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Here's Why They Call It "TV Programming"

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1Here's Why They Call It "TV Programming" Empty Here's Why They Call It "TV Programming" Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:53 am



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Do you remember a few years ago when NBC ran the story about the measles outbreak and how the "anti-vaxxers" were endangering our children? They showed a horrific photo of a baby covered with measles.  

But the photo was fake! It was "photoshopped" to make it appear that the poor baby was sick with measles … only he really wasn’t.

NBC getting busted for the "fake measles photo" is just one of literally
HUNDREDS of examples of the mainstream media being dishonest.

* Have you ever wondered why they call it TV "programming"?

* Have you ever heard a "breaking news" story that just didn’t make sense?

* Have you ever felt like the media was spreading more propaganda than truth?

* Do you feel like Big Pharma’s pocketbook is more important to them than our health?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then you need to watch a brand-new, eye-opening, 8-episode docu-series -> Propaganda EXPOSED! The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma.’

As long as I’ve known them, Ty and Charlene Bollinger (my friends over at The Truth About Cancer:registered:), have been on a personal mission to share the truth about cancer and vaccines and expose the lies of the medical industry and mainstream media.


In total, over 50 doctors, scientists, health experts, and freedom fighters are featured in this "one of a kind" docu-series which will change lives, influence friends and family, and quite possibly "wake up" enough people to create a "tipping point" for truth and liberty.

It’s time to expose the propaganda and lies! It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship when it comes to freedom of choice in medical treatments, as well as saying "no" to forced vaccines. If we don’t stand up for health freedom and liberty now, then we may lose it forever.

I look forward to seeing you at the global premiere of Propaganda EXPOSED!

Peace & Keep Exploring,

P.S. Be sure to reserve your spot to watch the entire 8-episode docu-series, which premieres free to the world beginning May 4th.

Thanks to: https://go.propaganda-exposed.com/?a_bid=f9f117e3&a_aid=5e9310adc42f4

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