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Alien Child in a Human World

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1Alien Child in a Human World Empty Alien Child in a Human World Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:45 pm



Alien Child in a Human World

Alien Child in a Human World Reflection

Some people have memories of being born. This process (being
born) is how most people think they got here, it’s standard protocol on
planet Earth… but it’s not the only way to get here, and being born is
not the only way of getting into a body. Also, when humans talk about
ET’s (extraterrestrial Beings) the standard thought is that all ET’s
come from other planets somewhere out there in the physical universe…
well, that is only partially correct. There are indeed many other
worlds in the physical universe that are populated, but there are also
other levels of life, you might call them “Realms” or dimensions or some
such word, the point is, there are [also] NON-physical places that
exist and are just as real as Earth and Beings do come from those places
to live on Earth for a short time.

Usually such Beings [from other Realms, and other planets] come
to Earth and live among the people for the purpose of educating the
people… and to lift the human race to higher levels of consciousness,
awareness, and ability. The ancient past, and in truth in every age of
the present human civilization has hosted at least a few such Beings
(without naming even one of them). By comparison to the average human
life these Beings are (and could be) considered a god or at least god

There are also times [like this present moment] when Beings from
other planets and Realms gather in great numbers to assist a race (in
this case the human race) through a transition or into a higher realm
or dimension . Without this gathering of help the transition I speak
of would either be extremely difficult in its process or it might not
take place at all and this type of help, has been given to all races of
Being who are in transition. Humanity is presently engaged in such a

I have no memory of being born but I do have memory of being
“placed” here. In ancient times it was known that human children were
often replaced with non-human children… If you go back into the old folk
lure the older countries like Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Norway
(basically Europe but not specifically and only Europe) to name only a
few countries, you can find stories of mothers going to sleep with one
child and waking up with another. Truthfully the old stories tell
about very mixed emotions when such a thing happened… Today however
this same exchange event can be accomplished rather easily, in any
orphanage in the world with almost no one the wiser. This is
especially true in 2nd and 3rd world countries. It was also true
during the two world wars that took place in the first half of the the
20th century. This is the method of “Changeling’s” and this method has
been used throughout the ages of mankind on this planet.

Humanity has been guided in many, many ways from the first
moments of its sojourn here on this planet. Truth is humanity would be
long forgotten if not for the ET outsiders (intervention) who have cared
for this race. It is in the interest of humanity’s own destiny, in
its overall progression in consciousness, social understanding,
morality, education, civilization, invention and technology that we have
interfered (if you wish to call it that).

I am not as smart as the Beings that put me here because I am a
hybrid creature and this was needful so that I could live as a human
Being, in this human world, undetected and undetectable by all but the
Beings who placed me here. My education and the method of my
education is very much different than yours. You were educated by
human teachers in human schools with the technology and knowledge
humanity possessed at the time… I was not. Although I am highly
educated by human standards, I did not attend any of your schools for
any length of time, nor did I learn any of the lessons you learned, nor
did I play in the playgrounds or attend the lunchrooms of your
schools. Honestly, while you folks were in school learning what ever
it is you know I too was learning but not in human ways, not exactly
human lessons and I certainly was not taught by human teachers. What I
learned I can apply not only to Earth but to the universe(s) that
surrounds the Earth and to the dimensions that accompanies the Earth.

I look human but that is where our similarity ends. Even as a
very young boy I knew I was “Different”… I could see and understand
things and I knew things other children and my parents did not know and
could not see. I confess I did attend human schools for a very short
time but I always asked too many questions and I never believed the
answers the teachers gave. Often I would ask the teachers questions
they could not answer, the exasperating part for me was, I was asking
simple questions I thought anyone would know.

I was adopted [at a very early age] and I do remember my
[biological] parents. The people who adopted me were nice enough and
certainly cared for me and did all in their power and understanding to
make me comfortable. However I had a very difficult time living on
Earth as a child, until I was well into my teens. The gravity of this
planet (Earth) was too strong for my inner organs and I came close to
dying many times during the first 16 years of my life here.

