Yeah, Right.
Clif High says that, contrary to what happened during the economic crash of 2008, the Fed will not protect the banks during this imminent crash, it will move protect the dollar instead.
No bank will be “Too big to fail” this time.
So a lot of banks will fail and he is taking all of his money out of institutions that he thinks are exposed. He believes that many small regional banks will be sound enough to survive this crisis, as well as certain small, non-regional, independent credit unions.
He is preparing himself for 15 years of supply chain disruptions by buying certain equipment now (like a pressure cooker for home canning) but he tells viewers to do their own research and not blame him when they get screwed because they misinterpreted what he said.
As for the “deadly” new FrankenCOVID created at Boston University, he says that it’s true that it killed 80% of those infected in the trials, which were laboratory mice genetically engineered to have vitamin D deficiency built into them.
He says, “That’s all that is. Doesn’t apply to humans, at all. We’re not mice. If you have vitamin D in you, the spike protein can’t get into you, because it will be destroyed in the mucous membrane areas by the vitamin D, as a key element in your immune system…
“The spike protein is deadly. The coronavirus shell has extreme vulnerability to vitamin D. So it cannot be a delivery mechanism and get it into you if your vitamin D is adequate – not even robust, just adequate.
“You’re not gonna be ill from the coronavirus and you won’t get the spike protein in you. That’s why they had to put the spike protein in the shot, because that’s the only way they could kill off all the people they tried to kill off [with the release of the synthetic virus]…
“The injection of it [via the lipid nanoparticle] is what causes the spike protein to get around your immune system and get into you and f* you over.
“That’s causing a whole slew of problems now, that we’re seeing some really bizarre sh*t. One of the things that’s now coming in is rapid onset blindness. And so, we’re getting a lot of people that are relatively young that are suddenly going blind. I think it’s a precursor to a very early death and this is a very sad state of affairs…
“Some of these effects with the spike protein will be able to be dealt with. I’m of the opinion that the type of blindness that’s affecting these people probably could be staved off and/or recovered by getting the spike protein out of the optical system by way of ivermectin, which binds it and helps get it out.
“So, I think there’s some level of hope for some of the symptoms but it was never a good idea to get the spike protein injected into you.”
Clif says that at the beginning of the COVID PSYOP, he took Columbia University’s Virology course, along with a Molecular Biology course, to fill in gaps in his knowledge and to better understand virology. He concluded that the program was filled with poorly-supported assumptions and assumptions supported by data that he assumes is corrupt.
Then, he gets into Corey Goode’s recent admission under oath that all of his stories were “channeled”, i.e., confabulated. Meanwhile, Corey had previously sued Clif High and his producers at Gaia in a civil RICO case alleging that they had all colluded and acted as a criminal enterprise to damage him. He lost then, too.
Clif reminds us that the gp120 spike protein made its first appearance in the late 1980s with Mad Cow disease [later, again with HIV] but the main thing is to stay healthy and to support your immune system with vitamin D, etc and to stop infection before it starts.
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