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Why aren't any colleges showing us their research that justifies the mandates?

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Why aren't any colleges showing us their research that justifies the mandates?

My research showed 10X as many deaths from the vax as from COVID among college students. Why aren't the colleges who require vaccination releasing their own studies showing I'm wrong?

Why aren't any colleges showing us their research that justifies the mandates? Https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F80ad9cdf-2fd5-4d17-b5a3-60617aa1c9b5_395x377

Steve Kirsch
Mar 18

Why aren't any colleges showing us their research that justifies the mandates? Https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4cc3830c-eade-47ed-91c8-4771fdced113_748x745

19-year-old Simone Scott was excited to get her second dose of the Moderna vaccine on May 1, 2021. On May 16, she suffered heart failure and later died. The doctors still don’t know what caused it. Can we see the histopathology that was done to determine whether it was caused by the vaccine or not? Of course not! NOBODY is allowed to see the data. EVER. See this thread for details.

Executive summary

It seems more than likely that the COVID vaccines have killed far more college students than the COVID virus.
When I surveyed my readers, I received over 10X as many death reports of US college students dying from the vaccine as from the virus.
But my research is ignored by colleges of course since it is counter-narrative.
The big question I have is what did the colleges themselves find when they did the same analysis of public death reports (which they of course would have done before mandating the vaccine)?
More importantly, why are they hiding their analyses from the parents of the students? And why are they only requiring it for students and not for staff and faculty? Where is the science behind that?
Why can’t we have data transparency on these important issues? Is there a public health benefit to concealing this information?


On March 13, I wrote an article where I asked people to report any US college students they knew of who died either from COVID or the vaccine.
As of March 18, I received 145 responses from my survey. Just 5.5% of those reports were of students who died from COVID.
You can view the survey results here. The comments section is particularly enlightening.
Skeptics could argue that I have a biased readership which is more likely to report vaccine deaths than COVID deaths. That is certainly true.
What I find very troubling is that while my list is public, every college in America who requires the COVID vaccine is hiding their list. I don’t understand why they would do this.
AFAIK, there are only two reasons a college would hide their risk/benefit analysis:
  1. They didn’t do it and just trusted the CDC.
  2. They did it and found the same thing I did that the mandates are unethical

Either way, this is a problem.

The Bardosh essay

The Bardosh essay that was published in the BMJ: COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities.
University booster mandates are unethical because they: (1) are not based on an updated (Omicron era) stratified risk-benefit assessment for this age group; (2) may result in a net harm to healthy young adults; (3) are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission; (4) violate the reciprocity principle because serious vaccine-related harms are not reliably compensated due to gaps in vaccine injury schemes; and (5) may result in wider social harms. We consider counterarguments including efforts to increase safety on campus but find these are fraught with limitations and little scientific support.
Colleges ignored this.
So they must have very compelling evidence showing the essay is wrong!
Why are they keeping it secret from everyone? Are they just sharing it secretly amongst themselves?

John Foley’s death

Let’s take, for example, the sudden death of 21-year-old John Foley. He died from acute heart failure just one day after his COVID shot. Bad timing? Seems unlikely as 21-year-old students don’t generally die of acute heart failure all of a sudden.
The Hamilton County Coroner the University of Cincinnati student's death was not caused by a COVID-19 shot he received a day before he died.
Seriously?!?! How did the coroner make this determination?
Did any college call up Lakshmi Sammarco and ask her to explain how she ruled out the COVID vaccine as the cause of death?
What tests were done to prove the vaccine didn’t do it? Where are the histology slides?
For some odd reason, the press never asks these important questions. I can’t figure it out. It’s almost as if they didn’t want to know the truth.
The coroners never reveal how they know it wasn’t the vax. Why? Is it a secret?

Do the COVID vaccines kill people?

Make no mistake: the COVID vaccines kill people. The Schwab paper which conclusively ties the vaccines to death and leaves no doubt whatsoever of causality. It shows it can be done.
In addition, nobody can explain over 17,000 excess deaths reported into VAERS if the vaccines are perfectly safe. It isn’t over reporting because there is no evidence of a higher propensity to report. It isn’t gaming or fraud. That leaves only one other possible explanation: the vaccines are deadly and are killing on average about 1 person per 1,000 doses (see the Rancourt paper and the Skidmore paper). That’s over 600K Americans who have been killed by the COVID vaccine since it was rolled out.
Where are the autopsies on these people that prove that the vaccines were not to blame?

How to obtain an autopsy to prove a vaccine injury

See this excellent article How to obtain an autopsy to prove a vaccine injury. See also the Schwab study which is also excellent.
Did Lakshmi Sammarco do any of these tests before she ruled that the vaccine didn’t cause the death? Did she even request histology/microscopy on the tissue samples? If she didn’t even do that, how can she have ruled it out? If she did do it, then will she release the slides? If not, why not?
I’ll be calling their office myself on Monday to find out the answer to these questions which apparently nobody wants to ask her except me.


The evidence in plain sight shows that the COVID vaccines have killed far more students than have died from COVID (or were “saved” by COVID).
When healthy college students are dying at an unusual rate after getting an experimental vaccine that we know for a fact kills people, we should assume it is the vaccine UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. That is consistent with the precautionary principle of medicine.
The onus is on the colleges to show that none of these deaths were caused by the vaccine. Simply show us the histology that was done during the autopsy similar to that shown in the Schwab paper. That’s it. That’s all we ask. That the evidence exonerating the COVID vaccine is made available. After all, if the goal is to reduce vaccine hesitancy, why keep the evidence secret?
If I got it wrong, I will happily admit it. Just show us the data.
If the colleges won’t do it, then why aren’t any “fact checkers” proving I’m wrong? All they have to do is showing us that all these kids in my survey just died suddenly after 2021 from natural causes, that all of them had no evidence under microscopy of T-lymphocytic infiltration in the autopsy, and that the rates of these “mysterious” college student deaths isn’t elevated above normal after the vaccine rolled out? Easy peasy.
Fortunately for us, there is one organization located in Ontario, Canada, the CPSO, which is absolutely committed to getting the truth out and stopping the spread of misinformation. If the colleges and fact checkers won’t prove me wrong, then this would be a PERFECT way to show that the 96 vaccinated kids who died in Canada over the past 3 months alone did not die from the vaccine. They could simply publish the histology slides on all 96 kids who died post-vaccine in Canada. If none of them have any signs of T-lymphocytic infiltration, we’ll all pack our bags and go home. It’s the perfect project for the CPSO!
Prove me wrong! Please! What are you waiting for?

THANKS TO: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/why-arent-any-colleges-showing-us?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=109241918&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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