Cloud Seeding Experiments Enhance Globalist Control Over the Weather
Above the sands belonging to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), fifty rainstorms have
been manufactured by scientists using large ionizers to generate
negatively charged particle fields. These structures promote cloud
formation. Metro Systems International (MSI), the technology purveyors,
claims to have “achieved a number of rainfalls.”
MSI scientists use ionizers to negatively charge electrons that
naturally attract specks of dust in the atmosphere. Using convection,
these particles are carried upward on air currents can become clouds at
the right height. The electrons will attract water molecules from the
air and condense them. With enough water collected, the “cloud” can
create rain.
This privately owned Swiss corporation “s focused on providing a rain
enhancement service to increase the supply of fresh water in arid
regions of the world.” The globalist-controlled Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology (MPM) was involved in the MSI experiments to create rain.
MPM attributes industrialization, rising need for more resources due
to population growth and greenhouse emissions to the current state of
our planet and seeks to
use scientific methods to manipulate our atmosphere to create their
desired effect – to alter the climate so that the variations created
will change weather patterns worldwide. More Occupy Corporatism
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