A Hair Trigger on Endgame
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, December 12, 2022
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The insouciance of Washington and its European puppets toward the dangerous situation they are provoking with Russia is frightening. The Western world is now led by people who have made it clear that they will risk nuclear war in their pursuit of American hegemony. Evil has clearly triumphed in the Western world.
We are now on the brink of a nuclear holocaust. One false warning of nuclear attack, believed to be true, could cause Russia to launch a full-scale nuclear attack against the US and Europe.
False warning signals indicating incoming nuclear weapons have happened before, but were discounted because a sufficient level of mutual trust had been achieved.
Now, with two decades of reckless provocations against Russia, with missile bases being constructed on Russia’s borders in Poland and Romania, with US/NATO fully committed to defeating Russia in Ukraine, and with massive anti-Russian propaganda in place of diplomatic negotiation, trust has been destroyed.
Notice the provocative idiocy of US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who mischaracterizes Putin’s warning about the extremely dangerous situation as “Russian saber-rattling.” With utter fools like Austin making decisions, there is a zero chance of avoiding Armageddon. Lloyd’s position is that it is Putin who must avoid provocative behavior, not Washington.
The expressed willingness of Finland, Sweden, Poland, and Romania to accept US nuclear weapons in their countries, together with the ability of the US to launch against Russia from the Black and Baltic seas, greatly heightens anxiety in Russia. Unlike the Cold War period, in the 21st century Washington has worked overtime to destroy all trust. Consequently, one more false warning is all it takes to exterminate mankind.
We are on the brink of nuclear war, and we do not have a John F Kennedy in the White House to stop it. Instead, we have insane neoconservatives committed to US hegemony at all cost.
Putin said:
Russia’s nuclear doctrine is based on the “launch on warning” concept, which envisions nuclear weapons’ use in the face of an imminent nuclear attack spotted by its early warning systems.“When the early warning system receives a signal about a missile attack, we launch hundreds of missiles that are impossible to stop,” he said, smiling. “Enemy missile warheads would inevitably reach the territory of the Russian Federation. But nothing would be left of the enemy too, because it’s impossible to intercept hundreds of missiles. And this, of course, is a factor of deterrence.”
See this.
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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from Notes from the Twilight Zone
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 2022
THANKS TO: https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2022/12/12/a-hair-trigger-on-endgame/
Are we on the brink of a nuclear holocaust?
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, December 12, 2022
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The insouciance of Washington and its European puppets toward the dangerous situation they are provoking with Russia is frightening. The Western world is now led by people who have made it clear that they will risk nuclear war in their pursuit of American hegemony. Evil has clearly triumphed in the Western world.
We are now on the brink of a nuclear holocaust. One false warning of nuclear attack, believed to be true, could cause Russia to launch a full-scale nuclear attack against the US and Europe.
False warning signals indicating incoming nuclear weapons have happened before, but were discounted because a sufficient level of mutual trust had been achieved.
Now, with two decades of reckless provocations against Russia, with missile bases being constructed on Russia’s borders in Poland and Romania, with US/NATO fully committed to defeating Russia in Ukraine, and with massive anti-Russian propaganda in place of diplomatic negotiation, trust has been destroyed.
Notice the provocative idiocy of US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who mischaracterizes Putin’s warning about the extremely dangerous situation as “Russian saber-rattling.” With utter fools like Austin making decisions, there is a zero chance of avoiding Armageddon. Lloyd’s position is that it is Putin who must avoid provocative behavior, not Washington.
The expressed willingness of Finland, Sweden, Poland, and Romania to accept US nuclear weapons in their countries, together with the ability of the US to launch against Russia from the Black and Baltic seas, greatly heightens anxiety in Russia. Unlike the Cold War period, in the 21st century Washington has worked overtime to destroy all trust. Consequently, one more false warning is all it takes to exterminate mankind.
We are on the brink of nuclear war, and we do not have a John F Kennedy in the White House to stop it. Instead, we have insane neoconservatives committed to US hegemony at all cost.
Putin said:
Russia’s nuclear doctrine is based on the “launch on warning” concept, which envisions nuclear weapons’ use in the face of an imminent nuclear attack spotted by its early warning systems.“When the early warning system receives a signal about a missile attack, we launch hundreds of missiles that are impossible to stop,” he said, smiling. “Enemy missile warheads would inevitably reach the territory of the Russian Federation. But nothing would be left of the enemy too, because it’s impossible to intercept hundreds of missiles. And this, of course, is a factor of deterrence.”
See this.
Note to readers: Please click the share buttons above or below. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.
Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from Notes from the Twilight Zone
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 2022
THANKS TO: https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2022/12/12/a-hair-trigger-on-endgame/