14 Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency – YouTube
January 2, 2023 / AGR News
Here are the warning signs of vitamin D deficiency most people ignore! Over 40% of American adults, and approximately 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D. That’s a lot of people walking around lacking in this vital nutrient. As you may already know, lack of vitamins or a vitamin deficiency can cause serious health consequences if not addressed. Because low vitamin D levels are affecting so many people across the globe, it’s important to learn the signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Since vitamin D has receptors throughout the body, it’s imperative that you get adequate amounts in order to stay healthy. If you suspect that you may need more vitamin D based on this list, it’s best to talk to your doctor and get your blood levels checked. The good news is that a deficiency of vitamin D is easy to fix if your levels are lower than adequate. You can either you get more sunlight, consume more foods high in Vitamin D, or take a supplement.
1. Muscle pain
2. Aching bones, bone rickets, weakness
3. Fatigue
4. Reduced endurance
5. Low/negative moods
6. Problems sleeping, insomnia
7. Sweaty head, rest of body is not
8. Losing hair, bald patches
9. Slow skin healing, slow wound healing
10. Dizziness, caused by calcium imbalance in blood
11. Heart problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, increased stroke risk
12. Increased body weight, obesity
13. Recurring infections, colds, flu, major diseases, lowered immune system strength, chronic diseases
14. Reduced brain, cognitive function, memory
THANKS TO: https://agrdailynews.com/2023/01/02/14-signs-of-vitamin-d-deficiency-youtube/