Even though I am an alien my people (my parent race) did not
interfere with my life all that much except to teach me and when such
interference was unavoidable or necessary. My training (and education)
was done aboard ships usually but not always at night; often but not
always while my body slept. I was also taught through direct
“Downloads” of information; information loaded directly into my brain
centres through the use of certain frequencies used as “Carrier Waves”
for the incoming information. Many ET Beings living on the Earth can
and do receive information in this manner. I was allowed to grow and
interface with humanity to some extent, which was mostly determined by
my personal health and other factors. Because I did not attend human
schools for any length of time and had very little human interaction, my
people (my teachers) would educate me in many of the ways of humanity,
so that it appeared I did fit into the society… but I know there were
disparaties in their teachings (like missing information) which to me
have always been funny. What I mean by “disparaties” is that there
are human things I simply do not know how to do, (I won’t elaborate) and
my people could not help me in this because they too do not know how to
do certain human things. Bottom Line is, they could not teach me, and
I still do not know certain things. The fortunate part is that these
disparaties are not really very important things within themselves and I
have the psychic ability to “substitute” in certain ways that makes my
lack not really noticeable unless you know exactly what you are looking
for. Females notice more often the males that some things are “odd”
and some have bothered to ask me about what it is they detect. Most of
the time they just accept my odd ways as being just the way I am

Yes I do have a few [select] friends, and yes they do know I am
an ET. They appear to have no trouble with that particular thought
or concept. I have bothered to ask them if they have any mental or
emotional difficulty with the knowledge they hold about me… the answer
is always No. In my lifetime I had thought I would be rather alone
because of what I am but as I have travelled around the Earth I have
discovered what I suspected was here… many other ET’s who recall or
remember themselves to various degrees. I am not alone!

What was always most important about growing up Alien in a Human
World was learning what this meant, and what to do with the knowledge
that has been given to me. The knowledge I hold concerns itself with
many areas of human social and civilization values. This includes the
incoming children… the star seeds, the Indigo’s, and other names of the
next wave of Beings embodying on Earth… and the present moment when
life on Earth is changing rapidly… when the old ways and means and
knowledge is passing away forever, and the New energy is upon us.

Mankind is about to undergoing an entire shift in
consciousness… a shift equal too or greater then the shift in
consciousness that destroyed the age of dinosaurs and ushered in the
next phase of life. Humanity at present has a very low and distorted
opinion and understanding of itself, but that is about to change.

The old forms that controlled humanity will soon be gone from
Earth. Capitalism, Religions, governments and armies of the old world
will soon be extinct and newer, higher concepts and thought and new
forms and ways will begin to fill the human mind. Some of you may
ask, where will all this new information and knowledge come from, and
the answer is, where did the old knowledge and information come from?
Where has all knowledge come from? Knowledge exists within
consciousness and consciousness is the engine that drives the universe.

All of existence proceeds from a point in Divine Being,… all
knowledge, all understanding, all inspiration… every invention and
technology and much, much more… everything that is, and everything that
will be proceeds from Consciousness.

So what was it like growing up Alien in a Human World? It was
exciting, different and unexpected. I am preparing several articles
for you to read and hopefully enjoy about my life and the events,
lessons I have learned and other Beings and creatures I have
encountered along the way on the Earth, off the Earth and within the
Earth, and the oceans of the Earth.

As a side note:

Some subjects, like this one usually engender a great deal of
questions and comments. IF you have questions to ask me, or wish to
make contact with me about this subject or any of the subjects I write
about in this Website please use the “Contact Me” form that is available
for you.


Thanks to: http://valerielenton.wordpress.com

2Alien Child in a Human World Empty Re: Alien Child in a Human World Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:49 pm

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Thanks Purpleskyz!

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