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1Allow The Old To Depart… Empty Allow The Old To Depart… Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:44 am



Allow The Old To Depart…

Posted on February 19, 2013 by Visionkeeper

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Do not hold on desperately to what was, let it sail away clearing
space for all the amazing and wonderful possibilities that are here for
the taking if we allow it. We are in the new world now if we just make
the effort to realize it. The new world is really nothing more than a
shift in our perceptions and the understanding we can do, be and have
anything we desire for it is we ourselves that are activating the
creation of all that is. We are free because we choose to see ourselves
as free or we can be suppressed victims if we choose to see our world
that way. We seem to continue to wait to see changes when really they
have been there all along. The changes appear when we create them. All
that is, is in our minds and how we choose to view life is what our
world becomes.

You would be hard pressed not to feel the shift in energy right now
on the planet. Suddenly everybody is realizing there is a whole world
out there for the taking. We are seeing new options exploding in front
of us as we all realize now we don’t have to exist the way we have been,
we can begin LIVING the way we choose to live. New ideas are popping up
all over the place and people are beginning to reinvent who they are.
Think deep about who you want to be and go for it. For every old world
obstacle that has stood in our way, we now are finding ways of
circumventing the obstacles and getting to where we want to be despite

The more we let go of thinking things have to be they way they have
been and start thinking things can be done or seen however we choose,
life takes on a whole new meaning. When we allow ourselves to think
outside the box like this, it exercises our brain and it enlarges with
new possibilities. We start to become new people as we begin to embrace
this new way of being and that is all it is, a new way of being! You
don’t need money to be able to do this, you don’t have to live on a
certain side of the tracks, anybody can engage in this way of being and
when you do, life changes dramatically. Just the realization that you
are no longer stuck, no longer a captive, that you actually are free,
your wings begin to sprout.

It’s the minds creations, coupled with intention and nurtured by love
that is changing the world. It really is all about us and it is all
possible, it is only a thought change away. Forget what the dark ones
are doing or threatening, they matter not in the scheme of things.
Remember, it is all about finding ways to circumvent the matrix, therein
lies our true freedom and our power. There are always ways to get
around that boulder in the road, it just takes courage, ingenuity and
discipline. We have all of those qualities, there is no excuse why we
can’t make the change that we dream about. We are the magicians, we are
in control of the magic wand, we just have to fully realize this. There
is no waiting, it is all here and now.

Blessings to us all,


Thanks to: http://oneworldrising.wordpress.com

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