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Memo from Adnan Sakli, Legal Owner of Record of the Bank of International Settlements

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Memo from Adnan Sakli, Legal Owner of Record of the Bank of International Settlements

Posted on February 18, 2013 by Light Worker 29501

Memo from Adnan Sakli, Legal Owner of Record of the Bank of International Settlements 223565_219343581537462_851711198_nMemo from Adnan Sakli, legal owner of record of the Bank of International Settlements, dated February 14th, 2013

Commentary by Brian on the OPPT and a Discussion between Lisa M. Harrison and Adnan Sakli

Memo from Adnan Sakli, Legal Owner of Record of the Bank of International Settlements Brian-kelly
Brian here, from the American Kabuki Ground Crew.

In light of the recent popularity of TOPPT all over the internet
(Google currently produces 17,500 hits searching “The One People’s
Public Trust) I’d like to take some time to address a few things, in
hopes of bringing some clarity to the many who have been asking
questions as to the validity of The One People’s Public Trust.

First of all, it’s only natural to be skeptical of the claims that
have been made over the last few days. I would be lying if I said that I
understood all of it. Truth is, most of the legal framework is way over
my head and every time I go to Heather to ask a question, each response
only brings up many more questions, only to replace the one I
originally posed. I too was skeptical when I first learned of everything
they claimed to have done, especially as it pertained to the money
aspect of this whole saga.

I found myself asking questions like, “under what authority do they have
to implement the foreclosure of the FED, the BIS, the IMF, or any of
these organizations who have successfully lied to and manipulated
virtually every single person on the planet for so long?” How is such a
feat even possible? IS it possible? And how could it be accomplished by a
small group of people that very few have ever even heard of until
recently? Maybe it was these questions that made me a good candidate to
have the “conversation with Heather,” which we’ve put out for all to

Fact of the matter is that all of these questions, and many others,
have been burning in my mind since day one of being introduced to all
this. What I’ve been falling back on is my FAITH that anything and
everything IS possible; FAITH that stems from a background of BE’ing
absolutely shocked and amazed by MIRACLES and SYNCHRONICITIES that I’ve
witnessed in my life, which have utterly convinced me that TRUTH is much
much stranger than fiction. This FAITH combined with the fact that I’ve
found myself in a position where I totally and completely TRUST what
Heather has shared with AK, KP, D and myself, has created an environment
where I’m completely open to the possibilities of what can and WILL
come of all this.

This TRUST is a hard thing to explain because it’s a feeling that
comes from inside myself that is beyond any words I could possibly use
to try to describe it. It’s not every day that a person comes into your
life so willing to share anything and everything about themselves, their
background and situations they have experienced, in a SPIRIT of totally
raw and unadulterated TRANSPARENCY. Sure, I’ve had many people say that
TRANSPARENCY is important to them, but to have someone BE this
TRANSPARENCY day in and day out, in every moment and through every word,
deed and action continuously, without exception, is a rare case.

After DO’ing enough of my own personal research and vetting out
processes, I have come to the point where I have seen enough and heard
enough to know that I am dealing with a person who is more CONNECTED to
SOURCE and her relationship with CREATOR than anyone I have ever met in
my 31 years of living. I share this not because I want to convince
anyone to feel the same way I DO. TRUST is a CHOICE that all people need
to make independently. I cannot force someone to TRUST another, nor
would I want to even if I could, for that would be a direct violation of
another’s FREE WILL. My objective IS to share these thoughts with
anyone willing to listen, in hopes to simply supply some perspective for
the many I know who are actively searching for it. My advice is to go
WITHIN. At a deeper level we ALL have the answers and the ability to
find our own TRUTH. This is the place inside each of us where MIRACLES
occur, we just have to BE open enough to SEE them when they DO.

So, here’s the kicker, THIS IS NOT ABOUT HEATHER, nor is it about The
US. All Heather and her group have done is successfully created the
foundation, within the legal structures, to flip the entire system onto
its head, which gave “the people” back what has always been rightfully
OURS. This begs the question, “how could it be that easy?”

Before I share my thoughts on this, I’d like to first point to an IM dialogue that took place between Heather and Lisa Harrison,
which I’ve copied and pasted below. Lisa is a LIGHTWORKER journalist
from Australia who sent the following conversation between herself and a
man by the name of Adnan Sakli…
[Note: Adnan Sakli is a character something like Keenan. -AK]This
dialogue will hopefully allow me to connect some dots for everyone
below. Here it IS:(The only alterations I have made to this exchange is
I’ve corrected a few misspelled words to make the conversation easier to
follow. It seems Mr. Sakli is not the best with spelling and grammar
☺).* Note: This whole conversation has much substance, but I’ve bolded
the parts I’d like you to pay extra close attention to.[1/6/2013 2:29:48
PM] Lisa M Harrison: I also imagine the name Adnan Sakli must be familiar to you?[1/6/2013 2:49:37 PM] Lisa M Harrison: Adnan is supposed to be the major shareholder and signatory for the corporate world
[1/6/2013 3:42:56 PM] Lisa M Harrison: including the BIS

[1/6/2013 3:44:49 PM] *** Lisa M Harrison sent Adnan.jpg ***

[1/6/2013 3:50:41 PM] Jarrafusa: please stand by…

[1/6/2013 3:51:20 PM] Lisa M Harrison: ok, standing by

[1/6/2013 3:55:01 PM] *** Lisa M Harrison sent Adnan Titles Accounts.pdf ***

[1/7/2013 12:55:10 PM] Lisa M Harrison: This is a conversation I had with Adnan Sakli this morning who as I said OWNS the BIS-

[8/01/13 7:40:49 AM] Lisa M Harrison: In regards to The One
People’s Public Trust, according to them they have used UCC filings to
forseclose on the Corporate Fiction world, including BIS, Corp
Governments, Banks etc

[8/01/13 7:41:00 AM] Lisa M Harrison: http://www.peoplestrust1776.org/

[8/01/13 7:43:36 AM] ADNAN: With no legal right of authority

[8/01/13 7:44:39 AM] ADNAN: Not worth anything unless done
under the sanctity of all the nations and approval and only I have the
right to transfer and rights under structured sate of oversight and law.

[8/01/13 7:44:57 AM] ADNAN: everything else is false and BS

[8/01/13 7:46:10 AM] Lisa M Harrison: if it is all BS, then the UCC is has no validity at all

[8/01/13 7:46:46 AM] ADNAN: Not over sovereignty rights

[8/01/13 7:47:54 AM] ADNAN: That can only be done under
unilateral rights of each and every country being protected and secured
not by a bunch of idiots that act as the savior of the positions

[8/01/13 7:49:38 AM] ADNAN: If its not done properly then its a waste of time

[8/01/13 7:49:57 AM] Lisa M Harrison: how does your authority
in the corporate world have any jurisdiction over the living breathing
man as all corporate authority is derived from the people and all
corporate entities are trustees to the living beneficiaries?

[8/01/13 7:50:21 AM] Lisa M Harrison: I don’t understand the disconnect here?

[8/01/13 7:51:52 AM] ADNAN: I own BIS and the Titles. First it
has to been done under legal status with all of the countries not just a
group that appoints itself, then they are the same shit as before.

[1/7/2013 12:59:20 PM] Lisa M Harrison: [8/01/13 7:57:08 AM]
Lisa M Harrison: for the sake of humanity and our freedom, are you not
in a perfect position to support what the One People’s trust are trying
to achieve?

[8/01/13 7:58:16 AM] ADNAN: Yes but they are trying to
organize from North America for the Indian lands to traffic the drugs
for the Bush people from Mexico to Canada with no obstruction.

[8/01/13 7:58:56 AM] ADNAN: As well as bypass the EPA of the oil operations and completely destroy the land .

[8/01/13 7:59:14 AM] ADNAN: So the group you are talking about have no real motives .

[8/01/13 8:02:20 AM] Lisa M Harrison: well I hope for humanity and the planets sake you are mistaken

[8/01/13 8:04:45 AM] ADNAN: NO I AM NOT AND i AM IN THE


[8/01/13 8:45:51 AM] ADNAN: Ok , Sorry I was with the
authorities to lock up all of these crooks to clear the way to do what
is actually legal and correct with the international agreement of all of
the countries acting in a unified format that protects the interest of
all of the people whether they are awake or not.

We are cleaning up all the crooks and there are about a million
people that have to be prosecuted and charged around the world and in
the bank and government structures. That is being done now and those
people you are talking about are crooks .

[8/01/13 8:47:01 AM] ADNAN: I also need to comply the list for
Australia as well since that is a major drug route for the pacific rim
there and the government officials that are part of this criminal
activities .

[8/01/13 8:48:55 AM] Lisa M Harrison: adnan, people who are
free and prosperous are not interested in numbing themselves with drugs,
there will not be a customer base for these crooks once we are free

[8/01/13 8:51:13 AM] Lisa M Harrison: when you say getting all
the nations to agree and co-operate are you referring to the corporate
states, as these are exactly what needs to be dissolved

[8/01/13 8:53:37 AM] ADNAN: under a international agreement where each country has control of their sovereignty and not with a bunch of fat crooks

[1/8/2013 1:35:08 PM] Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: AND I RESPONDED QUICKLY WITH THIS:

