Rethinking the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones…
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 18, 2022
This turned out to be “one of those weeks” for articles to blog about, but it also turned out to be “one of those weeks” for conversations about already-blogged-about things, in this case, about my speculations last week regarding the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones that I spoke about on last week’s News and Views from the Nefarium. I thought the two conversations, one with R.O., and the other with K.M., were worth summarizing, because they both noticed possibilities as to who might be behind it, and why, and those possibilities are – again – worth mentioning. Both, as we shall see, came to similar conclusions but for slightly different reasons, and K.M. articulated a suspicion I had personally entertained but did not voice, so I thought that “if someone else is thinking this, then let’s go with it and put it out there.”
R.O. contacted me and argued the following:
Indeed it would send “quite a message,” whether or not the stone that was initially blown up was the one in Russian or not. And taking it out by the use of a missile, or even a drone, or even a “sleeper cell” of spetznaz would send that message, though in terms of message-sending, a drone or a missile would seem to send the clearest message. And there is an important factor to consider: such a message from that particular sender would be entirely consistent with similar messages that were sent to the plutocrats and technocrats of the globalist “west” by Mr.Putin and other Russian leaders over the past decade (and promptly and stupidly ignored by them).Catching up on your recent podcasts and a though popped into my head. What if the Georgia Guide Stone that has been blown up, was the one inscribed in Russian. What if instead of a bomb, it had been taken out by a Javelin missile from The Ukraine. To me, this would be a Putin chess move, Knight takes Bishop. More like wishful thinking than high octane speculation, but you have to admit, it would send quite a message.
The conversation with K.M. picked up where the one with R.O. left off. Here K.M. pointed out that the message would not only be consistent with other messages to Mr. Globaloney from Russia, but the message would also be quite consistent with that Roscosmos display of the satellite images of Western “decision centers” that was displayed just a few days before the destruction of the guidestones. At the time, you might recall, I argued that this was a clear message, and one that moreover was cleverly disguised. Satellite pictures of central Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, or Swampington DC are easily come by, so it was no big deal for Roscosmos to publish those. Everyone already knows that Russia has the capability to “take out” any of those cities if it wants to do so. So what was the message really being sent?
As I argued then, the message was really “We know precisely where you (the leadership class and individuals making it up) live, and we can reach you by a variety of methods any time.” In other words, it was a not-so-subtle reminder that Soros, Schwab, Gates &. Ass., L.L.C., a.k.a., Mr. Globaloney, are “on the list” as targets. As the Russian leadership has also attempted to make clear over the past few years, their quarrel is not with the average Frenchman, Dutchman, German, Briton, or American, it’s with their ruling class. Having argued this, I then reminded my listeners (and now my readers) that covert operations, like coups d’etat, proxy wars, assassinations, drone strikes, color revolutions (think the Ukraine here) and so on are games that two can play. Mr. Bidenenko upped the ante in his usual foot-in-mouth way by muttering that someone needed to take out Mr. Putin. Game on, and we should not be surprised if Mr. Putin decide to respond in kind.
And here’s where K.M.’s “guidestones scenario” comes in: what if, indeed, the Russians were somehow behind it, by whatever mechanism they chose to use, be it drones, missiles, or a human team? It would certainly be consistent with earlier messages, and more importantly, consistent with the recent Roscosmos release of satellite images. It would be consistent with the fact that, thus far, the site itself has not been treated as a crime scene, and the remaining Guidestones were quickly destroyed and the site “cleaned”. Why? Some have argued that their destruction was caused by Mr. Globaloney himself, destroying the ” mens rea evidence” of his intentions. But it would make equal sense, K.M. argued, if an international incident were covered up, given the tremendous pressure on the western “leadership”.
So that’s where we are: a crime has been committed, covered-up, and no one really knows for certain who did it, and why.
But K.M. made a final point by asking me how I felt after I heard about the news. Well, frankly, I felt both happy and as if some sort of weight had been lifted. The “Guidestones” were a summation of the doctrine and thinking of Mr. Globaloney in all his Malthusian, genocidal “glory”. The destruction of such a symbol can only be – contrary to those arguing that it was a deeply convoluted act of magic by Mr. Gloaloney himself – a kind of “reverse” magic: the removal of a baphometic symbol whose stated intentions were clear, and whose stated intentions were destructed, removed, and utterly scrubbed from the Earth.
That’s a powerful message indeed.
And.. it was someone’s covert operation…
See you on the flip side…
Thanks to: