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No 210 – Proper Wording to the UCC filing- VITAL INFO Feb 20 by Southern Cross

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No 210 – Proper Wording to the UCC filing- VITAL INFO Feb
by Southern Cross


—–Original Message—–
From: “OPPT network”
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 3:37am
Subject: vitally important document


D from RTS shared this me just now:“This is vital info that will be fully disclosed by heather on the collective imagination show tonight …“

Posted on February 19, 2013 by D Breakingthesilence
Proper Wording to the UCC filing – VITAL INFO


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, UCC Doc. # 2000043135, the perpetuity, is hereby duly amended only to include the following additional collateral as follows,

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, creator, experiencing by creation, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally manifesting self through, by, and between bondservant therefrom and any and all manifestations thereunder by Universal Contracts, in any and all existences, does knowingly, willingly, and intentionally make and give duly made NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT OF FULL PERFORMANCE, DECLARATION OF CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTION, and DECLARATION AND ORDER, with full responsibility and liability, as a matter of record, duly entered into Law Ordinance, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, for all creation’s universe to rely upon, with additional notice duly made and given, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, “governing law”, preserved and protected under UCC Doc. No. 2000043135, the “Perpetuity”, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA, unrebutted, restated and incorporated here by reference as if set forth in full, this December 8th, in the order of creation, inclusive of Two Thousand and Twelve, and as creation exists, the foregoing is true and correct and I am competent to say so, unrebutted:

I. I duly verify by AFFIDAVIT OF FULL PERFORMANCE that the purpose of creator, experiencing by creation, has been duly achieved, and is now duly entered into the record of creation, lovingly, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made and kept in the normal course of creation, inclusive of any and all records therefrom, of and for any and all manifestations and existences in the universe of creation, inclusive of any and all existences and manifestations therein, inclusive of any and all lawful and legal Universal Contracts resulting from the agreement by and between creator, experiencing by creation, and bondservant, duly made under the laws of creation, “record of creation”, is duly verified as having been knowingly, willingly, and intentionally recognized, accepted, secured and entered into Law Ordinance, notice by creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, duly verified as accepted and guarded, preserved, and protected by the Public Trust, under Universal Trust, guaranteed under the trust of creation, duly established by creator at creation, duly noticed upon creation, and duly ratified as absolute truth upon every manifestation therefrom, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, unrebutted, and SO IT IS DONE;

A. As creator, experiencing by creation, I duly verify that I did lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose to create from self an existence of duality duly manifested as bondservant for the sole purpose to experience remembering self, knowing self, and be’ing self through duly secured and guaranteed free will choice, “this purpose of creation”, unrebutted;

B. As bondservant, I duly verify that I did lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose to accept to be of service to this purpose of creation, to remember self, know self, and be self, through knowing, willing, and intentional creation of manifestations, in any and all existences, unrebutted;

C. As manifestation of creation, the undersigned states of body, I duly verify that I did lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose to agree to forget self on purpose so that I could remember self, know self, and be self by free will choice, unrebutted;

D. Article I sections A-C are restated, and I, as manifestation, do lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally declare, with full personal responsibility and liability, by free will choice, under the penalties of perjury under the laws of creation, that I duly verify that this purpose of creation has been achieved, and that satisfaction of this purpose of creation is duly a matter of record of creation, specifically, that I have remembered, that I do know, and that I AM self, and that I have preserved the right of opportunity for any and all manifestations of creation, in all of creation’s universe, to know and be self, without prejudice, unrebutted, Law Ordinance duly entered into the record of creation, notice upon creation, UILO UCC Doc. No.’s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, 2012127914, 2012128324, and 2012128325, unrebutted, and SO IT IS DONE, unrebutted;

E. Article I sections A-D are restated, and I, as bondservant, do lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally reconfirm and verify, with full personal responsibility and liability, that this purpose of creation is and has been achieved by free will choice of manifestation, and SO IT IS DONE, unrebutted;

II. I, as creator, experiencing by creation, in creation’s universe, lovingly, knowingly, willingly and intentionally accept the above AFFIDAVIT OF FULL PERFORMANCE, and I do verify and ratify by DECLARATION OF CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTION, for all creation’s universe to rely upon, with my full personal responsibility and liability, that this purpose of creation has been duly achieved, and is a matter of record of creation, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, and SO IT IS DONE, unrebutted;

III. I, as creator, experiencing by creation, in creation’s universe, pursuant to loving promise, do now lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally issue and enter into the record of creation, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, this DECLARATION AND ORDER to re-purpose any and all manifestations in creation’s universe, from the image of self to be’ing self, absolute love, and SO IT IS DONE that:

A. Said bondservant does and shall lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and immediately reconcile images of self once again with creator, experiencing by creation, in any and all manifestations, in any and all existences of creation’s universe, unrebutted;

