Freeing a trapped and desperate wild animal is a dangerous situation to insert yourself into…Even with the best of intentions. Proceed with the highest level of caution. Although embarrassed, in the end I think this wolf managed to express his gratitude in his own way. 0:45 The oath to serve and protect extends beyond human beings as demonstrated by this officer’s quick reaction to a potentially disastrous situation. 1:11 This little Brazilian hummingbird needs to watch where he’s flying. He managed to smash into a window and knock himself out cold. Luckily he bashed into the window of a kindly good samaritan that found him, and cared for him until he had recovered enough to fly off. Albeit with quite the headache I imagine. 2:25 This yellow-crested cockatoo managed to swallow his pride, and as a last resort, find some humans in hopes of getting a drink of water. It just so happens that he found the right humans who recognized the situation and lept into action to wet his beak…So to speak. 2:46 Most people are kind and will come to the aid of an animal in danger as evidenced by the traffic on this country road coming to a stop to help out a critter unaware of the fact that being in the middle of a road is not the place you want to sunbathe on a hot day. 3:09 In the desert, where water is in short supply, this coyote has no issues in making friends with anybody with a water bottle and looking to share. 3:41 This dog has found himself in one of the worst places a dog can be…Trapped on an active railway between the platforms with no way to get out. The question is, are there any heroes nearby willing to heed the call? 4:02 Have you ever heard the story of the three bears? You know, the one where they get stuck in a dumpster and have to be rescued by the fire department. 4:50 When a hen has an egg stuck in her oviduct, the condition is called Egg Bound. If the egg isn’t passed in 24-48 hours, the chicken will die. But with the proper veterinary assistance, this hen will live to lay plenty more eggs. And when you finally see that egg, you’ll know why it didn’t want to come out. 5:41 Stuck on a ledge on the 31st floor is no place for anyone to be, much less a scared kitty. This precarious dilemma calls for careful action with plenty of safety for good measure to ensure a happy ending. 6:07 Vultures lack a syrinx which makes them relatively silent. That makes calling out for help a problem. That’s why, the fact that this guy happened to come across this vulture in distress way out in the middle of the desert is so extraordinary. That’s one lucky vulture. 7:04 How this poor cat found itself in the water clinging to the bow of a ship is anyone’s guess. But the hero who jumped into the water selflessly to save it is plain as day. 8:03 Where the deer and the antelope roam is criss-crossed by wire fences these days. So finding a young buck like this caught in one is bound to happen. Although this rancher will go the extra mile to make sure this little fella makes it. Let’s take a look. 9:51 Puppies are cute, no doubt, but defenseless against the modern world on their own. They need protection and guidance from their Momma. But when Momma can’t be found, the rest of us have to step up to make sure they learn not to play in the road. 10:05 Here’s a story of hope from tragedy. These baby foxes were found abandoned after their Mother unfortunately died. They all would have met a grizzly fate were it not for some passers-by who happened to hear their cries for help and rushed them to a wildlife rehab center. The good news is that the foxes received the care they needed and are due to be returned to the wild real soon. 10:31 This lucky little oddball being rescued from the water is an echidna. Echidnas are found mainly in Australia, but can also be found in parts of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. What’s most notable about the echidna is that they are one of the two egg-laying mammals left on Earth. The other being the duck billed platypus. 11:11 Everyone needs a bit of help now and then, and goats are no different. When life left this little fella with less than the normal 4 legs, some crafty humans whipped up a harness with wheels so the goat could still lead a full life around the farm. 11:25 Most people probably wouldn’t even notice a hurt duck in need of veterinary care, but some people are tuned to be aware of that sort of thing. Who knows what it is…A sixth sense maybe? And not only are they able to locate these unfortunate critters, there’s something inside them that compels them to do what needs to be done to help their animal brethren. 13:16 A bit of ice and freezing cold water will not deter this man from being the hero this dog needs in its time of distress. 13:40 One way to make a Momma duck your new best friend is to go the extra mile, rescue one of her ducklings from certain death, and return it safely to Momma. Job well done.