How will mankind be taught that there is something spiritual? (1 of 2)
On July 10, 2023 By Ridzerd
Humanity has completely lost the ability to grasp the spirit in its true form; lost the ability to really focus on the higher worlds, totally forgotten the understanding of them, so that such a world no longer actually exists for them. How will one teach this humanity, which has only a sense of the material, that something spiritual exists? Why is it so necessary to instill in humanity an awareness of the spiritual world?
Here we touch on one of the most important mysteries, dormant in our time. I have often pointed out here why an anthroposophical movement actually exists, what it is needed for. Whoever can perceive in the spiritual world knows that everything that outwardly materially exists has its spiritual origin, stems from the spiritual. Thus, what people outwardly have as health and disease also comes from their inclination, from their thoughts. It is a perfectly true proverb: What you think today, you will be tomorrow.
It should be clear to you that if an era has bad, corrupt thoughts, the next generation and the next era will pay for it physically. […] Not with impunity did the people of the 19th century begin to think so grossly materially, to turn their minds away from all that is spiritual. What people thought then, that will fulfill itself. And we are not so far off from the time when peculiar diseases and epidemics will arise in humanity.
To be continued
Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – GA 264 – Zur Geschichte und aus den Inhalten der ersten Abteilung der Esoterischen Schule 1904 – 1914 – Berlin, 29 January 1906 (page 378)
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On July 10, 2023 By Ridzerd
Humanity has completely lost the ability to grasp the spirit in its true form; lost the ability to really focus on the higher worlds, totally forgotten the understanding of them, so that such a world no longer actually exists for them. How will one teach this humanity, which has only a sense of the material, that something spiritual exists? Why is it so necessary to instill in humanity an awareness of the spiritual world?
Here we touch on one of the most important mysteries, dormant in our time. I have often pointed out here why an anthroposophical movement actually exists, what it is needed for. Whoever can perceive in the spiritual world knows that everything that outwardly materially exists has its spiritual origin, stems from the spiritual. Thus, what people outwardly have as health and disease also comes from their inclination, from their thoughts. It is a perfectly true proverb: What you think today, you will be tomorrow.
It should be clear to you that if an era has bad, corrupt thoughts, the next generation and the next era will pay for it physically. […] Not with impunity did the people of the 19th century begin to think so grossly materially, to turn their minds away from all that is spiritual. What people thought then, that will fulfill itself. And we are not so far off from the time when peculiar diseases and epidemics will arise in humanity.
To be continued
Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – GA 264 – Zur Geschichte und aus den Inhalten der ersten Abteilung der Esoterischen Schule 1904 – 1914 – Berlin, 29 January 1906 (page 378)
Translated with DeepL and Google and me