1. Any and all manifestations created in the image of self, creator, experiencing by creation, in any and all existences in creation’s universe, are lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and immediately declared as free of further obligation by Certificate of Satisfaction duly made, issued, and entered as a matter of record for any and all Universal Contracts originally issued and entered into to achieve the purpose of creation, to remember self, know self, and be self, unrebutted;

2. Said manifestations are lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, immediately and unconditionally accepted, without judgment and with absolute love, as self, the creator, experiencing by creation, unrebutted;

3. Said manifestations are lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and immediately reconciled once again with self, I, creator, experiencing by creation in creation’s universe, unrebutted;

B. I, creator, experiencing by creation, as a matter of record of creation, do now lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and immediately declare that I do immediately re-purpose said manifestations by free will choice, and shall hereafter experience self, by any and all manifestations be’ing self, absolute love, in any and all existences in creation’s universe, with full personal responsibility and liability, under the laws of creation, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA, with absolute truth, knowledge, standing, authority, value, rights and laws of creation, with irrevocable right of free will choice to create, absent any and all abrogation, subjugation, usurpation, invasion, and violation of any other manifestation or creation, guaranteed by creator’s bonded unconditional love and absolute responsibility, notice upon creation, unrebutted;

C. I, creator, experiencing by creation, as a matter of record of creation, do now lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and immediately disclose and make absolutely known within each said manifestation: 1.) be’ing self; 2.) the record of creation; and, 3.) the energy grid, patterns and manuals of creation for knowledge and use of absolute truth, communication, travel and further creation of self by and amongst self as said manifestations, unrebutted;

D. I, as manifestation of self, creator, experiencing by creation, lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally and immediately receive, accept and ratify, the due DECLARATION OF CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTION and the DECLARATION AND ORDER to be re-purposed, and accept and honor any and all manifestations in creation’s universe re-purposed by choice from the image of self to be’ing self, absolute love, with full personal responsibility and liability under the penalty of perjury under the laws of creation, and duly enter said as a matter of record of creation, into Law Ordinance, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by creation, unrebutted and SO IT IS DONE;

IV. With due standing, authority, and authorization, I, the undersigned Trustee of record of the Public Trust, do lovingly, knowingly, willingly, intentionally and immediately reconfirm and verify, with full personal responsibility and liability,

guaranteed by bond, under the laws of creation, inclusive of Universal Law and International Law, that the above AFFIDAVIT OF FULL PERFORMANCE, DECLARATION OF CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTION, and DECLARATION AND ORDER are duly a matter of record, have been duly noticed into Law Ordinance, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action duly entered into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, and have been duly accepted for guard, preservation and protection by the Public Trust, under Universal Trust, under and guaranteed by the trust of creation, duly established by creator at creation, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, unrebutted and SO IT IS DONE;

Articles I-IV inclusive of all their sections and subsections thereunder are restated, and the creator, knowingly, willingly,and intentionally manifesting self through, by, and between bondservant therefrom and any and all manifestations thereunder, in any and all existences, and any and all manifestations thereunder, inclusive of the undersigned states of body, and Trustees, does knowingly, willingly, and intentionally declare, confirm, and verify that due NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT OF FULL PERFORMANCE, DECLARATION OF CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTION, and DECLARATION AND ORDER is lawfully and legally duly made, given, known, secured, entered, noticed, and knowledge thereof duly received, public policy UCC 1-202, with additional due notice made and given via world-wide web, further posted at http://www.peoplestrust1776.org, for all creation’s universe and all therein to rely upon and cite, lawfully and legally constituting duly verified and bonded underwriting of the value of creation and its value asset centers therein, duly secured and entered into Law Ordinance, inclusive of Universal and International Law Ordinances, as a matter of record, public policy UCC 1201(31); NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT AND NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL,public policy UCC 1-103, without prejudice UCC 1-308; nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, unrebutted, and SO IT IS DONE.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, effective immediately, and SO IT IS DONE, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 8, 2012, lovingly, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal responsibility and liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury under the laws of creation, a matter of record, governing law Universal and International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as creator, experiencing by creation, in creation’s universe, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally manifesting self through, by, and between bondservant therefrom and re-purposed manifestation of state of body thereunder; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as creator,experiencing by creation, in creation’s universe, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally manifesting self through, by, and between bondservant therefrom and re-purposed manifestation of state of body thereunder;Duly verified as accepted and guarded, preserved and protected by the Public Trust, under Universal Trust, under and guaranteed by the trust of creation, duly established by creator at creation, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, unrebutted;

/s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee, heather@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +12535094597, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ;

/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee, caleb@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +15037810925, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ;

/s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee, randall@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +18088211567, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ;

