Understanding the opponent and his reasons
On August 3, 2023 By Ridzerd
Nothing is more dangerous for a worldview than fanaticism. This asserts itself just with the various worldviews; everybody knows this. If anthroposophy or spiritual science should give an impulse just in this direction, it has to be unfanatical, that means to understand its opponents and their objections completely. How easily does one regard an opponent as an illogical, maybe even as a bad person? Spiritual science should get itself into understanding the opponent and his reasons. It has every reason to do this. Indeed, it can satisfy some longings of life, but one must say on the other side, the way is rather far to the depths to recognise the validity of its assertions and teachings. The difficulties that face someone who wants to find the way conscientiously to anthroposophy from the everyday life are just the biggest ones.
Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 69a – TRUTHS AND ERRORS OF SPIRITUAL RESEARCH – II. How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science? – Prague, 19 March 1911
On August 3, 2023 By Ridzerd
Nothing is more dangerous for a worldview than fanaticism. This asserts itself just with the various worldviews; everybody knows this. If anthroposophy or spiritual science should give an impulse just in this direction, it has to be unfanatical, that means to understand its opponents and their objections completely. How easily does one regard an opponent as an illogical, maybe even as a bad person? Spiritual science should get itself into understanding the opponent and his reasons. It has every reason to do this. Indeed, it can satisfy some longings of life, but one must say on the other side, the way is rather far to the depths to recognise the validity of its assertions and teachings. The difficulties that face someone who wants to find the way conscientiously to anthroposophy from the everyday life are just the biggest ones.
Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 69a – TRUTHS AND ERRORS OF SPIRITUAL RESEARCH – II. How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science? – Prague, 19 March 1911
Angel – Art of Nesta Carsten-Krüger
THANKS TO: https://rudolfsteinerquotes.wordpress.com/2023/08/03/understanding-the-opponent-and-his-reasons/