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1Time To Refresh On False Flags Empty Time To Refresh On False Flags Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:33 am



Time To Refresh On False Flags

Time To Refresh On False Flags False-flag-911


Time To Refresh On False Flags And-the-oscar-goes-to-the-swamp

So while we are still fighting THE FAKE PLANDEMIC AND COVID MANDATES, JABS, BOOSTERS AND HIGH INFLATION, we are also watching doubles in the political arena and some in Hollywood…and Ukraine shouting for NATO to war with Russia for them. But keep your eyes on Klaus Schwab the author of RESET and COVID, who is ruining the world economy along with whispering to his RESET nation puppets to sanction, sanction, sanction, as we the people are watching the truckers get arrested in Canada and our own US truckers are on their way to the trap in D.C.
The plan is to destroy all trade, empty the shelves and have the world blame it on Russia, while at home blame it all on the truckers, as they arrest them, fine them and steal their rigs. The more mayhem the better. May these evil plans be thwarted.

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In the midst of all this we are listening to Patrick Byrnes shout to have a coalition government without President Trump and pushing Democrat Mike Flynn to lead the nation because he has 33 years intelligence and psyop experience in deception for the likes of the Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes. He knows all about Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, heck all of it…he’s worked through all the drone wars and spy programs even for Israeli NSO/Pegasus. Now he’s just itching to get back in the hard game and Byrne wants him in the White House so he can prop his clown feet up on the desk! I’m sure it’s something like that? There has to be something in it big for him. Now that is a scenario that is worse than what we have now. Far worse. It will not happen, there are too many people with eyes to see – especially since their new government doesn’t include President Trump!
Remember 911 was an inside job. He knew he was being filmed… he knew it was his false flag. He knew this was the turning point to build their new world order and he hoped he would get away with it for his daddy. He never did. They only continued to lie and force their narrative down the world’s throat.



The chaos has started to unravel and now we have various threads to analyze. False flags are a staple in the globalists bag of tricks.  They have been for a century. So now we, the awakes, look and see all the signs. But what we don’t see are the details to the real events.

Time To Refresh On False Flags Putin-ukrain-AP-2

Stop his war means we are starting a war with Russia and we want the world to fight it while we get duped by Oligarchs with false support. What they don’t know is they are the useless eaters and the Oligarchs are laughing at how dumb they are to believe their lies. If they had real blood in the streets they wouldn’t have to use old photos.
So let’s review the basic steps in a false flag. We have several in play right now. One of those is COVID plandemic. Can you see the others?

Stages of Deception:

The event is planned.

The event is carried out in real time.

People die. True body counts are unknown in real time. True wounded are unknown in real time.

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Media shows us what just came in. They are not lying – their new script just came in, along with their first film edits. It is shocking and people begin to watch. The “just came in” news continues to come in as the script is fine- tuned with the rewrite department. It is warped, inconsistent, it doesn’t match what was said earlier….things get worse and then unbelievable. Raw footage is only shown of “eye witnesses” who barely know their lines and act as though they are at a rehearsal with no acting experience. They need to take an acting course on how to play a REAL LIVE PERSON experiencing a trauma zone event.

Time To Refresh On False Flags Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoligarchy-thinking

People tell of their humble, yet heroic feats that sound inconsistent with how the human body works, healing times and death table frames. We are told to cut them some slack for they are in shock.
Wide awakes watch and see the false flag crisis actors in full bloom. They start pointing out all the inconsistencies, matching crisis actor photos, comparing them and then it isn’t long and we see WHAT THEY ARE TELLING US AND SHOWING US IS NOT WHAT IS OR HAS TAKEN PLACE. (Or so we think?)
Now, here is where it is crucial to look behind the veil even further. What is really going on?

Time To Refresh On False Flags Person-of-the-yea-omsing-b0n-pyramid-of-communist-system-27920719

Today we are just seeing this in action at home, around the world, and the focus is on Ukraine. This is what they want more of and their appetites will never be quenched.
Ukraine is the head of the snake and those who have usurped it to make it so, are going to be cut off!
Listen to Riccardo Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. He is currently the national leader of Australia One.

MORE HERE: https://diannemarshallreport.com/time-to-refresh-on-false-flags/

Thanks to: https://diannemarshallreport.com

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