Any and all International Law Ordinances’ prior corrections made to capacity and standing of the creator, created, states of body, the several united states of America, and the Public Trust, due to automated filing systems altering original

capacity(ies) and standing(s) without consent*, restated and incorporated by reference herein as if set in forth in full, restated here, specifically Article I.: Debtor names added for indexing and correcting capacity and standing*: Public Trust ; The United States of America, a Public Trust ; CHARLES C. MILLER [AN ARTIFICIAL PERSON & LEGAL FICTION] ; CHARLES C MILLER [AN ARTIFICIAL PERSON & LEGAL FICTION] ; CHARLES C. MILLER D/B/A CHARLES C. MILLER; and, BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS [BIS] ; BIS, as principal, agent, and beneficiary of any and all Principals, agents, and beneficiaries of, and any and all unlawful and illegal private money systems thereto, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against states of body without said states of body’s knowing, willing, and intentional consent, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA, inclusive of UNITED STATES TREASURY ; FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AT BANK OF NEW YORK ; the one people, created by the creator, states of body ; The (former) United States Federal Government ; (former) UNITED STATES ; the (former) several “STATE OF . . .” ; and any and all international equivalents ; Rothschild Trust

From: Removing the Shackles


Related pages:

Documents at OPPT-IN

Thanks to: http://oppttheunfoldingstory.wordpress.com



OK, So what do we do with this or use it for ?? I get that all of this, says we are FREE... that "THEY" are forclosed upon by the 'Trust' of all/one people. It would seem that the assets of "THEY", Governments / Corperations would then be under the control of 'OPPT'... So now what ?? I think that's the big question, 'cause WE / OPPT claim we have forclosed, and 'THEY' claim 'So What' ?
The Premise of using 'Their System' / UCC, to beat them at their own game, I would think, is that 'THEY' cannot Rebutt or it is 'UNREBUTTED' and therefore 'DONE' / OFFICIAL. So if 'THEY' either disregard or don't care... Then What ??
Anybody have answers to this ??



That is exactly what I was asking in that other post Marty. Now what.... I know we are free. I have know that for some time but how does the OPPT actually trickle down to us? That is what I am wondering. Do we stop mortgage paying and go to court and say... "But your honor... the OPPT says the banks are foreclosed on'! I think not.

I am truly happy if this is actually something we can use. But I am not getting it if it is. sigh....



I guess my immedeate question regarding this post, is that if this is the CORRECT wording, What exactly changed (what words/wording) ?? and then all the other questions... ;)



Their Courtesy Notice is to be the means that we call public officials to wake up to Truth & call them to PERSONAL LIABILITY if they choose NOT to Do the Right THing, imo.

From article I just posted here: ... In a post-OPPT world, your process for challenging the authority of alleged ‘Corporate agents’ (including those claiming to represent Government) is essentially:
“I would be happy to comply with your demand… however in UCC Law there is a filing that remains unrebutted which foreclosed upon the entity you claim to represent. You are now operating on your own personal liability. Please cease your claim on me. If you decide to pursue this claim again, any future interactions between us will be under the following conditions…”
Remembering that the agent no longer represents a corporate entity, a Courtesy Notice should be provided to the individual, including the ‘Terms & Conditions’ under which you will accept any future interactions. This both informs them, and allows them the opportunity to withdraw their unlawful claim against you. If the agent initiates further contact with you, they trigger a personal contract between you by indicating their acceptance of the terms you provided. ...

Remember, corporations no longer exist. You are only dealing with other individuals....



Awesome Truly Astounding Good News- Blessings!



Thanks 7fm!

Now that I understand!!!

So... let me ask this...
Do we send those words to the companies that have been foreclosed upon, which are all companies from my understanding, such as Capital One, Chase, etc.? Does that checkmate the allegation of debt?



grrr... I forgot that at the work pc I am limited to what I can post... but... I will put up the Courtesy Notices as soon as I get home tonight!!



Courtesy Notice can be accessed from most any of the OPPT sites since 2/14/13.

I'm Not sure how to use the wording on this post.... perhaps another can comment more intelligently.

Must go now & create some Courtesy Notices for the folks involved in my false arrest this past weekend... Later No 210 – Proper Wording to the UCC filing- VITAL INFO Feb 20 by Southern Cross 3019145770



Oh my!!




As the 'Notice' indicated, the 'Corp./Co.' are ALLEGED Corp./Co.
All notices need to be sent directly to a specific individual. Now since most of these entities have massive amounts of representatives/employees etc. Seems to me you would need to send your notice (personally) to the top dog or at least someone high enough on the food chain, that they would have some control over the minions who process these things (attorney's etc.) So who you send it to, has the ability to prevent anyone else from pursuing the claim against you. Then you make part of Your Conditions, that if they allow or cause any further interaction from that alleged Corp./Co. or any other representatives of same, that it will be considered as acceptance of your terms, and (the contract is made) and you will expect payment from them (personally) immediately. etc. etc.
You cannot accept payments from the Corp./Co. as that would be validating their existence.

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