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Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging

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Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging
02/07/2023 / By Ethan Huff

Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging Woman-Old-Young-Aging-Face

The phenomenon of “sudden deaths” being seen all around the world following the release of covid “vaccines” can be traced back to one common cause: the age-accelerating effects of spike proteins.
Spike proteins lodge inside every organ of the body, we now know, and once there they transform a person from young to old or from old to very old. This is why young people everywhere, including in-shape athletes, are dropping dead suddenly of cardiac events.
Walter M. Chesnut of WMC Research calls this phenomenon Spike Protein Endothelial Disease, or SPED, which he describes as Stage One of a disease he calls Spike Protein Progeria Syndrome (SPPS).
SPPS, Chesnut explains, is an endothelial reaction to the invasion of spike proteins into all major organs of the body. (Related: Check out this amazing component found in broccoli that could help the brain repair spike protein damage.)
“Consider this much like the shock of being submerged in freezing water, or being blasted with fire,” he writes. “There is INSTANTANEOUS damage: inflammation, coagulation and all that accompanies an insult to the Endothelium.”
“However, once the Spike Protein has INVADED the Endothelium of all the major organs, it then PROCEEDS TO INDUCE MISTRANSLATION OF mRNA IN EACH ORGAN.”

Covid jab spike proteins function as an AGING drug, accelerating the death process

This is followed by Stage Two of SPPS, or the premature aging of all organs inside the body due to induced mistranslations of the proteins that are essential for proper organ functionality.

Mice models show that critters exposed to this spike protein onslaught accumulated these deadly poisons inside their organs, resulting in rapid aging in various ways, i.e., “reduced weight, chest deformation, hunchback posture, poor fur condition, and urinary syndrome, together with lymphopenia, increased levels of reactive oxygen species–inflicted damage, accelerated age-related changes in DNA methylation, and telomere attrition.”
The average lifespan of a spike protein-infected creature is far lower than that of a clean creature whose body was not invaded by these injection poisons. The former develops chronic health conditions that substantially increase the risk of early mortality.
The aging comorbidities seen in the spike protein-infected mice, including frailty, kyphosis, cataract, and sky dystrophia, can be traced back to improper protein synthesis and mRNA-induced mistranslations by the ribosome.
“The Wizard is indeed behind the curtain,” Chesnut writes. “We are seeing a 26-year-old die. But that 26-year-old has the organs of a 96-year-old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death – for a 96-year-old.”
“I believe the Spike Protein is acting as a Progeria Drug – delivered via the Endothelium to all organs.”
Chesnut says he is “deeply saddened” and “numb” about these discoveries. They confirm what many others have suspected about covid jab spike proteins entering all sorts of bodily tissue and wreaking havoc on its functionality.
“This further confirms all of our ‘conspiracy theories,'” one commenter wrote about the findings. “I’m giving methylene blue a shot. We’ll know it works by whether ‘they’ start restricting its use … kinda’ like they did with hydroxychloroquine and IVM (ivermectin).”
“Other recommendations I have seen (and take) are Nattokinase (mentioned by Dr. McCullough and being tested by the Japanese), NAC, Bromelain and Black Seed Oil (leaves an unpleasant after taste),” suggested another about other potential remedies for spike protein poisoning.
“After I started taking these, I got slightly painful lymph nodes in my throat. I speculate that it was breaking up the spike proteins and they were getting filtered through the lymph nodes. It went away after a week.”
The latest news about covid injections can be found at Genocide.news.
Sources for this article include:

THANKS TO: https://www.newstarget.com/2023-02-07-covid-spike-proteins-delivered-organs-hyperaccelerated-aging.html

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