The COVID vaccines: "unsafe and ineffective" It's time for the CDC to call a spade a spade. The data is overwhelming: these vaccines make you more likely to die: from COVID as well as many other conditions (including "died suddenly").
Steve Kirsch
This is what a fact check would look like if the fact checker was being honest.
In my previous survey, I showed that:
- 19% of vaccinated deaths were due to COVID
- 19% of unvaccinated deaths were due to COVID
Now, at first glance, you might conclude that the vaccine was completely ineffective: a big fat zero.
But that would be wrong.
Do you know why?
It’s because we know from other studies (such as the scatterplots from Josh Stirling that will be released later in Jan) that the overall all-cause mortality is higher for the vaccinated. So that means on an absolute basis, the vaccine makes you more likely to die from COVID, not less likely, for every age group.
In plain English, it means
there is NO DEATH benefit whatsoever for the COVID vaccine in protecting you from dying from COVID; it’s the opposite: it makes you more likely to die from COVID (and lots of other conditions).
There is only downside to taking these vaccines. Period. End of story. Full stop.
Could I be wrong?
Of course I
could be wrong. For example, any single survey is biased since you rarely can survey everyone in the country and get a true answer.
Has anyone shown me compelling evidence I’m wrong? Nope.
Have I tried to seek out such evidence? You bet I have. I had over a dozen $1M bets offered until recently and had no takers. Nobody was confident enough in their beliefs to actually put money behind their beliefs. In Texas, they call this “big hat, no cattle.”
But finally, I did find someone to take me on: Saar Wilf. Saar thinks the vaccines saved more lives than they cost. I think it’s not even a close call. Saar is willing to bet $500K that he’s right. I called his wager and raised it to $1M.
I’m thinking of possibly creating a side pot for people to join in and bet alongside the hypothesis that you believe in.
So let’s see the strength of support for both hypotheses…
POLL How much would you wager that Steve got it right that the vaccines increased all-cause mortality with respect to the unvaxxed?
1K or less
1K to 5K
5K to 10K
10K to 50K
Over 50K
POLL How much would you wager that Saar got it right that the vaccines decreased all-cause mortality with respect to the unvaxxed?
1K or less
1K - 5K
5K - 10K
10K - 50K
> 50K
If I get enough interest on both sides, I may set this up.
But I suspect that most people will only put their money behind the “unsafe and ineffective” hypothesis. So it might be hard to find a counterparty to support Saar’s contention.
But let’s see. I’ll follow what the data says, no matter where it may lead.
Let’s try this poll first. But when we ask people to deposit cash, that’s when we will see the truth come out.
How you can help us win
In the comments, please tell me what evidence that you think is the most compelling to prove our case, e.g., a couple of hyperlinks of the most compelling studies so we don’t miss anything.
The CDC lied, people died.
The vaccine doesn’t provide a death benefit from dying from COVID; it does the opposite!
It doesn’t provide any benefits at all. It depresses your immune system and attacks your body. It kills people. It is arguably the worst “vaccine” ever made. That’s why they had to mandate it in order to get people to take it and why they need liability protection for the manufacturer.