[1/8/2013 1:35:27 PM] Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: [1:26:03 PM]
Jarrafusa: Awesome!!! Tell him to post to the people his REGISTERED
AND SWORN DECLARATION OF FACTS, with specificity and particularity…we
look forward to receiving a copy too, for review and, if appropriate,
as how he purportedly OWNS the NOW lawfully and legally FORECLOSED
“BIS”, I am sure the people would love and appreciate seeing a purported
former PRINCIPAL stand in transparency, responsibility, accountability,
and liability…that is if he can get a word in edge-wise over the people
yelling, “where is our MONEY!!!!” (chuckle)

[1:33:07 PM] Jarrafusa: Lovingly standing by for his duly

[1:33:26 PM] Jarrafusa: Thank you, Lisa for BE’ing and DO’ing!!!
Brian’s commentary continues….
I read this for the first time today. The reason why I share this
with you is because there are some comments in there that helped me to
put this whole thing together in my mind, in order for it all to make
sense. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot that’s over my head, but
the one thing I was getting hung up on, became crystal clear. And it all
stems from the question, “how does the TOPPT have the authority to take
down organizations like the BIS, and guys like Adnan Sakli?” Here are
the few statements that made this whole thing clear for me and maybe it
will for you too:

Adnan said, “Not worth anything unless done under the sanctity of all
the nations and approval and only I have the right to transfer and
rights under structured sate of oversight and law.” Followed by, “That
can only be done under unilateral rights of each and every country being
protected and secured…”

It is when Lisa gave this brilliantly written response that the
fireworks went off in my head, “how does your authority in the corporate
world have any jurisdiction over the living breathing man as all
corporate authority is derived from the people and all corporate
entities are trustees to the living beneficiaries? I don’t understand
the disconnect here”

The fact that this man was so shaken he began to type in all caps to
defend his position, says so much in itself. But, here’s the main point:
why would any motion to take down the systems that have enslaved us
all, need to have the backing and support from the very systems that
have enslaved us? One blog in particular, which I will not call out by
name, wrote in a recent post 5 specific points, in an attempt to debunk
TOPPT, and personally attack those putting out the information. I have
NO INTENTION of defending or rebutting any of those statements made. My
response comes in the form of one question, is it not possible that
things are not as they appear and there is much more to the story than
what we are being fed from our government and through the media? I will
leave it at that.

All Heather and TOPPT have done is used the highly complex legal
system against those who created it to protect themselves. They hid the
secret of bringing the whole house of cards down inside the cracks where
they were convinced no one would ever look. Quite possibly, they never
knew that the formula existed. But it does, and now it’s time for the
whole house of cards to come crashing down. All the documentation has
been properly and LEGALLY EXECUTED and FILED. The disconnect from the
community who doubts this possiblity, lies in the lack of understanding
that these protocols DO NOT need the backing of the old systems (aka the
BAR, the Hague, the World Court, the United States Government
Corporation, etc.) to confirm or deny their validity. They DO NOT nor
have EVER held such authority. We “THE PEOPLE” have always been in
control. We have just been led to believe otherwise. Well guess what?
The gig is up. The work has been DONE, and soon the lies will no longer
be able to hide the TRUTH of what IS. We “THE PEOPLE,” NOW have the
power to take back that which has always been rightfully OURS.

At this point, the only thing that separates US from true FREEDOM is
the AWARENESS that we are already FREE. In a short amount of time (in
the twinkling of an eye, as Sheldan Nidle likes to say) some very key
ANNOUNCEMENTS and DISCLOSURES are going to be made. When this happens,
this whole story that many have chalked up as conspiracy theory, a fairy
tale, too far-fetched to be possible, will become our REALITY and our
new way of LIFE. It is at this moment EVERYONE will have an opportunity
to stand up and CREATE a NEW ERA of PEACE and PROSPERITY for ALL to
IN-JOY. There are MANY ways up a mountain, but they ALL lead to the same
point. How WE ultimately get there, whether it be through the efforts
of TOPPT, or otherwise, IS not important. What IS important IS that WE
“THE PEOPLE”, make it to the top, one way or the other. From my vantage
point, in matters not how we get there, so long as the MISSION IS

In closing, I will say this, if even after reading this (which are
simply my own thoughts) you’re still not convinced, that’s OK. Like I
said before, I’m not trying to convince anyone. In time the TRUTH will
be known to ALL, and at this grand moment the most important thing for
everyone to DO is put aside our differences of opinion, any ill will or
resentment we’re holding onto, and join hands in CELEBRATION to help
CO-CREATE our next chapter of human evolution. For it IS ultimately the

From the depths of my Heart and the Oneness of my Soul, I honor each
and every ONE of YOU and wish YOU ALL an ABUNDANCE of PEACE, PROSPERITY,
JOY, LOVE & LIGHT. THANK YOU for taking the time to read this. I


Thanks to: http://lightworker29501.com

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