrifying turning point of this La Palma volcano eruption.
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Date: October 27, 2021Author: Nwo Report
Source: Nworeport
Yesterday evening, the north-western flank of the cone collapsed after the volcano had its strongest daytime activity since the beginning of the eruption (Sept. 19th). Large amounts of lava flowed out.
The Cumbre Vieja volcano continues to wreak havoc at La Palma, where lava streams like these ones pour from the fissures. The eruption has continued for more than a month and is yet to show any sign of easing [read more:]
8:53 AM · Oct 25, 2021
Apparently, the upper vents have been clogged during the collapse, meaning that the material could no longer be ejected.
Pedro Suárez
[25/10/2021 08:14] Secuencia completa del crecimiento de la colada de lava, con datos de @CopernicusEMS #EMSR546, hasta hoy día 25 de Octubre a las 08:14. #erupcionlapalma #VolcandeLaPalma #LaPalmavolcan
Copernicus EMS
New map: [#EMSR546] La Palma: Grading Product, Monitoring 32, version 1, release 1, RTP Map #01 [v1, 1:22000] — #volcanicactivity #grading in #Spain #Copernicus #CEMS #RapidMapping #EUCivPro
11:06 AM · Oct 25, 2021
This resulted in a floor elevation of at least 17 centimeters within 24 hours as shown in the GPS data below:
This new ground inflation shows that an enormous pressure is building up under the volcano. Consequently Pevolca issued a warning of possible explosions over the next few days.
The latest GPS data are very worrying. If this is not a measurement error, we could see a sharp increase in activity in the next few hours or days.
Residents have also reported an increasing, whistling noise since Sunday. This could be related to a Glissando effect, which normally occurs before or during a volcanic climax.
Like a scream before a blast
The subterranean magma plumbing systems that sit beneath volcanoes feed pressurised molten rock toward the surface before eruptions. As the magma flows through deep conduits and cracks, it generates small seismic tremors and earthquakes, typically around magnitude 1.Sometimes these small earthquakes are spasmodic and episodic, but sometimes they appear to take a more harmonic and almost musical tenor, as was reported recently in a study of the Redoubt volcano, Alaska.
Date: October 27, 2021Author: Nwo Report 0 Comments
Source: Nworeport
Yesterday evening, the north-western flank of the cone collapsed after the volcano had its strongest daytime activity since the beginning of the eruption (Sept. 19th). Large amounts of lava flowed out.
Apparently, the upper vents have been clogged during the collapse, meaning that the material could no longer be ejected.
This resulted in a floor elevation of at least 17 centimeters within 24 hours as shown in the GPS data below:
Ground elevation of 17cm measured at eruption site of La Palma volcano. IGN
This new ground inflation shows that an enormous pressure is building up under the volcano. Consequently Pevolca issued a warning of possible explosions over the next few days.
The latest GPS data are very worrying. If this is not a measurement error, we could see a sharp increase in activity in the next few hours or days.
Residents have also reported an increasing, whistling noise since Sunday. This could be related to a Glissando effect, which normally occurs before or during a volcanic climax.
Like a scream before a blast
The subterranean magma plumbing systems that sit beneath volcanoes feed pressurised molten rock toward the surface before eruptions. As the magma flows through deep conduits and cracks, it generates small seismic tremors and earthquakes, typically around magnitude 1.Sometimes these small earthquakes are spasmodic and episodic, but sometimes they appear to take a more harmonic and almost musical tenor, as was reported recently in a study of the Redoubt volcano, Alaska.
Ksenia Dmitrieva, from Stanford University, and colleagues measured seismicity leading up to an eruption of Redoubt in 2009. Small earthquakes occurred in rapid succession, blurring to a continuous high-frequency tremor, and ceased abruptly to immediate silence for about half a minute before the eruption.
The magma plumbing system appears to act like a giant organ pipe or flute, playing the music of the depths in response to the flowing magma as it judders through the system in a frictional tremor.
Ground elevation of 17cm measured at eruption site of La Palma volcano. IGN
It is rather akin to the ringing of a wine glass made with a wet finger, but with the frequency ever increasing in a rising glissando – a musical glide from one pitch to another.
If these data are really correct, we could be at a terrifying turning point of this La Palma volcano eruption.
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You can also follow us on Facebook and/ or Twitter. And, by the way you can also make a donation through Paypal. Thank you!
You should really subscribe to QFiles. You will get very interesting information about strange events around the world.
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