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BREAKING NEWS - Eric Dollard - The TRUTH about the Sun - 29\01\2013

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BREAKING NEWS - Eric Dollard - The TRUTH about the Sun - 29\01\2013.

VIDEO LINK: http://financearmageddon.blogspot.com/2013/02/breaking-news-eric-dollard-truth-about.html

Is the Sun Dying ? Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun , Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak.The US Navy said he was the smartest person they ever had! He worked for RCA & Bell Labs and both said he was a genius!
Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak. http://indiegogo.com/ericdollard/ Rebuild WardenClyffe - I have put this video out in it's most basic form - My heart tells me so - I will issue apologies if am wrong . - I think the energy that powers suns may come from Black holes - Fits perfectly - A large sun reaches the end of it's life - Stops producing energy and becomes invisible - a black hole - Now the sun has reversed its role and sucks in and recycles spent solar systems - converts it into energy which is then " sent " to younger suns to give life to younger solar systems - Birth and rebirth - The perfect cycle. ... He he Heh! - Here is a another copy of this video on you tube - Well worth a look for the COMMENTS on it, I highly recommend the other Eric Dollard vids on this channel as well... Great stuff! What the bankers did to Tesla is a crime against humanity...



This vid was posted a few days ago by Bill Ballard. I watched it twice. The first time I couldn't get it out of my head that it was the total truth. The next day I watched it again and I still can't get it out of my head. It makes so much sense but it rocks your world. But then what hasn't of late? If you haven't watched this, you should.



I just listened to it... I am not sure what he is saying... But it does not bode well. I wonder if that is why Nibiru is showing up.



I guess we better get ready and buy ALOT of heavyduty winter 'Space clothes', so we can be ready for the sun to finally burn out, and maybe we'll keep our body 'trinkets' from freezing and falling off- ok wink



Skyz, he is hard to understand. He says several things: that the sun is not a ball of fire like we think it is, but instead it is the outflow energy of a black hole that sucks energy in one end and sends that energy out the other end into our solar system in a sort of cosmic planet birthing. The sun is hollow, it's not a burning ball of matter, it's more like a portal, so that when you see those giant black spots on the sun, you're looking into emptiness. The sun is not hot, which explains all those giant sphere things around the sun that we were seeing in videos in 2012. The reason he says this will become obvious to you immediately: if you go high up into the atmosphere above earth, the air is cold. Scientists used to explain that as "radiant heat." in other words, light hits matter (a planet) and the result is heat but that doesn't account for the full spectrum of light energy hitting earth. We were also told all the other planets were uninhabitable due to being "too hot" or "too cold" based on their distance from the sun, now we find that's not true, which explains all the structures on Mars.

Now, go back and listen to him again if you have the urge, given what I've said. That's why I went back and listened again because, ONCE AGAIN, what we have been told all our lives is dead wrong and it's hard to wrap your head around all this new data.

BREAKING NEWS - Eric Dollard - The TRUTH about the Sun - 29\01\2013 3019145770



Thanks for the explanation Raven. I will definitely listen again.
With all of the untruths that are now being shown as false this will be no surprise....
I think Dec 21, 2012 is really Feb.13 2013. LOL
Illusions so many illusions.



No kidding Skyz. I read a Buddhist teaching the other day that said "Enlightenment is simply uncovering the truth." I never really knew what that meant before, but I sure do now!

What is it about Feb 13?



I don't know... just keep getting it is important. Of course I never really know why until after it happens. But 213 keeps showing so I am just guessing. I've been seeing it for months.



Hmmmm.. Bill Ballard said the same thing. He said he's been seeing Feb. 2013 (can't remember the day) for 3.5 years. Fine by me, whatever happens, happens. You read it on OOM!

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