Rigged Jury Reaches Verdict – Orders Alex Jones to Pay $965 Million Dollars to Sandy Hook Victims In a phony show trial
Date: October 12, 2022Author: Nwo Report
Posted BY: Jim Hoft
In America, there was once a thing called free speech.
Today a jury reached a verdict in the Alex Jones case and ordered the conservative author and TV host to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sandy Hook families for something he said in 2014.
Jones was ordered to pay $965 million to the families. Good Lord!
Jones allegedly owes $229 million to just the first three plaintiffs, all family members of Sandy Hook victims.
This is a travesty. Jone is not a killer. He was wrong on a report.
So, will the fake news channels ever be forced to pay for their COVID reporting that killed tens of thousands?
Reuters reported:
MORE HERE: https://nworeport.me/2022/10/12/jury-reaches-verdict-orders-alex-jones-to-pay-965-million-dollars-to-sandy-hook-victims/
Thanks to: https://nworeport.me
Date: October 12, 2022Author: Nwo Report
Posted BY: Jim Hoft
In America, there was once a thing called free speech.
Today a jury reached a verdict in the Alex Jones case and ordered the conservative author and TV host to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sandy Hook families for something he said in 2014.
Jones was ordered to pay $965 million to the families. Good Lord!
Jones allegedly owes $229 million to just the first three plaintiffs, all family members of Sandy Hook victims.
This is a travesty. Jone is not a killer. He was wrong on a report.
So, will the fake news channels ever be forced to pay for their COVID reporting that killed tens of thousands?
Reuters reported:
Alex Jones must pay $965 million in damages to numerous families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting for falsely claiming they were actors who faked the tragedy, a Connecticut jury said on Wednesday, marking the second multimillion-dollar verdict against the conspiracy theorist in just over two months.
The verdict came after three weeks of testimony in a state court in Waterbury, Connecticut, not far from where a gunman killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. Jones claimed for years that the massacre was staged as part of a government plot to take away Americans’ guns.
In August, another jury found that Jones and his company must pay $49.3 million to Sandy Hook parents in a similar case in Austin, Texas, where the headquarters of Jones’ Infowars conspiracy theory website is located.
Lawyers for families of eight Sandy Hook victims during closing arguments in Connecticut last week said Jones cashed in for years on lies about the shooting, which drove traffic to his Infowars website and boosted sales of its various products.
MORE HERE: https://nworeport.me/2022/10/12/jury-reaches-verdict-orders-alex-jones-to-pay-965-million-dollars-to-sandy-hook-victims/
Thanks to: https://nworeport.me