UNICEF’s History of Using Disasters to Vaccinate Children with the Oral Polio Vaccine that Spreads Polio
Left: Syrian woman being injected with a COVID “vaccine” in her home. Right: A baby in Syria being vaccinated with the Oral Polio Vaccine. Source.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the world’s largest distributor of vaccines to children internationally.
Unlike the U.S. where most parents are brainwashed by the corporate media and the western allopathic medical system into believing that vaccines promote healthy children, many parents in poorer, developing countries are very wary of western vaccines, and resist them.
When disasters strike these countries, as is happening today in Syria and Turkey, UNICEF is there to vaccinate as many children, and parents, as possible.
The #1 vaccine that UNICEF gives to children in disaster areas, is the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is banned in western countries like the U.S., because it is known to “shed” and actually cause polio.
We reported on the mass polio vaccination of Syrian children back in 2013 when the Syrian refugee crisis was exploding:
Are UNICEF Live Polio Vaccines Causing Polio Among Syrians? 1.7 Billion Polio Vaccines Purchased by UNICEF
UNICEF administering the oral polio vaccine and measles vaccine to children in Syria. (Source.)
The fact that the oral polio vaccine spreads polio, is not even a fact that is denied, as it has been published in the medical literature for over 2 decades now.
At the end of 2019, just before the COVID Plandemic was unleashed upon the world, NPR and other corporate U.S. media sources finally began to publish news admitting that the oral polio vaccine was a failure, and actually causing polio. See:
Big Pharma and Corporate Media Finally Admit the Oral Polio Vaccine is a Failure – Causes Polio Instead of Preventing It
But that has not stopped the United Nations, and specifically UNICEF, from continuing to purchase these vaccines and give them to children.Most of the funding to purchase these vaccines through the U.N. comes from Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, started by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Last week I wrote how the United States has continued to turn their back on the people suffering in Syria:
After Years of Bombing Syria, the U.S. Continues to Turn Their Back on Those Suffering After a Massive Killer Earthquake
Due to international pressure, the U.S. has now temporarily eased some of their sanctions against Syria. (Source.)Door-to-door campaigns to boost vaccination rates in Syria. (Source.)
UNICEF, however, has had a strong presence in Syria before the earthquake struck, where they were conducting door-to-door campaigns to get as many people vaccinated as possible.
During the current crisis due to the earthquake, they are continuing to vaccinate children for polio and measles. (Source.)
Polio vaccination rates will undoubtedly increase now in Syria, as UNICEF takes advantage of the Syrian crisis to vaccinate as many children as possible, probably as a requirement to receive other aid such as food and blankets.
Watch for “polio” outbreaks to occur in the refugee camps in the days and weeks ahead, which of course will just release more funding to purchase even more oral polio vaccines, as this vicious cycle is the MO of UNICEF working with children in disaster areas.
If you choose to send money to help with the disaster relief programs in Turkey and Syria, find out first if the organizations you are considering to support participate in distributing vaccines, especially for children.
And remember, Christian organizations are among the worst when it comes to distributing vaccines.
Fully Vaccinated Franklin Graham Has Heart Surgery for Pericarditis as Samaritan’s Purse Helps Inject People with COVID-19 Shots
For an exposé on the history of the polio vaccine scam, see this comprehensive report I published last year:The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children – Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio
Polio compared to the top 10 leading causes of death worldwide, according to WHO.
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THANKS TO: https://vaccineimpact.com/2023/unicefs-history-of-using-disasters-to-vaccinate-children-with-the-oral-polio-vaccine-that-spreads-polio/